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07-Feb-10, 14:23
Does anyone else call cif, jif and veet immac and oil of olay oil of ulay?

07-Feb-10, 14:24
yeah i do the whole time :)

07-Feb-10, 14:35
I do too. I also still refer to a Snickers bar as Marathon and Starburst as Opel Fruits!! Why change the name when the original did just as well?;)

07-Feb-10, 14:47
My husband still calls me by my maiden name - 'Oi Miller, make us a brew!' or 'Well done Miller'. Charming.

07-Feb-10, 14:53
Does anyone else call cif, jif and veet immac and oil of olay oil of ulay?

I do too. I also still refer to a Snickers bar as Marathon and Starburst as Opel Fruits!! Why change the name when the original did just as well?;)
Oil of Olay, Snickers and Starburst are the American brand names for the products we knew as Oil of Ulay, Marathon and Opal Fruits.

I don't know about the others.

07-Feb-10, 14:58
Oil of Olay, Snickers and Starburst are the American brand names for the products we knew as Oil of Ulay, Marathon and Opal Fruits.

I don't know about the others.

Renaming in UK and Ireland
In the UK and Ireland, it was originally sold under the name Marathon. Mars standardized many of its global brand names and the name was changed to Snickers in 1990. For 18 months before the name changed, the words "Internationally known as Snickers" were printed on the side of the Marathon wrapper. Following the name change, the bar moved from being Britain's ninth most popular bar to the third most popular.
Mars has since re-registered the original name as a UK trademark. There is also a campaign to rename the bar:Bring Back Marathon

07-Feb-10, 15:00
Ah but do you know the reason they didn't call it Marathon in the USA? ;)

07-Feb-10, 21:10
I have always understood that it was to avoid upsetting the large hispanic group within The USA.
The spanish word for butterfly is maracon, pronounced the same way as marathon.
Maracon is also used in a derogatory term for a homosexual.

07-Feb-10, 21:16
i still say i fancy some opel fruits ,lol

08-Feb-10, 01:16
I have always understood that it was to avoid upsetting the large hispanic group within The USA.
The spanish word for butterfly is maracon, pronounced the same way as marathon.
Maracon is also used in a derogatory term for a homosexual.
Maricón is indeed a derogatory Spanish term for gay and Marathon is a brand of condom. :lol:

I don't know whether either of these is the real reason but they are at worst amusing anecdotes.

08-Feb-10, 02:02

You have to have been around to get that.;)

08-Feb-10, 08:47
Im so pleased to hear there are others I still refer to Safeways in Wick. I stop short of calling it Liptons

08-Feb-10, 10:34

You have to have been around to get that.;)

Only if you have been down Bugis St [lol] Many thanks Aaldtimer, happy days then.

08-Feb-10, 15:14
Bugis St.!:)

08-Feb-10, 15:21
Does calling the Radio, the wireless fit into this?

or calling the cinema, the pictures

08-Feb-10, 17:03
Does calling the Radio, the wireless fit into this?

or calling the cinema, the pictures

I still call the cinema, the pictures, as well. I also call a German Shepherd, an Alsation, and a Recycling Operative, a Binman. :D

08-Feb-10, 18:03
Oh are they not called Alsations any more?? I thought they just had 2 names... D'oh!!

In Thurso Safeway has been so many different things.... it's still Somerfield to me at the moment :-s

08-Feb-10, 18:17
The German Shepherd was renamed Alsatian because of us being at war with Germany. The British didn't want anything with the name German in it, so they renamed the dog Alsatian after Alsace (Alsatian means from Alsace) in France, as it is close to Germany but not in it.
Many people say they are 2 different breeds, they are not. It is the same breed with 2 names. Some people also say that the Alsatian is a poor immitation of German Shepherd, also not true.
As with all breeds there will be good stock and not so good stock.

08-Feb-10, 18:49
Oh are they not called Alsations any more?? I thought they just had 2 names... D'oh!!

In Thurso Safeway has been so many different things.... it's still Somerfield to me at the moment :-s

What?! You mean it isn't Presto any longer?! :eek:

David Banks
08-Feb-10, 20:27
Next - there's the Wick Aerodrome, where one can see aeroplanes.

David Banks
08-Feb-10, 20:32
Then, there's getting used to "Scotch tape" over here - it's still cellotape to me.

- or was it celotape !
I might have confused it with violatape.

George Brims
08-Feb-10, 21:44
When Nigel Mansell won the CART Championship, racing for Paul Newman's team, one of the main sponsors was Dirt Devil, who make vacuum cleaners. Nige (never a slick bloke with a microphone in front of his face) was reminded to thank them along with all the other sponsors, and blurted out that Dirt Devil was "best for Hoovering your house".

Cedric Farthsbottom III
09-Feb-10, 18:04
It hisnae changed its name,but I mind when Walkers crisps were the wee cheapy one's ye used to get.Ye used to buy a pack and folk wid look at ye cos ye couldnae afford Golden Wonder.Times change,yes they do.[lol][lol]

09-Feb-10, 18:18
Then, there's getting used to "Scotch tape" over here - it's still cellotape to me.

Sellotape and Scotch Tape are 2 different brands of "sticky backed plastic" as it was called on Blue Peter..
But where is 'over here'?? sorry, just spotted Nova Scotia..

Cedric Farthsbottom III
09-Feb-10, 18:25
Sellotape and Scotch Tape are 2 different brands of "sticky backed plastic" as it was called on Blue Peter..
But where is 'over here'?? sorry, just spotted Nova Scotia..

The difference between Scotch tape and Sellotape,is Scotch Tape has a wee bonnie tartan pattern on it,where Sellotape disnae.:lol:

I once put a wee bit of tartan on a Rich Tea and called it a Scotch Dunker.I couldnae market it though because if I had made it into a dog biscuit and tried to sell it in France then it would have been a Scotch Dunker Chein.Which sounds German.

Damn that Euro-red tape.I could have been a millionaire.[lol]