The thread from "William" was closed...probably because it involved a "police car" speeding when it overtook "William" who had his cruise control set at 60mph on the causwymire...a few of you suggested that if the police car was on an emergancy call that was fine but according to William no blue lights or sirens were present when the police car broke the speed limit to overtake him and he very rightly said if it was the other way about "he"(william)would more than likely be done for speeding...surely these people sent here to "police" our county should come under the same rules of the road as we all do if they are not on an emergancy call and if they are they should clearly display the fact???? lights/sirens etc!!!......for those of you dont believe the "one rule for them another for the rest of us"....your mugs its an everyday fact and i for one would be more than happy to tell any copper that fact before anyone suggests i am brave behind a computer!...freedom of speach is not(yet) a crime?.....