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15-Feb-10, 12:58
North Highland College HND Equestrian Students
Equine Question Time
Wednesday 17th March 2010 at 7pm
In the Castletown Hotel, Castletown

Guest Speakers: Dr. Vicky Glasgow, Feed nutritionist for Harbro feeds, Turriff, Aberdeenshire.

Bryony Waggett, HND, BSc, MSc., Equine Grass Sickness Fund Research Assistant/Nurse from the Moredun Research Institute, University of Edinburgh

Clare Molyneaux, BHSII and Saddle Fitter, Nairn

Talks will be given by the above speakers, followed by refreshments and then questions will be invited from the floor. If you wish to ask questions anonymously, cards will be provided to write questions down.

Entry Fee: £5 per ticket (concessions £4) to include refreshments

Raffle Tickets: £1 each in aid of Equine Grass Sickness Fund

Tickets will be sold in advance, limited tickets available!!

If you would like to reserve tickets, please contact me on 07881 772339 or [email protected]

17-Feb-10, 14:50
Sorry start time should be 7.30pm :)

22-Feb-10, 18:11
Tickets selling well. Don't leave it too late!!

Just had some more raffle prizes confirmed, including Two Season Tickets to Blair Atholl International Horse Trials. Fab prize!!

24-Feb-10, 12:46
Tickets will be availalbe at the Indoor School on Sunday from 1.15pm - 2.45pm :)