Hello. I'm wondering if there are other people out there perhaps interested in the idea of pulling together, living and working together for healthy, organic living. A place to escape the insanity of the world today and just living in the way of the ancestors. Family/community striving for the goals of just looking out for each other, helping each other from cradle to grave. Healthy living. Turning our back on the modern unhealthy eating and ideas of self-gain.

Prices of everything from land, housing or food is skyrocketing with no end in site, right? But, self sufficiency, living off the land and off grid, recycling when and where possible and pooling and sharing our resources...sound like a Utopia? It doesn't have to be! It just needs like minded individuals and families to come together and choose to live like that. It only needs land and people that each have something to contribute to the overall good of the community.

Me? What would I contribute to the group? Well, I am currently studying to be a naturopath. Not to be confused with a homeopath. I'm studying to heal via organic fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, nuts and seeds. Pretty much like the healers of old. So that would be my contribution as well as working to plant the community's food supply, as well as helping to organise events, meet with people, share my resources too, rearing ethically raised animals etc. Of course, there would always be the need for builders, teachers, fellow workers, office workers, farmers, animal care, care for the children and elderly etc, etc..from cradle to grave.

Is there anyone else interested up here in Caithness?? Does anyone have any land that would be interested in a such a way of life?