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Thread: Boris Johnson

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  1. #1


    Unionism is worse than Terrorism! I do declare ‘you are quite wrong’!
    And.........The SNP is not looking good right now. No Siree Bob! (A quaint saying’!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    The horseman. Your trying to defend the indefensible ,they don't come worse than Westminster . A lot of people are now beginning to fell sorry for unionists. Its like watching the death throws of a long brain dead dinosaur ,twitching too its end.
    What will you do when independence is here ( if your in Scotland ) would you leave ? would you stay ? And if you stay what would you do politically.
    Lastly will you be wearing your Westminsters cheerleader custom tonight and carrying the grim reapers sickle and dripping from the blood of all the folk the Tories have put on the ground in the last 11 years in power. We can skip the mess they've made of Everything else. Putting that aside ,have a great and safe weekend.

  3. #3


    Well, a good Halloween post dozy!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    The horseman. Your trying to defend the indefensible ,they don't come worse than Westminster . A lot of people are now beginning to fell sorry for unionists. Its like watching the death throws of a long brain dead dinosaur ,twitching too its end.
    What will you do when independence is here ( if your in Scotland ) would you leave ? would you stay ? And if you stay what would you do politically.
    Lastly will you be wearing your Westminsters cheerleader custom tonight and carrying the grim reapers sickle and dripping from the blood of all the folk the Tories have put on the ground in the last 11 years in power. We can skip the mess they've made of Everything else. Putting that aside ,have a great and safe weekend.
    ******* I was’t comparing the SNP to anything/anybody! I said things don't look too good for them.
    I am not in Scotland, just watching the shenanigans, and you are all paying ‘big bucks’ for the Team.
    And.........Dripping blood and sickles! Oh Dear!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Like many unionist / Westminster supporters ,they have no investment in the land or its heritage so no family deep roots .It's just another piece of ground that's there for the using and some subservient pesants to do your bidding . Same old same old . Whatever Scotland is doing or not doing is nothing to do with the bag of testicles Boris is swinging and passing off as a cabinet. What was Boris's call to arms "bring back control " how's that working out . The Russians and Chinese must be laughing their heads off , UK is sinking , Europe is over attack and America has finally come to terms that all that steroids don't make you smart . The UK is finished ,not by the hand of some foreign power but by the Tories the king rat of the unionists. They've been filling their pockets with taxpayers money for years and then the unionists get the last call ,in the middle of all this hell the Tories can fill their stomachs with free booze and steak . Yet the kids can eat dirt ,nothing changes . The people will never learn ,it's like 1934-39 all over again but it's the unionists doing the Propoganda and manipulation . More more need for bullets or tanks ,just a virus and some Tory insiders in a pantomine wooden horse. Westminster looks hellbent on committing suicide so please don't try to take the rest of us with you . It's Scotlands time and right to be free . Friends we can be through choice ,we don't deserve to be abused or victims any longer.

  6. #6


    Honestly, I do think you have a very ‘jaundiced’ view of the World.
    The UK had it’s day, the same as The Romans, The America. Now there is another fight for World dominance, and my thought is that Countries that are ‘attached’ should support each other! It’s a simple concept..
    No Gov’t is perfect, but they can supplement/enhance each other.
    U slag the Tories......take a look at your own people people in Gov’t! Entertaining nightly, with Anon Celebrities, on your £? Is what they have done acceptable. Don't compare it with anyone else!
    And......Brits don’t use drugs...just the Yanks! Come on Dozy..........your own SNP Govt is not doing well......
    Why not get the Country doing well, and then fight these already had one, ‘a once in a lifetime’ deal.
    It’s is the oil! We have the same prob in Alberta........

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Your bringing things to a skewed table , if all things were equal but there not . Scotland are doing its best with their hands tied behind its back , that's down to Westminster plain and simple. Scotland will have to learn to be uncumbered by the chains and the weight of 3 hundred years of being subservient . Just like your children when they first leave home ,you love and fear for they at the same time . It's only right they get their freedom ,to choose and make mistakes . Your not there to threaten, abuse or rub their nose in it when things go wrong. Scotland deserves their freedom and for those who don't want to see that happen shame on them , it says more about them and the type of people they are. My view is that we all should be free to choose and all countries must be free to choose their own path without interference . No one has the right to rule or reign over another country for any reason . Thats just wrong ,if it's right for your children it can't be wrong for me or my country. No one should have to ask for freedom , its not yours or Westminsters to take mine. Just like Westminsters and unionists must except that time is over . If we can't see a free Scotland we will never see equality for women or people of colour. Standing in the way is abuse ,standing in the way and shouting NO Never makes you an abuser. Please don't anyone join that group ,stand aside shake their hand as a friend wish them well. Friends are only friends when they stand as equals, seperate but with respect. Sorry But I've got to go now ,I wish you all the best and keep safe .
    The northern lights are dancing.

  8. #8


    Equality of race and Gender......give me/us all ‘A break’! Abuse.......
    Honestly, your arguments don't make sense.
    I read today that The UK are going to give u a big sum of money.......and u will be staying....Comments?
    Same compliments to you....just remember Donald Trump’s Mother was from The Western Isles.

    ********And for those on Youtube.....please watch...Donald’s Bible..Dr Clarence

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