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11-Feb-10, 00:51
Reminded as his programme comes on that this man is one of the most impressive politicians who are currently inactive.

11-Feb-10, 03:42
How can this Thatcherite be classed as a politician if he has retired from politics?[disgust]

11-Feb-10, 13:10
How can this Thatcherite be classed as a politician if he has retired from politics?[disgust]

You say that as if you have an issue?

Tom Cornwall
11-Feb-10, 15:32
do you see him on the Andrew Neill show on a thursday night...a bit of a fence-sitter

11-Feb-10, 19:28
do you see him on the Andrew Neill show on a thursday night...a bit of a fence-sitter
I try to watch it every time and I would not say he was on the fence. His replies are always considered and measured in my view.

11-Feb-10, 19:32
I try to watch it every time and I would not say he was on the fence. His replies are always considered and measured in my view.

My feelings too. Much though I detested the Tories, and he was of course part of that, I have found his commentary informed and balanced the last few years.

Seems genuine, and not afraid to contradict his past views or take on his opponent's viewpoint.

11-Feb-10, 20:33
Reminded as his programme comes on that this man is one of the most impressive politicians who are currently inactive.
Arent most politicians more impressive when they're inactive?

12-Feb-10, 13:28
Must admit I think he should be in Politics rather than out, he was one of the better public schoolboy Tories.

13-Feb-10, 01:16
I like Michael Portillo too - today!!!! I have to remind myself sometimes that watching him being declared as a loser during the 97 election made me cheer and was the highlight of my night. He is a conservative and as far as I am concerned having lived through the Thatcher years I couldnt bring myself to put a cross in a box for a tory for anything.

13-Feb-10, 01:34
Arent most politicians more impressive when they're inactive?
Absolutely. Everyone knows how easy it is to solve every political and economic problem when they're posting on the Org and I bet it's not a lot more difficult when you're sitting beside a sympathetic Andrew Neil and an ineffectual eye-rolling Diane Abbott on a comfy couch.

It beggars belief that the Tories voted for Iain Duncan Smith to lead the party even deeper into the wilderness in 2001. Portaloo would have been a proto-Cameron four years before they finally got a leader who may be capable of winning a general election.

13-Feb-10, 01:38
they finally got a leader who may be capable of winning a general election.

shudderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr;)

13-Feb-10, 02:37
I hope the shuddering is not warranted, but it is frightening right now.

I wonder how all those critics of Brown will feel when they realise they have let the Tories of old back in.

13-Feb-10, 02:46
Many of Brown's critics are extreme Blairites and some are even more Blairite than the original, so much so that they might even think they'd prefer Cameron to Brown.

It could be time to emigrate. Again. [smirk]

13-Feb-10, 02:47
Take me with you, please!

13-Feb-10, 02:52
Where shall we go?

My secretary wants to go and work in Belarus, Ukraine or Kazakhstan. He can't explain why, it's just something he has to do. :confused

13-Feb-10, 02:59
Mmmm, I was thinking more along the lines of South East Asia...
