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31-Jan-10, 21:04
yes, snowballs are fun, and yes, winding up drivers is also fun, but parking gigantic snowballs in the middle of a main road (bus route to boot!!) is just plain stupid!!!!![disgust]

driving out of halkirk just now, i had to manuover between said balls on sinclair street outside the spar shop, only to find on the return trip they had spawled further into the road. this is where the jollys are to be had as i got out to move them, dodging incoming missiles from the hiding place of certain mischief makers. i turned and told them to find somewhere else to leave their giant snowballs, contined round the villiage, passing the end of sinclair street later, the barricade has been replaced with reinforcments!!!.

now while i can take this in good humor, the bus drivers wont, and nor will those drivers unable to get out to move the barrier, having to reverse and take a different route. so, if you know who the little darlings (or maybe not so little!) are, please have a word about common sense!! go show em how to make snowangles!!:lol:

31-Jan-10, 21:09
Weren't you a kid once and got up to mischief, I certainly did? My friends and I would build a huge wall the width of the road then watch as drivers tried to do a U-turn on the patches either side of it that we had made very slidey. That was when we used to get a decent fall of snow.....great days indeed. :)

31-Jan-10, 21:11
please have a word about common sense!:lol:

Children and common sense?????

Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well? [lol]

31-Jan-10, 21:17
Sorry but Jox is right, i never really done the whole snowball thing but kids are kids. Yes i do find it disturbing when snowballs are thrown at cars whilst people are driving, thats plain stupid and dangerous.

But i know what jox means about the wall! Seeing someone cursing and having to do a u-turn really was funny. :lol:

31-Jan-10, 21:49
ive no objections to the kids having fun, had my share of fun in what little snow we got in hampshire as a kid, but we never used the road as a playground. ill admit i did laugh when i saw theyd rebuilt, but it is gonna be an inconvenience to other drivers and the buses, (which i suppose is the whole point!!)partularly if they leave it there when they go in, but they could put their building skills to more use building igloos on the field. or better yet, offering to clear paths for the elderly(we used to do this by rolling big snowballs up and down the paths then seeing who had the biggest!).

31-Jan-10, 22:03
Spare the Ax/machete/machine gun/cat'o'ninetails and spoil the child

31-Jan-10, 23:57
Snowballs, is that it? Think yourself lucky your not in the Emergency services and having bottles lobbed at you when your trying to put a fire out.

01-Feb-10, 00:09
Snowballs, is that it? Think yourself lucky your not in the Emergency services and having bottles lobbed at you when your trying to put a fire out.

I agree with that but you must remember that giant snowballs could also delay the emergency services reaching a fire or accident victim.

01-Feb-10, 00:13
I was in Alness i stopped to let off a mother with her child then 2 nice wee boys came to the bus door an threw there snow balls in the door! wasn't impressed!

01-Feb-10, 15:40
Must admit, i was guilty of that act a year or two ago. Drunken night led to making to massive snowballs and rolling them into the middle of Castlegreen road just at the dounreay building(on the flat because we didn't want to cause damage). Sat back and watched cars driving around them on the viewfirth field.

Kids and big kids can have fun too ;)

01-Feb-10, 15:54
Late saturday night I had to go out to Bower, it was nice to see the kids had 'barracaded' the road...foot down hard as I could in the snow and hope like hell there wasn't a gurt rock hidden in the mound:Razz

Great fun.

01-Feb-10, 17:03

He's a bit psycho looking n' bog eyed but we'll see if he goes walking in the air tonight.

01-Feb-10, 17:27
I really must need a sense of humour transplant because I don't find barricading roads in this weather funny at all. It's bad enough trying to drive in these conditions without that. :(

I suppose if it leads to an accident, the injured can laugh all the way to A&E, and laugh even louder at the damage done to their cars.

01-Feb-10, 17:43
Surely if you were actually paying attention to the road and driving at a sensible speed you would avoid any accident or injury?

01-Feb-10, 17:52
Surely if you were actually paying attention to the road and driving at a sensible speed you would avoid any accident or injury?

I agree with that sentiment, but if that were the case in real life, there would never be any accidents. :D

01-Feb-10, 18:22
I agree with that sentiment, but if that were the case in real life, there would never be any accidents. :D

I also agree with that but in blizzard conditions would you see a giant snowball if it was on the road?

01-Feb-10, 18:29
Kids will be kids..we all were..its natural..only problem is the emergency services getting through...but nothing else should be seen as problematic surely.just fun and pranks,we all gotta live and have fun in the snow cos it is.

01-Feb-10, 18:44
With you there lister...kids will be kids.!!

I dont see thirty lbs of snow stopping four tons of ambulance let alone a nice big fire engine.

01-Feb-10, 18:50
Aye kids will be kids, but do you not remember getting a severe bollocking and a clip round the lug hole for that sort of behaviour when you were kids, I know for certain I did.

So why are we all supposed to say 'awwww blesss' now?

01-Feb-10, 19:02
Aye kids will be kids, but do you not remember getting a severe bollocking and a clip round the lug hole for that sort of behaviour when you were kids, I know for certain I did.

So why are we all supposed to say 'awwww blesss' now?

Shame on ya Changi, I never got a clout I was a good lad. ;)

01-Feb-10, 19:09
Shame on ya Changi, I never got a clout I was a good lad. ;)
The only one then?

01-Feb-10, 19:15
The only one then?

Yes, my mother blamed my deafness in my left lug on my little brother, she swears its nowt to do with any clip around the lug hole.;)

PS: she no's nowt about PC Stenhouse tho LOL.

01-Feb-10, 23:11
hahahahahahahahah to the person driving through bower was that the snow wall just down from eh church aye:D:D ?????? lol

01-Feb-10, 23:31

He's a bit psycho looking n' bog eyed but we'll see if he goes walking in the air tonight.

Looks like northener

01-Feb-10, 23:36
hahahahahahahahah to the person driving through bower was that the snow wall just down from eh church aye:D:D ?????? lol

It most certainly was.:Razz

01-Feb-10, 23:37
Looks like northener

Cheeky git, I have a better bucket on my head I'll have you know.

02-Feb-10, 00:01
Cheeky git, I have a better bucket on my head I'll have you know.

Noted how you didn't deny the carrying of a bottle of Stella. ;)

02-Feb-10, 11:17
Kids were throwing snowballs at cars on street in Lybster a few years ago and having a good laugh. We stopped round the corner, loaded up with snowballs and then let rip from the car window as we cruised past. You should have seen the little darlings faces. Priceless. :lol:

02-Feb-10, 12:50
Last night me and the OH were sitting playing our xbox's. All peaceful...then BANG! Snowballs pelted at the window! I cudna stop laughing cos i think i jamp about 2ft out my chair! [lol]

02-Feb-10, 15:45
Kids were throwing snowballs at cars on street in Lybster a few years ago and having a good laugh. We stopped round the corner, loaded up with snowballs and then let rip from the car window as we cruised past. You should have seen the little darlings faces. Priceless. :lol:

Thats the attitude grandma:lol:

02-Feb-10, 15:55
Sorry but Jox is right, i never really done the whole snowball thing but kids are kids. Yes i do find it disturbing when snowballs are thrown at cars whilst people are driving, thats plain stupid and dangerous.

But i know what jox means about the wall! Seeing someone cursing and having to do a u-turn really was funny. :lol:

Only funny if you are not the drive. maybe a driver on an emergency - taking child to A and E maybe due to some sill so and so doing something with snow!!

02-Feb-10, 15:58
Children and common sense?????

Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well? [lol]

Problem is lots audlts do not have common sense either. Snowballs can have dire consequences - injury and not uncommonly serious. Snowballs at cars can cause damage to the car and then there is a cost for the driver. How would you like to fork out a three figure sum for a repair caused by a snowball (iceball) - I had to.

03-Feb-10, 11:18
it's only fun if everyone involved thinks of it as fun, i didny like snowballs when i was younger (probs cos i got a good clout in the face wi a jaggy one when i was wee).
i would say some snowballs thrown, eg, at cars/buses is for malicious fun, not fun fun.