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15-Feb-10, 19:54
I saw the first signs of spring today, daffodils starting to grow outside my work. It was quite sunny too, soon the bonnie wee lambs will be gamboling in the fields. Isn't life wonderful? :)

15-Feb-10, 20:09
With ya there Jox! Life is wonderful! Lovely day up here in Thurso. Nice and warm that i didna need a coat for the first time in a long time! :D

Got alot planned through this spring and summer, so lets hope its good weather :Razz

15-Feb-10, 20:31
It'll never last.:(

15-Feb-10, 20:33
Days like today are a rarity at this time of year and should be enjoyed to the full, I had a great time on the beach with the dog.

15-Feb-10, 20:34
it's defo getting warmer, i put out 2 loads of washing and it dried!:lol:

15-Feb-10, 20:39
Death, it will end in death I tell you.....:(

15-Feb-10, 20:41
Death, it will end in death I tell you.....:(

Stop it, nothing nasty is allowed on here, this is a cuddly thread only.

15-Feb-10, 20:42
I've got snowdrops and crocus's coming up,we will soon be moaning bout how hot it is!

15-Feb-10, 20:57
Sounds nice - Edinburgh has just been cold and wet the last couple of days. Oh well, there are things which can make up for that.

15-Feb-10, 21:06
Managed to go out and leave the back door open today, for the dogs to run in the garden as they pleased for the first time in ages.

Got back just intime to close the door before the snow started.:eek:

Yes spring will surely be sprung soon....we hope:D

15-Feb-10, 21:38
Yes, its been a lovely day here in Inverness too. It is the first time this year that I have put the washing outside, & I actually enjoyed doing it ? ha ha how sad is that for ya ???

Daffodills how lovely, they are one of my favourite flowers. :)

15-Feb-10, 21:50
Maybe if the weather is getting better the moods will improve too ;) Must admit I feel happier when the days are brighter and longer x

15-Feb-10, 22:11
:confusedYou're confusing me Jox as you have a similar avatar to Lister

15-Feb-10, 22:16
Stop it, nothing nasty is allowed on here, this is a cuddly thread only.

OK, kittens are nice..lovely fluffy kittens.

I had one once

it died.

15-Feb-10, 23:05
More snow forecast for Wednesday. ;)

Kevin Milkins
15-Feb-10, 23:39
Maybe if the weather is getting better the moods will improve too ;) Must admit I feel happier when the days are brighter and longer x

I am convinced of it, as pointed out in a previous thread on SAD.

Because Megan has not been well we have had to put our annual winter holiday on hold and I have been feeling as grumpy as an old hippo with a bad foot.:( I have been working outside today though and feel much more energised and cheerful.:D

16-Feb-10, 00:12
Kevin, i will lend you my sad lamp, it really works. It gives you all the sunshine you are not getting.

16-Feb-10, 00:13
I saw the first signs of spring today, daffodils starting to grow outside my work. It was quite sunny too, soon the bonnie wee lambs will be gamboling in the fields. Isn't life wonderful? :)

Some lovely lambs running about near Keiss. they will be cold tonight its minus2 degrees there.

Kevin Milkins
16-Feb-10, 01:01
Kevin, i will lend you my sad lamp, it really works. It gives you all the sunshine you are not getting.

That would be good Fran, thank you.

All I will need is a bar that sells beer at 1.50 Euro per pint and a nudist beach and the holiday will be complete.:Razz

16-Feb-10, 01:59
I saw the first signs of spring today, daffodils starting to grow outside my work. It was quite sunny too, soon the bonnie wee lambs will be gamboling in the fields. Isn't life wonderful? :)

You want to see the bulbs in my front Jox! Iv got mini daffs, crocus, snowdrop and hiacinth right on my doorstep. First sign of spring happened to me today as well. A wee bunny rabbit ran out in front of me:eek: