Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
I am happy that Boris is out of intensive care and on his way to recovery. I wouldn’t wish this illness on anyone. I hope that his experience will help him and his colleagues reflect on his tory government’s treatment of the NHS and the fact that in 2017 they rejected a pay raise for nurses and other emergency service staff.
I also hope that this crisis will give this tory government an opportunity to re-asses Priti Patel’s value and description of ‘low-skilled’ workers. It is these workers that are at the front line in this fight to keep us all safe while the hedge fund managers cower in their mansions. Yet I fear since arrogance and hypocrisy are embedded in conservative DNA, I doubt there will be any significant change, anytime soon.
Priti Patel is one of the most cold hearted cabinet ministers I can recall in my lifetime. I doubt she’ll ever change.