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03-Feb-10, 10:44
I know all Councils in Scotland have been asked to cut budgets with a consequence for services. Highland's seems steep £12million. Heard rumour this will affect Thor House - anyone else heard any other cuts - don't know where these things are being discussed - are there meetings we can attend?, wonder if councillors will tell us before cuts are made and agreed.

03-Feb-10, 13:54
there are lots of savings the council could make before attacking essential services like Thor. here's a few i'd like to see ...

1. Get rid of the long term skivers (we know who you are) who go on the sick and then make a miraculous recovery after 6 months (just in time to get back on full pay).

2. abolish individual car hire for staff who go to inverness/golspie one by one for meetings and then a big shop at tescos.
either share the car or use the video conference facility (after cleaning the dust off it).

3. stop creating stupid jobs that we've managed to do without for decades (did you know there's a 'Golf Co-ordinator' in Golspie ?)

4. finally and this is a biggie .... get rid of the water fountains in buildings with functioning taps that provide free drinking water.

here endeth my rant

03-Feb-10, 16:01
Were HC not propossing to have any future cuts to service discussed at your local forum meetings?

Ours this month is discussing tourism,so maybe none of our services will be cut.;)..I actually typed that with a straight face.:roll:

I know our voluntary services are worried about cuts to their budget from HC funding.:(

03-Feb-10, 17:03
Stop paying people in "non jobs" huge saleries.Pay the executives less or get rid of them that should save quite a lot of money.Spend the money on "the people" not just a few people who are on the council to make as much out of it as they can.

Mrs Bucket
03-Feb-10, 19:17
there are lots of savings the council could make before attacking essential services like Thor. here's a few i'd like to see ...

1. Get rid of the long term skivers (we know who you are) who go on the sick and then make a miraculous recovery after 6 months (just in time to get back on full pay).

2. abolish individual car hire for staff who go to inverness/golspie one by one for meetings and then a big shop at tescos.
either share the car or use the video conference facility (after cleaning the dust off it).

3. stop creating stupid jobs that we've managed to do without for decades (did you know there's a 'Golf Co-ordinator' in Golspie ?)

4. finally and this is a biggie .... get rid of the water fountains in buildings with functioning taps that provide free drinking water.

here endeth my rant

I second that

03-Feb-10, 19:34
Interesting - not sure if we have a local forum meeting or where it would be - can anyone help?

03-Feb-10, 22:25
Interesting - not sure if we have a local forum meeting or where it would be - can anyone help?

You do, they should post locally when you have your next one so that you can submit your questions before the open meeting.

No suprises remember.:roll:

03-Feb-10, 22:30
Hope this helps
Ward 2, 3 and 4: Thurso, Wick and Landward Caithness

http://www.highland.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/97C984E7-C9A1-4A45-8B86-B9F7F351C045/0/DavidSutherland.jpgDavid Sutherland

Market Square

Tel: 01955 607740
Email David Sutherland (http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/yourservices/contactwm?id=dsuth)
Professional Assistants
Alex Macmanus
Tel: 01955 607176
Email [email protected]
Robbie Mackintosh
Tel: 01847 805520
Email [email protected]

03-Feb-10, 23:19
aye, seems to me in my experience, there's plenty of dead weight in middle management they could offload. Drop their policy of promoting these people to their level of incompetency and we wouldna have so much mismanagment causing further debt to begin with. Rename them back to public services instead of public authorities and then maybe they would perhaps keep it in their heads who's paying their salary and exactly what their job is. To listen to the people who pay their wages and give them the services they require from them.