Seems like Mr Stewart has followed in Mr Cummings footsteps by explaining his actions. Seems not to be 100% accepted by the local MSP however.....

And seems to be further exacerbated by his daughter coming up to Orkney to stay with him, under the premise that she is a student nurse, "up here to gain experience on the frontline"

Now, I don't know what Caithness hospitals have been like over the last few months, but here in Orkney, The Balfour is apparently like a ghost town (no pun intended). There are no, occasionally rarely, any COVID patients, there are no routing procedure patients, A&E is extremely quiet and even the GP surgeries are very quiet. So its not clear what kind of frontline his daughter was experiencing. I do hear from some staff members that they have never drunk so much tea in all their lives to pass the time.

At a time of minimising travel, it might have been more appropriate for Miss Stewart to have gained her experience at Raigmore, where there might have been more going on, and there would be no need to commute across the Pentland Firth, like Daddy.

And still the Scottish Government think that this is all in order.