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13-Feb-10, 23:09
I see that Baby Ps stepfather has been attacked in jail - shame, what goes around comes around!

13-Feb-10, 23:11
yeah I just read about it too

"The stepfather of tragic Baby P has been injured in a shocking prison attack, it was reported.

Steven Barker, who is serving a life sentence for his part in the infant's death, was reported to have been scalded by a burning mixture of sugar and boiling water hurled by another prisoner.

Barker, 6ft 4in and 18 stone, was left screaming in pain after suffering burns to his face and arm in the attack at high security Wakefield Prison, West Yorkshire, which could leave him scarred for life.

Boiling water and sugar is known in prison circles as "napalm". The improvised weapon sticks to the skin and intensifies burns, one of the principal effects of jelly-like napalm bombs."

13-Feb-10, 23:14
Lets see how he likes the torture eh!!!!!!!

14-Feb-10, 02:27
Take it is all i can say, what he did to that poor we boy, words cant describe the way i feel

14-Feb-10, 02:44
Devine retrobution..well deserved but alas we're still paying for him..should be in a cold cell with bread an water for the rest of his life.nothing else at all.

14-Feb-10, 03:30
ahh poor thing.. i feel so sorry for him.. really... (rolls eyes)

14-Feb-10, 03:33
ahh poor thing.. i feel so sorry for him.. really... (rolls eyes)
Yes for shame,aww,,hope he lives for a long time in prison then makes the acquaintance of the very worst evil can offer on the other side when he goes.

14-Feb-10, 12:14
Good. I hope they all stood over him laughing and it was ages before anyone came to give him medical attention.

14-Feb-10, 13:00
It was inevitable that this would happen. If anyone can dish out punishment to the extreme, it's the cons themselves. Inside, there is no hiding place and this will only be the start. The story of Baby P was tragic and I hope the little mite is looking down on him now and laughing. None of us can begin to imagine what that child must have gone through. The pain, the suffering and the sheer lonlieness which took up nearly all of his short life. I hope this monster is persecuted till his dying day. It won't bring back Baby P but it will give this excuse for a man a taste of his own medicine and more.[disgust]

14-Feb-10, 13:34
why is the mother not in prison as well.. wikipedia said she wasnt charged.

coppertop 1958
14-Feb-10, 13:49
i see that baby ps stepfather has been attacked in jail - shame, what goes around comes around!

like it ...

14-Feb-10, 14:38
why is the mother not in prison as well.. wikipedia said she wasnt charged.

She was brandy. She is serving a prison sentence and is eligible for release in 2012 complete with a new identity. Unbelievable.[disgust]


14-Feb-10, 14:50
Shchadenfreude...wonderful feeling.[lol]

14-Feb-10, 20:13
best news i heard today

14-Feb-10, 20:14
i am delighted just hope theres more to come

14-Feb-10, 20:26
Surprised it has taken this long,hope it becomes a weekly if not daily event in that particular prison. One question though.How long before some muppet starts saying that it infringes his human rights,not that he should have any after what he and the mother did to that poor defencless child.

14-Feb-10, 20:43
Baby P was an innocent, as such he would take no pleasure in what has happened.

My immediate reaction to the news was simmilar to what everyone so far has posted one here.

Having read all the posts, I now feel rather sick, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

The guy either needs serious treatment, or if he is too far gone, then maybe this is one reason to consider bringing back the death penalty.

I would rather see someone stopped permanently than tortured.

Torturing him will not bring Baby P back.

Lessons need to be learned so it never happens again.

14-Feb-10, 20:56
None of us can begin to imagine what that child must have gone through. The pain, the suffering and the sheer lonlieness which took up nearly all of his short life. [disgust]

The question arises why did no one in power lift a finger to stop this evil ring.


15-Feb-10, 10:40
Having read all the posts, I now feel rather sick, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

In this case they do.

15-Feb-10, 11:45
the more you talk about him the more infamous he becomes, let the dog die without his name being lifted

15-Feb-10, 15:37
the more you talk about him the more infamous he becomes, let the dog die without his name being lifted

Amen to that, brother.