View Full Version : first bed

02-Feb-10, 12:37
hi all, putting our 20 month old into her toddler bed for the first time tonight(from cot) & looking for any advice or tips from any other mums(or dads) thanks

02-Feb-10, 12:46
Aint it a milestone! :D I will be doing this soon with my wee one. And i checked on alot of online forums. But only came across the same advice my mum gave me. Persistance!

Do you have a barrier for the side of the bed? So the wee one doesnt fall out? If your child get out the bed put them back in, say nothing apart from "Night night" everytime you go in. I know it sounds harsh but they want comfort, but if you sit and cuddle them to sleep once...they will expect it again. So just put them back in the bed, tuck them in say "night night" and walk out again. Persistance is the key! :Razz

Good luck!

02-Feb-10, 12:49
thanks shelly:)
yep got a bed gaurd yesterday
been putting it of for a while now, shes can be a little madam at times though so going to be a long night i think :lol:

02-Feb-10, 12:54
thanks shelly:)
yep got a bed gaurd yesterday
been putting it of for a while now, shes can be a little madam at times though so going to be a long night i think :lol:

All kids can be like that though! I have to get Athrun in a bed before the end of the year, i have no choice. And i dread it because he hates change! 2 days ago i lowered his cot because my mum nagged me to do it. For a start i couldnt get him in and out of the cot because it was too low for me to bend over into.....and he hated it! Usually he is a brilliant sleeper but he just wouldnt sleep and refused to go back in it. So i raised it back up and he slept perfect again last night!

Kids eh! they know that when something changes that mum is going to expect the worst...so i think they do it.

maybe get her to sit on the bed throughout today, show her that this is her new place to sleep.

And also if it doesnt work out then dont worry, maybe she just isnt ready. I know of some kids who were in a cot until about 28 months. :Razz

02-Feb-10, 13:03
My son was 2 in December past and he is still in his cot. He is as happy as larry in it has loads of room and has never fallen or attempted to get out it (touch wood).

I know he is going to need to go into a bed soon and am gearing myself up for it.

With my oldest son i was sitting at his door of bedroom for over a week as he was determined to keep getting out of it it drove me mad. Then i got into the habit of lying with him until he went to sleep, this will not happen again thats for sure.

02-Feb-10, 13:03
thats like my little one he hates change, lost his soother down the town the other day & he wont touch another 1:roll:!,
have to get him in the cot now as hes too small for the moses basket so change for him tonight as well:)

02-Feb-10, 15:07
Glad you've got a bed guard. As Shelley was saying persistance! Stress that she's a big girl etc. We used to read a story, keeping the atmosphere calm and peaceful, say goodnight and then leave our daughter. If yours gets out of bed, just keep taking her back and telling her it's bed time. If she does it a lot, just put her in bed and don't say anything. She'll get the message. Sometime it takes a while but she'll be fine, Good luck!

mums angels
02-Feb-10, 16:17
we did the change from cot to bed with our 20 month old last week ( we have tried in past to take one side off and usually went ok so took the plunge and got rid of cot properly ) I dont think there is any advice other than to stick at it , get rid of cot or sides completley as to stop the temptation of just sticking them back on . My daughter loves her sleep so the change wasnt hard at all , she never attempted to get out of the room once . However night one there was a lot of crying but turned out it was the duvet she didnt like so as soon as we gave her back her quilt and blanket she settled with no problems , night two i put her ontop of duvet with blankets and by night 3 she was happy to have the duvet and no blankets . I thought nap times would be hard but she has no problems with them either she is infact currently in her bed :) .I was all prepared to be sitting outside bedroom door putting her back every two mins for a week so id say prepare for the worst and hopefully you will be plesantly surprised .

I dont think there is a correct age for the putting them in a bed out of my 4 the age has varied , 18 months , 20 months , 2 years and 2 and a half however i found the girls at 20 months and 2 years were easier than my first son at 18 months and the one at 2 and a half was a breeze as he was old enough to follow the rules . good luck and remember to keep the camera ready for the first time you find them lying in the middle of the bedroom floor LOL .( like we did last night )

02-Feb-10, 21:46
thanks for your replies everyone, shes currently in her bed singing :lol:
coming throuugh every few minutes:roll:
keep putting her back through & she seems to be setteling down a bit now though(was jumping on it earlier):lol:

02-Feb-10, 22:25
Never mind the middle of the floor... Iona gave us a shock one night not long after going into a real bed, as she wasnt in her bed but couldnt be seen on the floor...she had burrowed under the bed and when we found her had to be pulled out by the ankles!
She could get out her bed but not back in it!
We put a little step stool at the foot of her bed so she can now get back in herself.
Thinking about removing the bed guard this weekend!