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Thread: Boris Johnson

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  1. #1


    Surprise, surprise....I agree with most if what you say.
    But there is a ’New World‘, and like it or not we have to conform. Strategies must change.
    I grew up in Caithness, worked in ‘Week’, and then to London, England.
    Then to Canada and was based near Toronto travelling across Canada and America for a good part of 30+ years.
    What we have are similar Government set ups, but they are all different! Yes I am being contradictory. Thats the way it is, and we cannot change it!
    In Canada I worked for the Regional Municipal Gov’t., but was Seconded to both the Provincial and Federal Gov'ts, and the only thing constant was change. As time went by I moved to what one could call a Senior Mgm’t Position, and with it came what you are describing.
    To be honest, nothing got done without Multiple meetings, to have more meetings and eventually something that could be completed and enacted on in a Month, ended up taking 2 years.
    Politicians who were elected went there with enthusiasm, and turned into what you are describing.
    NOW.....CCTV.. why?
    The Law Enforcement theory is....if you let broken windows, and malicious damage occur without penalty, you will see an increase in other more serious crimes. What goes on in the North of Scotland would not be tolerated in most Countries, well the ones I have been to.
    In Canada we do not have CCTV, and we are doing very well. In some of the Major American Inner Cities they have a few cameras, but nothing to the extent to that if the UK.
    I think in Canada we have the best of both Worlds. We still have the British Justice system with a neighbour to the South who has a Beeg Gun!
    My thought is that we have to adapt to a New World, where the ‘norm’ as we knew it has changed.
    And of course Covid 19 will be another Game Changer.
    I do find that the UK has a very liberal Social Assistance program. Much more than any other Country I know of. I do find it difficult to figure out how you can afford it!
    Anyway, I didn't write this out as eloquently as you. Just bullet points!.........s

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Surprise, surprise....I agree with most if what you say.
    But there is a ’New World‘, and like it or not we have to conform. Strategies must change.
    I grew up in Caithness, worked in ‘Week’, and then to London, England.
    Then to Canada and was based near Toronto travelling across Canada and America for a good part of 30+ years.
    What we have are similar Government set ups, but they are all different! Yes I am being contradictory. Thats the way it is, and we cannot change it!
    In Canada I worked for the Regional Municipal Gov’t., but was Seconded to both the Provincial and Federal Gov'ts, and the only thing constant was change. As time went by I moved to what one could call a Senior Mgm’t Position, and with it came what you are describing.
    To be honest, nothing got done without Multiple meetings, to have more meetings and eventually something that could be completed and enacted on in a Month, ended up taking 2 years.
    Politicians who were elected went there with enthusiasm, and turned into what you are describing.
    NOW.....CCTV.. why?
    The Law Enforcement theory is....if you let broken windows, and malicious damage occur without penalty, you will see an increase in other more serious crimes. What goes on in the North of Scotland would not be tolerated in most Countries, well the ones I have been to.
    In Canada we do not have CCTV, and we are doing very well. In some of the Major American Inner Cities they have a few cameras, but nothing to the extent to that if the UK.
    I think in Canada we have the best of both Worlds. We still have the British Justice system with a neighbour to the South who has a Beeg Gun!
    My thought is that we have to adapt to a New World, where the ‘norm’ as we knew it has changed.
    And of course Covid 19 will be another Game Changer.
    I do find that the UK has a very liberal Social Assistance program. Much more than any other Country I know of. I do find it difficult to figure out how you can afford it!
    Anyway, I didn't write this out as eloquently as you. Just bullet points!.........s

    In the UK the only way to change anything would be either independence for each of the countries or a federal system with a very strictly written constitution which didn't allow England to ride roughshod over the smaller counties as happens now. Devolution is little but a hostage to fortune, in the gift of Westminster and under the control of a Westminster which makes up its own rules on the hoof.
    I'm not so convinced there is a "new world". This one seems to me not a lot different to the 18th and 19th century world, when the UK (mostly) and a few other european countries killed native brown people, took charge of their land and plundered their resources, bar nowadays, we have nominated (not elected) committees, the UN, the EU, Nato etc, run at the top by the West to suit the politics of the West, with the USA in the old UK driving seat, doing the killing, turning a blind eye to the killing or justifying the killing. I see little difference between the modern neoliberal capitalism the west is striving to install everywhere and the capitalism which encouraged the UK to colonise half the world....the methods used today are little different to those used a couple of hundred years ago.

    We have gone kinda overboard with CCTV, but as the police can't be everywhere at once, and as there is generally a time lag between a crime being reported and the arrival of a police presence, it can be a useful tool in identifying perpetrators. Perhaps in this day and age of everybody and their dog taking photos or videos on their phones of crimes as they happen, and uploading them to the internet, it is no longer as necessary as it once was, but I see no problem with it, unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing. A much bigger problem is the politicising of the police and justice system in the UK...and the lack of trust in both as a result. If people are reluctant to come forward with information, how else are any street crimes to be solved without CCTV?

    The difference between Canada and Scotland is that your neighbour with the Beeg Gun doesn't park that Beeg Gun 40 miles outside Toronto, without a by-your-leave, as our neighbour does with their one.

    I think the only game that will change after Covid-19 will be the game of how much austerity will the UK population wear without an uprising, as the Government feels the effects of a reduced Covid-19 economy and a pretty much simultaneous final exit from the EU.

    The Social Security is not as liberal as you seem to think. The basic unemployment benefit is a flat rate of £73.10 for a single person over 25, regardless of previous earnings, about £126 Canadian dollars at todays exchange rate. The same amount, pretty much, as the £2 billion those earning o over £50,000 a year got in Income tax cuts. In 2018, the UK spent 3.3% of GDP more than Canada on Social security...more than half of which was pensions, 12% of which was corporate welfare(subsidies to companies to pay crap wages) and around 10% was housing benefit much of which was paid to private landlords, particularly in London. for inflated rents, so pretty much two thirds of Social Security goes to pensioners and the working poor with about 22% of that going into the profits of companies and private landlords...and the rest pays for child benefit, disability and incapacity related benefits and pension credits.

    We can argue until the cows come home about whether the criteria for claiming social security is too restrictive, lax or riddled with loopholes which allow scamming, but in the end, every penny the government spends on welfare is spent by the ordinary person on living their lives, and by doing that they contribute to the exchequer via VAT payments, if nothing else...and to the neoliberal capitalist's benefit...that spending adds to the profits of companies, many of which then take their profits off shore and/or pay no or minimal tax in the UK. So who is taking most advantage of the Government policies .....the person on social security...or the businesses and fatcats who avoid paying their taxes?
    Last edited by Oddquine; 09-May-20 at 11:56.

  3. #3


    You have a ‘unique’ situation in Scotland. The separation attempts from the UK has me confused.....
    Oh...BTW I am frae The Lybster vicinity, not Latheron.
    And aren't there are benefits above and beyond Social Security?
    And the profitable companies are the ones the Gov’ts use for the Funding of pensions etc.
    And finally.....’buy anything Gold’. It’s Gonna Rock!.

    Now to Security of one’s Person and the Polis. From what I read, and see when I am ‘over ‘ome’, the new generation are very reluctant to go to the Polis, as has been written/witnessed locally.
    I remember coming home from a dance in Latheron as a passenger in a car, early one morn., when I was about 16. A car passed us and went off the road at Remiggy. The Polis were there within a few minutes as they were also going home, and asked for witnesses as to whom was driving. I told them and ended up getting Subpoenaed to Court. I gave my evidence as to the driver who was a Watten Farmer. Finis...I thought.
    Perhaps a year later, I was working in Brora/Golspie during the ‘sheep dog trials‘, and there on the Street was the Farmer, the worse for wear with drink, and his two dogs. He tried to set the dogs on me, one of which did take a Sma’ bite.. Polis again, and he was arrested and went to Jail! Just reminiscing!
    All Countries have probs and issues, but rest assured the systems that are in place in the UK, Canada and in the Western World, are Superior to that of other Less civilized places.
    One more point.........Many people hate/loath Prez Trump...........America is 75% Red Neck, and he is mostly playing to the crowd!
    And CNN’s sole purpose is to depose him, lies and all, as they are Democratically (Liberal) controlled, whereas Trump etal are Republican (Conservative). The Tabloids are now generally leaving him alone as they have been sued so many times for their falsehoods they will be bankrupt.
    Michael Bloomberg just spent $500,000 Million trying to get Trump out....and failed. As you say..some systems are ‘not fair’!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 09-May-20 at 15:03.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Thoroughly entertained by the 8pm broadcast. Not by all that guff about restrictions spouted by Boris, but the facial expressions of the hard of hearing signer at the side. Some of them were absolutely priceless and far more entertaining than what Boris was saying.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Thoroughly entertained by the 8pm broadcast. Not by all that guff about restrictions spouted by Boris, but the facial expressions of the hard of hearing signer at the side. Some of them were absolutely priceless and far more entertaining than what Boris was saying.
    Bet they wearn't as good as this guy...

    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Aye, he does take the biscuit right enough. I did wonder what happened to Uncle Albert after Only Fools and Horses.

  7. #7


    There are many rich folk in the north too and I think that you will find that some of the worst poverty actually exists in areas of London. There has been no shortage of 'bodies' in London and the south during this pandemic where the death toll was horribly high.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Dozy, at lat you are wakening up to some important points

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    No one in their right mind could or would support this Carry on team of clowns. Six more months of this and we'll all be bankrupt ,dead or both. Over 2 trillion in debt and growing day by day
    Indeed, we cannot support this carry on any longer. The bankruptcy has already been sealed, and there are growing concerns that more folk will die from untreated and undiagnosed conditions, than will ever die with conoravirus, let alone from it. And yes, the 2.4 trillion of debt is hugely scary. We must stop living beyond our means and stop adding to the debt pile.

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    So much for an even playing field ,the rich in the south stay safe and count the cash ,when the poor north counts the bodies
    Well, its not that bad up here yet! But I agree about the North / South divide. Us up here in the North are left hung out to dry, while those in the south, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and the rest of the Southern Belt make sure they are well provided for.

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    More strange accents and less local voices to be heard every time your out.
    Mercy, Dozy, your not complaining about being colonised are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    No money for a maid
    Oh dear, how misogynistic. Why oh why Dozy would you revert to using such a dated stereotype? Next you'll be telling us that his maid should be called Mammy.....

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