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Thread: lens

  1. #1
    jk1601 Guest

    Default lens

    does anyone know of anyone that can fix a SLR camera lens?
    there was a speck of dust in it, so unscrewed it took it apart,
    now I'm stuck at getting it back together.
    to make matters worse, one of the rings has been jammed somehow.
    the camera is a Practika MTL 5B
    the lens is a Pentacon auto 1.8/50
    it was my Dads camera so hoping it can be salvaged
    any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Closer than you think


    Company I used to use is Newton Ellis

    I would suggest sending body as well for a complete service
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  3. #3
    jk1601 Guest


    thanks very much, will give them a try.

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