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11-Feb-10, 09:49
Let's hear it :(

11-Feb-10, 10:09
It's full of Americans..


11-Feb-10, 10:13
whats wrong with scotland?

Kevin Milkins
11-Feb-10, 10:19
whats wrong with scotland?

It's full of Welsh, English, and Poles.

11-Feb-10, 10:24
What's wrong with England?

It's full of Scots.:Razz

11-Feb-10, 10:26
whats wrong with scotland?

Don't get me started

But back to the thread. I think they are too lenient on the terrorists they capture and they should not close Guantanamo Bay-they still need it.

Other countries execute people for demonstrating against the regime but the Americans just give terrorists about 900 years in jail-what’s up with that! :confused

11-Feb-10, 10:27
It's full of Welsh, English, and Poles.

And all the poles have silly windmills on top! [lol]

11-Feb-10, 10:29
whats wrong with scotland?

Nothing at all, and you know it!

11-Feb-10, 10:34
Let's hear it :(

In the 70's and 80's I spent a reasonable amount of time up and down the Eastern seaboard of the States - Miami, Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Norfolk, Cgarleston, Philadelphia and Boston - and not as a tourist, either.

To a man and woman, they were some of the most polite and friendly people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Sure, they had their problems the same as everyone, but overall good folk.

But......their world view was downright bizarre in many cases. Many were so insular that they had no idea whatsoever about what was happening outside their own borders. And many of those who did have an idea automatically assumed that the rest of the planet was just a version of the USA where people talked a bit funny.

Politically they were capable of the same amount of skewed evangelisim in World politics as some of their preachers could with Christianity. USA or Nothing on a global scale.

I've always compared the US to the Roman Empire...'democracy' (US version only) through trade....or the sword if you refuse.

And we all know what happened to the Romans, don't we?*

* Although I suspect millions of Americans don't......;)

11-Feb-10, 10:49
and yet britian does not have capital punishment at all... what do they do with their terrorists? america is put down for having the death penalty, then they are put down because they dont use it.. thats a bit backwards isnt it?
mayhap people should clean their own houses before they start on others..
oh and northener i agree with your post 100 %
a lot of americans are very insular.. and have no concepts of what the outside world is like. remember though that american media is very censored. and big brother is watching!
where over here the people take for granted that they can speak out against the goverment. where in america it is widely known that if you go against the gov. it can be construed as a terrorist activity and under the freedom act you can be arrested. even talking about the gov. in a derogetory way in public is a risk.
this is not a extreme thing but enough to put fear into the people..

11-Feb-10, 11:03
Nothing at all, and you know it!

What, nothing, what brand of rose tinted specs are you wearing.

11-Feb-10, 11:05
I spent 10 months working up the Great Lakes, and found nothing wrong with the USA or the peoples of the USA.
I suspect Ducati is purely conducting a Trolling exercise.
Look to your own doorstep before condemning others

11-Feb-10, 11:23
and yet britian does not have capital punishment at all... what do they do with their terrorists? america is put down for having the death penalty, then they are put down because they dont use it.. thats a bit backwards isnt it?
mayhap people should clean their own houses before they start on others..
oh and northener i agree with your post 100 %
a lot of americans are very insular.. and have no concepts of what the outside world is like. remember though that american media is very censored. and big brother is watching!
where over here the people take for granted that they can speak out against the goverment. where in america it is widely known that if you go against the gov. it can be construed as a terrorist activity and under the freedom act you can be arrested. even talking about the gov. in a derogetory way in public is a risk.
this is not a extreme thing but enough to put fear into the people..

I remember watching a prog about India not that long ago. One of Indias' MPs' (dunno if that's their proper title) put true democracy quite succinctly.

He stated "...only in a true democracy could you ridicule your Government without fear of reprisal..."


I find it fascinating that the US's use of the CIA, FBI and various more shadowy organisations have been used to such great effect in creating an almost subliminal 'fear' of the Government in the US.....without actually doing very much. Does this have it's roots in McCarthyism?

You only have to look how Hollywood plays on these subconcious fears to rake in multi-millions every year - and see how it spawns so many 'theoryists' on the web who are convinced that US spook type people are manipulating the whole planet - to realise just how deep-seated this is in the national psyche.

11-Feb-10, 11:24
I spent 10 months working on the Great Lakes

You did a brilliant job, they turned out great. Did you have anything to do with the fjords? [lol]

11-Feb-10, 11:25
What, nothing, what brand of rose tinted specs are you wearing.

I have mine hand rolled on the thighs of virgins in Latheron.

I can send you a pair. I take Paypal.


11-Feb-10, 11:38
Did you have anything to do with the fjords? [lol]

You would know more about the Fjords than me, thats Troll country [lol]

11-Feb-10, 11:43
It's full of Americans..


don't you mean full of immigrants?

11-Feb-10, 13:21
What's wrong with the world?

It's full of humans. :roll:

11-Feb-10, 13:49
You would know more about the Fjords than me, thats Troll country [lol]

Just FYI I have re-checked the forum rules and I don't believe this would be a Troll thread. After a recent heated discussion I am just trying to introduce balance.

Sorry if you took it the wrong way..


11-Feb-10, 14:10
don't you mean full of immigrants?

Yup, may of whom still today wax lyrical about their own 'old country' and how they were persecuted and forced off the land there by Nasty People.....

....only to turn up in the Americas and do exactly the same thing to the American natives.......:roll:

Funny old world, innit?

11-Feb-10, 14:46
As someone who lives here most of the time, many of the comments are spot on. Most Americans do think that the rest of the world is another version of America with a different language. They think that way because they think America is a great place, but our strange education "system" teaches us that America is no better or different than any other place. So what are people supposed to think?

Contrary to one point, very very few Americans are afraid of their government. As a matter of fact, Americans are in love with the idea of overthrowing their own government, and have done so a few times in my years here. The folks (they are Americans too) at the CIA and the FBI like the thought of overthrowing the government too. So they don't go around investigating folks who advocate the peaceful overthrow, which we have a chance to do every few years. Folks with bombs and guns, should calm down and put them away, or they get a time out in a jail cell.

I think this phrase sums up what some folks are getting on to: "No better friend, no worse enemy". Yeah, we invade countries from time to time, but we have one new feature unique to America - we leave. We have not conquered and claimed territory for at least 100 years, so I would call us reformed. Also of note, we are not and never have been a Democracy. We are a representative republic. Plus each of the 50 states get to run the place under their own rules. The state that is closest to a direct Democracy is California, and that place is a mess.

Love us or hate us, we are not going away any time soon. So try to smile when you see us, because even if we don't know how to queue, we love you guys, and would gladly take a bullet for you again, and that generally goes for the rest of the world too.

Bruce H

11-Feb-10, 15:00
well if you wanted to live there you would need plenty money cos the health insurance is hellish that's if you even get in health insurance if you have any kind of illness you wont get any company's wont take ya on:confused watch SICKO
In this documentary, the director/writer Michael Moore exposes the dysfunctional North American health care system.

11-Feb-10, 15:05
well if you wanted to live there you would need plenty money cos the health insurance is hellish that's if you even get in health insurance if you have any kind of illness you wont get any company's wont take ya on:confused watch SICKO
In this documentary, the director/writer Michael Moore exposes the dysfunctional North American health care system.

Be careful taking what Michael Moore says as fact. His films are created to elicit an emotional response in order to motivate the viewer to take a political view point. It's a big commercial plain and simple. I grew up in a family of modest means, and we never wanted for medical care.

If there is one thing that is distorting America, it would be our over-abundance of lawyers. We have become very litigious, and it is really limiting our freedoms (which is what is great about America).

Bruce H

11-Feb-10, 15:05
Let's hear it :(

When there I found nothing wrong with it indeed quite the opposite. However, since it is none of my business and I am quite happy to comment on my own country's failings as this is where I pay my taxes I would refrain from comment even if I had criticism to make.

11-Feb-10, 15:08
It's full of Welsh, English, and Poles.

Who are the Scots? Mixture of Celts who came through Wales and Ireland, a fair proportion of Angles coming from Europe via England and people from the German and polish areas of Europe. I rest my case!
PS I am Scottish but aware of my multi-racial roots.

11-Feb-10, 15:12
we love you guys, and would gladly take a bullet for you again


11-Feb-10, 15:22
well i`m from pulteney and anything after lybster is below me and i dont give a toss about the rest, i dont care where you are from just go back there, why do you insist on depriving a village of a blinking good idiot, americans go home my god you have the best burgers in the world.

ignore the above post i was only joking no offence intented ???????

11-Feb-10, 16:03
As someone who lives here most of the time, many of the comments are spot on. Most Americans do think that the rest of the world is another version of America with a different language. They think that way because they think America is a great place, but our strange education "system" teaches us that America is no better or different than any other place. So what are people supposed to think?

Contrary to one point, very very few Americans are afraid of their government. As a matter of fact, Americans are in love with the idea of overthrowing their own government, and have done so a few times in my years here. The folks (they are Americans too) at the CIA and the FBI like the thought of overthrowing the government too. So they don't go around investigating folks who advocate the peaceful overthrow, which we have a chance to do every few years. Folks with bombs and guns, should calm down and put them away, or they get a time out in a jail cell.

I think this phrase sums up what some folks are getting on to: "No better friend, no worse enemy". Yeah, we invade countries from time to time, but we have one new feature unique to America - we leave. We have not conquered and claimed territory for at least 100 years, so I would call us reformed. Also of note, we are not and never have been a Democracy. We are a representative republic. Plus each of the 50 states get to run the place under their own rules. The state that is closest to a direct Democracy is California, and that place is a mess.

Love us or hate us, we are not going away any time soon. So try to smile when you see us, because even if we don't know how to queue, we love you guys, and would gladly take a bullet for you again, and that generally goes for the rest of the world too.

Bruce H

Thanks for the input, Bruce. Some good points there.

However, I will take you to task on one point, that is the US leaving a country after they've invaded it.
That's not as noble and philanthropic a gesture as it would seem. It could be argued that in some cases the US never really have a clear cut long-term policy after the military phase. Possibly a puppet government, possibly securing trade for the US. Leaving certainly isn't some sort of noble anti Imperialist gesture.

BTW, Your comments regarding a Democracy told me sometyhing I never knew. However, the US politicians are fond of the words 'democracy' and 'democratic' - which is what I was getting at.

Kevin Milkins
11-Feb-10, 17:21
Who are the Scots? Mixture of Celts who came through Wales and Ireland, a fair proportion of Angles coming from Europe via England and people from the German and polish areas of Europe. I rest my case!
PS I am Scottish but aware of my multi-racial roots.

I had intended putting a wink at the end of my post, because anybody that knows me will understand the bit of jest intended, (I am Welsh and came to Caithness via a long spell in Englandshire).

11-Feb-10, 17:52
Thanks for the input, Bruce. Some good points there.

However, I will take you to task on one point, that is the US leaving a country after they've invaded it.
That's not as noble and philanthropic a gesture as it would seem. It could be argued that in some cases the US never really have a clear cut long-term policy after the military phase. Possibly a puppet government, possibly securing trade for the US. Leaving certainly isn't some sort of noble anti Imperialist gesture.

BTW, Your comments regarding a Democracy told me sometyhing I never knew. However, the US politicians are fond of the words 'democracy' and 'democratic' - which is what I was getting at.

Well, we seem to have left Germany, France, Italy, Holland, South Korea and Japan after we invaded, and they seem to be much the better for our having left rather than sticking around and screwing up the place trying to run it. True, several of those countries host US bases on their soil, but at the time it was a mutual agreement with the host country, typically to deter the Soviet Union. That day is long gone, and America is wondering why are we paying all this money to keep these bases going? I would think they will be gone in the next decade.

If you look at prior hegemonies, such as Rome or even the British Empire, they tended to stay and take over the place.

And yes, America is getting out of Iraq, the Iraqi's are going to stand on their own just fine. Afghanistan is going to take longer, mostly because the leadership forgot why they were there and lost sight of their exit plan.

Bruce H

11-Feb-10, 17:53
You did a brilliant job, they turned out great. Did you have anything to do with the fjords? [lol]

course he didn't, that was Slartibartfast! And he won an award you know.

11-Feb-10, 19:06
Yeah, we invade countries from time to time, but we have one new feature unique to America - we leave.


11-Feb-10, 19:17

11-Feb-10, 19:52

As posted previously:

Well, we seem to have left Germany, France, Italy, Holland, South Korea and Japan after we invaded, and they seem to be much the better for our having left rather than sticking around and screwing up the place trying to run it. True, several of those countries host US bases on their soil, but at the time it was a mutual agreement with the host country, typically to deter the Soviet Union. That day is long gone, and America is wondering why are we paying all this money to keep these bases going? I would think they will be gone in the next decade.

11-Feb-10, 20:06
As posted previously:

Well, we seem to have left Germany, France, Italy, Holland, South Korea and Japan after we invaded, and they seem to be much the better for our having left rather than sticking around and screwing up the place trying to run it. True, several of those countries host US bases on their soil, but at the time it was a mutual agreement with the host country, typically to deter the Soviet Union. That day is long gone, and America is wondering why are we paying all this money to keep these bases going? I would think they will be gone in the next decade.

Yeh, America invades Afghanistan, puts their man in charge then he agrees to let them stay.

Then they do the same with Iraq.

11-Feb-10, 20:09
What do you care about democracy Fred? You are an apologist for dictatorships and dodgy regimes.

11-Feb-10, 20:21
What do you care about democracy Fred? You are an apologist for dictatorships and dodgy regimes.

Similar to the one we live in at the moment.

11-Feb-10, 21:54
Similar to the one we live in at the moment.

C'mon Bazeye - elaborate.

11-Feb-10, 22:05
If it was not for our American cousins Fred, your name would be Fredrich, you would be wearing lederhosen, talking in German, goose stepping, hating Jews, but you do that already, hate the Jewish nation.:)

11-Feb-10, 22:20
If it was not for our American cousins Fred, your name would be Fredrich, you would be wearing lederhosen, talking in German, goose stepping, hating Jews, but you do that already, hate the Jewish nation.:)

What are you rambling about now?

Someone said when America invaded a country they left afterwards, I proved them wrong.

From that you deduce I must hate Jews?

11-Feb-10, 22:37
What are you rambling about now?

Someone said when America invaded a country they left afterwards, I proved them wrong.

From that you deduce I must hate Jews?

Fred, that's just silly. You should know by now that we don't run German, Japan, South Korea, the UK or any of these places we have invaded. There are military bases there, yes. As said now 3 times, those mostly sprang up because of a fear of the Soviet Union. Those guys have moved on, America needs to cut back on expenses and we are winding them down.

Bruce H

11-Feb-10, 22:57
Fred, that's just silly. You should know by now that we don't run German, Japan, South Korea, the UK or any of these places we have invaded. There are military bases there, yes. As said now 3 times, those mostly sprang up because of a fear of the Soviet Union. Those guys have moved on, America needs to cut back on expenses and we are winding them down.

Bruce H

No, I don't know that at all.

If America still has military bases in those countries then they did not leave and the list of countries with American military bases seems to be getting longer not shorter.

11-Feb-10, 23:25
What are you rambling about now?

Someone said when America invaded a country they left afterwards, I proved them wrong.

From that you deduce I must hate Jews?

Who said: 25-Oct-07, 12:49: "The Zionists are an oppressive regime occupying land illegally, they have invaded and bombed other countries illegally, Israel is a terrorist state which has been persecuting Palestinians for 50 years."

11-Feb-10, 23:29
What are you rambling about now?

Someone said when America invaded a country they left afterwards, I proved them wrong.

From that you deduce I must hate Jews?
Fred you are well know for you dislike of Israel, you have mentioned it enough times in the past, I am not going to waste time trawling through the Archives to prove a point. Many Thanks Bekisman.

11-Feb-10, 23:34
America gave us Coca Cola...


and Ruby Wax.


11-Feb-10, 23:36
Who said: 25-Oct-07, 12:49: "The Zionists are an oppressive regime occupying land illegally, they have invaded and bombed other countries illegally, Israel is a terrorist state which has been persecuting Palestinians for 50 years."

I did, because it is true.

I don't see the word "Jew" in there anywhere.

The majority of Jews in the world are not Zionists and the majority of Zionists in the world are not Jews.

Here is a list of Palestinian children murdered by the state of Israel last year.


Is criticising the murder of infants wrong?

11-Feb-10, 23:38
Who said: 25-Oct-07, 12:49: "The Zionists are an oppressive regime occupying land illegally, they have invaded and bombed other countries illegally, Israel is a terrorist state which has been persecuting Palestinians for 50 years."

I don't know, but I assume that it was someone who was talking of political issues, not racial issues, since Zionism is a political philosophy.

To speak out against Zionism does not mean that the person "hates Jews." Plenty of Jews speak out against Zionism and against "Israel" (occupied Palestine).

11-Feb-10, 23:42
Fred you are well know for you dislike of Israel.

You accused me of hating Jews not disliking Israel.

11-Feb-10, 23:45
I did, because it is true.

I don't see the word "Jew" in there anywhere.

The majority of Jews in the world are not Zionists and the majority of Zionists in the world are not Jews.

Here is a list of Palestinian children murdered by the state of Israel last year.


Is criticising the murder of infants wrong?

Come on Fred the thread was: Whats wrong with the USA?

11-Feb-10, 23:45
Here is a list of Palestinian children murdered by the state of Israel last year.


Is criticising the murder of infants wrong?

I went cherry picking Fred, I could find more if I wished


Is the murder of Israeli children wrong?

11-Feb-10, 23:49
Oh and sticking to thread:

25-Oct-07, 17:50: "I'm not anti American either."

OK I'll stop bringing up what was said before...

12-Feb-10, 00:00
I don't know, but I assume that it was someone who was talking of political issues, not racial issues, since Zionism is a political philosophy.

To speak out against Zionism does not mean that the person "hates Jews." Plenty of Jews speak out against Zionism and against "Israel" (occupied Palestine).


Here are the words of one Jewish gentleman and Holocaust survivor for whom I have the utmost respect:


I wonder if those who slander me on these forums will show him the same respect.

12-Feb-10, 00:14
I went cherry picking Fred, I could find more if I wished


Is the murder of Israeli children wrong?

The murder of all children is wrong.

I posted a list of Palestinian children murdered by the state of Israel in the last year.

Can you post a list of Israeli children murdered by the state of Palestine in the last year?

I take it by your posting that list that you are admitting you hate all Muslims.

12-Feb-10, 00:17
In the 70's and 80's I spent a reasonable amount of time up and down the Eastern seaboard of the States - Miami, Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Norfolk, Charleston, Philadelphia and Boston - and not as a tourist, either.

To a man and woman, they were some of the most polite and friendly people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Sure, they had their problems the same as everyone, but overall good folk.

But......their world view was downright bizarre in many cases. Many were so insular that they had no idea whatsoever about what was happening outside their own borders. And many of those who did have an idea automatically assumed that the rest of the planet was just a version of the USA where people talked a bit funny.

Politically they were capable of the same amount of skewed evangelisim in World politics as some of their preachers could with Christianity. USA or Nothing on a global scale.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying here, northener. I was born and brought up in Scotland, and have been married to an American for many years. We have lived back and forth on both sides of the Atlantic during that time. I do find that Americans who have travelled abroad (especially those who have lived there for any length of time), are all the better for it.

But looking at it from the other perspective, I am sure there are still many folk who have never been to the USA, and assume that most people there live in big houses, and have more money than they know what to do with. That is a complete fallacy, of course. You don't really know much about a country and its people until you've lived there for a while. You can't judge it by what you see on TV and films.

12-Feb-10, 00:19
I take it by your posting that list that you are admitting you hate all Muslims.

Aye Right Fred.....show me where I have ever said that!!!!!!!!, because you are a bigot, it therefore does not make me one.

12-Feb-10, 00:22
The murder of all children is wrong.

I posted a list of Palestinian children murdered by the state of Israel in the last year.

Can you post a list of Israeli children murdered by the state of Palestine in the last year?

I take it by your posting that list that you are admitting you hate all Muslims.

Fred, you're a plank. I'm disappointed with you.

12-Feb-10, 00:24

But looking at it from the other perspective, I am sure there are still many folk who have never been to the USA, and assume that most people there live in big houses, and have more money than they know what to do with. That is a complete fallacy, of course. You don't really know much about a country and its people until you've lived there for a while. You can't judge it by what you see on TV and films.

Very, very true, Sporran.

12-Feb-10, 00:25
Fred ..., you are a bigot, ...

You are well out of order here, golach, and your post is a sad reflection of your preconceived ideas and bias. :(

12-Feb-10, 00:28
You are well out of order here, golach, and your post is a sad reflection of your preconceived ideas and bias. :(
I am out of order because I am a supporter of my USA cousins and Israel, ok then your correct.

12-Feb-10, 00:31
If it was not for our American cousins Fred, you ... would be ... hating Jews, but you do that already, hate the Jewish nation ...

For saying this, then, you are not, in your own words, "a bigot," is that right?

12-Feb-10, 00:31
Aye Right Fred.....show me where I have ever said that!!!!!!!!, because you are a bigot, it therefore does not make me one.

You deduce that I must hate all Jews because I criticised Israel.

Doesn't it therefore follow that you must hate all Muslims because you criticised Palestine?

It's your logic I'm using not mine.

12-Feb-10, 00:35
Fred, you're a plank. I'm disappointed with you.

Fortunately I don't rate your opinion too highly.

Or any one else who just posts to make personal attacks for that matter.

12-Feb-10, 00:35
You deduce that I must hate all Jews because I criticized Israel.

Doesn't it therefore follow that you must hate all Muslims because you criticized Palestine?

It's your logic I'm using not mine.

Show me where I ever criticised the Palestinians

12-Feb-10, 00:37
many folk who have never been to the USA, and assume that most people there live in big houses, and have more money than they know what to do with. That is a complete fallacy, of course. You don't really know much about a country and its people until you've lived there for a while. You can't judge it by what you see on TV and films.

Sporran, I think lot of people garner the impression that the USA is a country of mass gun crime, high school/work place massacres and enormous inequality.

If anyone had any impression it was a rich place full of rich people, (maybe some had that idea back in the days of Dallas and Dynasty, I don't know), then the coverage of events in New Orleans and the tight focus of most of the TV shows on serious crime often involving the downtrodden may have begun to change people's perception.

The reality that it is as much a failed country as anywhere else is clear for those who choose to see it.

The focus on the health care system will no doubt inform more of the true nature of the Capitalist Beast.

12-Feb-10, 00:41
Fortunately I don't rate your opinion too highly.

Or any one else who just posts to make personal attacks for that matter.

The point i'm making Fred, is that you've dipped well below your usual level in this response.

I've said repeatedly that you are more than capable of fighting your corner, but when things don't go your way you are very quick to resort to accusations that are laughable:

"I take it by your posting that list that you are admitting you hate all Muslims."

It's quite easy to see when you feel you are losing an argument...the hissy fits (followed by a refusal to answer when challenged) pop up with tiresome regularity......

12-Feb-10, 00:42
Show me where I ever criticised the Palestinians


12-Feb-10, 00:46
Eh Fred!!!!!! I responded with a like post to your one, but in favour of the Israeli's, and that makes me anti Palestinian!!!!

12-Feb-10, 00:59
Eh Fred!!!!!! I responded with a like post to your one, but in favour of the Israeli's, and that makes me anti Palestinian!!!!

By your own logic it does, by your own logic not only does it make you anti Palestinian, it makes you a Muslim hater.

12-Feb-10, 01:01
Come on Fred the thread was: Whats wrong with the USA?

What you telling me for?

Golach is the one who managed to steer the thread onto the subject of Israel and the Jewish faith.

Tell him.

12-Feb-10, 01:06
OK I don't believe I'm having to do this again-or maybe I do


Really sorry about that but I'm sure if I hadn't the mods would. Its just getting beyond the pale.:(