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01-Feb-10, 13:19
Anyone got a recipe for homemade playdoh as all the shop bought stuff has dried out and the plasticene is to cold for little hands to work it!
Any help soon would be appreciated otherwise I will have to resort to painting activities for the afternoon (that will give daddy heart failure when he comes home to the mess though!)

01-Feb-10, 13:24


01-Feb-10, 13:24
Here you go- Ingredients

1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon cooking oil
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
half a cup of salt
food colouring (optional)

Method 1 - Saucepan

Place all the ingredients in a saucepan at a low heat. Stir continously until the mixture thickens to a firm dough texture.
Method 2 - Microwave

Place all the ingredients in a plastic container and cook for one and a half minutes in a microwave. Stir the mixture and microwave again for one minute.

Why Make Your Own Dough?

Making dough is simple and much cheaper than buying it.
Using Play Dough

Dough can give children an opportunity to discover how a soft, stretchy material can behave. At first they will be happy just to handle the dough. It can be a soothing and relaxing activity.
Children always enjoy play cooking, so provide rolling pins, plastic cutters and plates.
Storing Play Dough

Store the dough in an airtight container such as a plastic bag or box, and keep it in the fridge. Like this the dough should keep for up to 2 weeks.

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01-Feb-10, 13:32
Have no salt as there was a shortage of salt on my last few shopping trips.
No cooking or table salt to be found anywhere, I had to buy "posh" sea salt flakes.
I suppose the salt is just to stop the kids from eating the playdoh??
If I make it without and just chuck it after a couple of days rather than keepig it for weeks it will be OK. Wont it??

01-Feb-10, 13:43
Hmnn not sure dadie but I guess trying it wont harm x

01-Feb-10, 13:48
It looks ok.
Bit cack handed when I put in the food colouring and its shocking pink instead of light pink and its stretchy and pliable but too hot for the kids to play with so Im having fun!

01-Feb-10, 15:48
The dog and Iona ate it:eek:
The salt must be to stop it being eaten:lol:
Nasty nappies from Iona and poop scooping will be interesting with the amount of foodcolouring I used!

George Brims
01-Feb-10, 20:43
I suppose the salt is just to stop the kids from eating the playdoh??
I think it's supposed to be to stop the whole thing fermenting!

01-Feb-10, 21:13
Apparently Daddy has been blasting plasticene in the micowave to heat it up a bit to make it more pliable!:eek:
Now I have found that out I have put an end to THAT!
The micowave in this house is only for heating up food!