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View Full Version : What to do next....

17-Feb-10, 22:56
I know there has been a lot said about pot holes before, but my car was fine driving into Wick in the morning, but leaving Wick in the evening it was a bit bumpy going out the South road,[due to all the pot holes]... I thot nothing of it and carried on out the road, when I came to the first bend past Hemprigs the whole car shuddered and I nearly came off the road.I went to a garage where I was told I had a broken strut. I could have had a nasty accident, how long is it going to be before there is one....I'm still getting over the fright ....So can anyone advise me as to the legal course to take....[evil]

17-Feb-10, 23:07
Your strut failed at <30mph speed?

You should thank the potholes for saving your life.


17-Feb-10, 23:11
Im not sure about the legalities but I was shocked at the state of the road from the cemetary corner in Thurso till the causwaymire turnoff. It really is bad.

18-Feb-10, 00:46
Did you notice a specific pothole you hit that caused the damage? You will need to photograph it and the damage to the car and get a report on the prob cause of the damage and an estimate for repair. That will cost money and depending on the car it might not be worth the hassle (depending on how much the repair cost is) Then when you have it all together call the council contact centre and they will tell you how to proceed.

How do I know all this? 8 bliddy tyres in 12 months in Lanarkshire :mad: