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Thread: Feeding Birds!!!!

  1. #1

    Default Feeding Birds!!!!

    Am I the only one who think that we should stop feeding the birds????

    I dont mean all the birds - I mean scorries and crows and such like.

    It really makes my blood boil when you have just hung 3 loads of washing out and you have to take at least a load back in because of "scorrie scoots" . Why does everyone seem to feed them as soon as you are in the door??

    Now I dont mind bags of nuts and things being put out to them in the winter (actually I do this myself) but its the bread I cant hack as it only seems to attract scorries - who do the most damage.

    I read in a paper a few weeks ago now that we should stop feeding these birds as they are actually at risk of becoming a bigger pest than rats and if they werent fed inland would go back to the harbours where they belong to look for food.

    I once knew someone who had a scorries nest on their chimney and was attacked on a regular basis from the "mummy" who was of course defending her eggs and when investigating the matter was told that it was against the law to remove the nest. She then ended up with stitches after a rather nasty attack!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001


    I rarely throw bread out for the birds but never in the summer. I can imagine flocks of scorries wid be a pest but the scorries are not to blame for your problem. Sure they are a part of your problem but it seems you have some neighbours from hell.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

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    He he do I gather that the words of the old song might be appropriate?

    "On me vest and underpants 'e's scored a direct hit!"

    Quite agree there's more than enough for the gulls,pigeons.crows to scavenge without encouraging them.

    On a more serious note am very concerned by the reports that the sea bird colonies are failing to nest this season due to the bad weather and the lack of food hope that there will be a window where they can manage to rear a brood.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    I give all my left over scaps to the birds, putting it in a bird table with a roof deters the bigger birds but I don't mind feeding scorries either, I have one who taps on my window for food quite regularly, I know they are vermin but it's still got to eat!

    They have also nested on my roof for the last few years and I've had no problems with swooping etc.. and my washing doesn't seem to suffer either!

    As for wee birds, they should be fed all year round in my opinion not just winter.
    Why be a hard rock when you really are a gem!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    From the RSPB website about feeding birds:

    Autumn and winter

    Put out food and water on a regular basis. In severe weather, feed twice daily if possible, in the morning and in the early afternoon. Birds require high energy (high fat) foods during the cold winter weather. They need to maintain their body reserves to survive the frosty nights. All foods listed in this leaflet are suitable for winter feeding. Use only good quality food and scraps. Always adjust the quantity given to the demand, and never allow uneaten foods to accumulate around the feeders. Once you establish a feeding routine, try not to change it.

    Spring and summer

    Only selected foods should be fed at this time and good hygiene is vital (see below), or feeding may do more harm than good.

    During the summer months birds require high protein foods, especially while they are moulting. Black sunflower seeds, pinhead oatmeal, soaked sultanas, raisins and currants, mild grated cheese, mealworms, waxworms, mixes for insectivorous birds, good seed mixtures without loose peanuts, RSPB food bars and summer seed mixture can all be used. Soft apples and pears cut in half, bananas and grapes are also useful foods. Some people use soaked dog or cat food and tinned pet foods, but these may attract magpies, crows and cats. Avoid using peanuts, fat and bread at this time, since these foods can be harmful if brought to nestlings. If you feel you must put out peanuts, only do so in suitable mesh feeders that will not allow sizeable pieces of peanuts to be removed.

    P.S. I never feed seaguls, our bird table is stratigically wobbly, the little birds are ok, but scorries don't dare land on it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default Re: Feeding Birds!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by girnigoe
    It really makes my blood boil when you have just hung 3 loads of washing out and you have to take at least a load back in because of "scorrie scoots" . Why does everyone seem to feed them as soon as you are in the door??
    That is sooooooo annoying, i hardly put washing out cos i just use the tumble drier but i mind my mum had a neighbour who used to feed the birds and it would always be just after mum'd put the washing out and it would ALWAYS get pooped on.

    Nothing worse than if you don't realise and you grab sumink off the line and get it on your hand, Grrrrrrrr

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002


    thanks god for tumble dryers *Grins*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    extreme north of Scotland


    Quote Originally Posted by Julia
    I give all my left over scaps to the birds, putting it in a bird table with a roof deters the bigger birds but I don't mind feeding scorries either, I have one who taps on my window for food quite regularly, I know they are vermin but it's still got to eat!

    They have also nested on my roof for the last few years and I've had no problems with swooping etc.. and my washing doesn't seem to suffer either!

    As for wee birds, they should be fed all year round in my opinion not just winter.
    Maybe they don't scoot on your washing cos you're so kind to them!
    I feed the birds too and don't often have a problem, but i do think about the neighbours and only put the food out when there's no washing - it's the same when burning garden rubbish.
    A bit of common sense and we could live quite happily alongside our friends, feathered or otherwise!
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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