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Kevin Milkins
03-Feb-10, 01:29
I thought I was seeing things earlier when the blinds lit up as if a car had flashed his lights on our window, I opened the door and thought I could hear thunder in the distance and Mrs M screaming in the background to shut that bliddy door, I began to doubt if it was thunder and lightning.:confused

I was just drawing my bedroom blinds and got a wonderful view of a great big flash. :eek: (of lightning that is):lol:.
How unusual is that? Snow and lightning.

03-Feb-10, 01:35
I saw it too Kevin so I shut the curtains.

03-Feb-10, 01:54
seen it several times tonight in thurso last was half hour ago:eek:

03-Feb-10, 02:56
Thought i heard some tonight on this side but didnt really think about it.

There is an old tale over here that if the snow comes with thunder and lightning then it will be on the ground for at least six weeks.

Mind you its been on the ground for more than a day now so i hope this time it does not count!!

03-Feb-10, 09:15
I was just drawing my bedroom blinds and got a wonderful view of a great big flash. (of lightning that is).
How unusual is that? Snow and lightning.

In February, if thou hearest thunder
Thou shalt see a summer wonder.

I hope this bit of folklore is right Kevin ;)

catherine nicol
03-Feb-10, 10:01
Saw and heard it last night as well. Don't remember ever seeing lightning or hearing thunder during a snow fall before.

03-Feb-10, 12:00
had thunder when it was snowing over xmas,never known it before,spooky!!

03-Feb-10, 12:07
Yip thunder and lightning right overhead here last night. I thin that's about the 4th lot this winter. I can't remember having so much over an entire year! Seems unusual to have it in winter.

03-Feb-10, 12:13
Saw it last night too. Also saw it in December, think it was the week before christmas.

03-Feb-10, 12:21
I saw a flash through the window last night while it was snowing, but I thought it must have been car headlights, glad to know it wasn't my imagination. I don't remember ever seeing lightning with snow before, but I've not really been looking, though I suppose it must be very common in the more northenly countries.

"In February, if thou hearest thunder
Thou shalt see a summer wonder."

'Lavenderblue' Never heard of that saying before, looking forward to this "summer wonder"

03-Feb-10, 13:34
i seemed to have missed the majority of the lightening.... to wich i was quite gutten about.. then laid in bed trying to get to sleep at 2.15am and low and behold i caught sight of a big flash of lightening, looks like it was right over thurso


03-Feb-10, 13:55
Had just drifted off to sleep when I heard a huge bang over the house then the room lit up & the dog nearly came through the door! Hubby is stuck offshore just now there is a back log due to lightning disrupting there flights :(

03-Feb-10, 17:42
I saw a flash through the window last night while it was snowing, but I thought it must have been car headlights, glad to know it wasn't my imagination. I don't remember ever seeing lightning with snow before, but I've not really been looking, though I suppose it must be very common in the more northenly countries.

"In February, if thou hearest thunder
Thou shalt see a summer wonder."

'Lavenderblue' Never heard of that saying before, looking forward to this "summer wonder"

Me too Whitewater, it's good to look forward in hope...:)

south view 7
03-Feb-10, 21:47
Saw and heard it last night as well. Don't remember ever seeing lightning or hearing thunder during a snow fall before.
Lightning is a common occurence when there is hailstones,which there was last night when the lightning was flashing over wick.

03-Feb-10, 22:29
Thank god others saw this too, i thought i was going mad! lol
Lastnight at around 18.45 i was sitting in my living room and saw a massive blue flash in the direction of janetstown, my 2 cats were sitting on the windowsill and got such a fright they jumped a mile! lol I'm pretty sure i saw a flash the night before that too!

03-Feb-10, 23:30
Saw a gigantic, flash, but thought it was a bit eerie because I heard no thunder.

04-Feb-10, 00:13
I was driving and literally the whole sky lit up blue!! It was amazing!

04-Feb-10, 15:27
i was watching it too,then i saw the news next day and they where saying that two meteors collided near earth and it was a very loud bang,also the waves from it could have made the skys colour orange,if it was any closer the fragments could have entered our earth,it sounded really cool,so i think thats want we were hearing and seeing,maybe.

04-Feb-10, 15:33
On Tuesday night between 11pm and 11:40pm here at Lybster there was BIG white flashes of lightning. I hate it, I always have! Hope we don't get anymore.