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View Full Version : Labour - 'A Future Fair for All'

20-Feb-10, 15:33
Apparently the news today is that the Gordon Brown has told labour activists to prepare for the next general election using the slogan 'A Future Fair for All'. Is this a justifiable slogan given the unfairness his government is said to have created since 1997? :eek:

20-Feb-10, 17:47
Apparently the news today is that the Gordon Brown has told labour activists to prepare for the next general election using the slogan 'A Future Fair for All'. Is this a justifiable slogan given the unfairness his government is said to have created since 1997? :eek:

No, he is a muppet I thought we had agreed that [lol]

20-Feb-10, 17:50
I'm looking forward to the future fair - I believe it comes to Wick Riverside for a few weeks in the summer around the time of the Gala Week.

20-Feb-10, 18:03
I'm looking forward to the future fair - I believe it comes to Wick Riverside for a few weeks in the summer around the time of the Gala Week.

and even thats an unfair fair

20-Feb-10, 18:06
Apparently the news today is that the Gordon Brown has told labour activists to prepare for the next general election using the slogan 'A Future Fair for All'. Is this a justifiable slogan given the unfairness his government is said to have created since 1997? :eek:

yeah it would be a fair future, he knows he will loose and it would be fair to let another party take the helm.........perhaps

20-Feb-10, 18:11
A future fair for all, where it largely tends to be doctors, laywers, accountants etc, that get into positions of power within Government. So a future fair for all makes me think of another cliche...everyones equal-just some are more equal than others. :roll:

20-Feb-10, 18:18
That's just not fair!

20-Feb-10, 19:09
yeah it would be a fair future, he knows he will loose and it would be fair to let another party take the helm.........perhaps

But what party ? It'll just be same-old same-old. A spot of anarchy for a while wouldn't go amiss.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.