View Full Version : good night

05-May-06, 21:10
every night when i went to bed, my parents would say dont let the bed bugs bite, can you remember what your parents would say to you, and do you say it to your kids now.

05-May-06, 21:24
i canny mind if they says anythin to me before bed, but i used to get a jam piece and a glass o milk for supper, and i used to get a piggy back up the stairs from mum, before i got too big for it!

05-May-06, 21:26
Before i lay you down to sleep, i pray the lord your soul to keep..
if you should die before i wake, then i pray to lord your soul to take.xx

I never understood this at such a young age.:~(

05-May-06, 21:30
Oh all the money that e'er I had, I spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I've done, alas, it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit to memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass, good night and joy be with you all.;)

05-May-06, 21:34
every night when i went to bed, my parents would say dont let the bed bugs bite, can you remember what your parents would say to you, and do you say it to your kids now.

Yup! remember that one! Also " Up the wooden hill to bed sleepy head!"

and yes i do say it to my wee un.;)

05-May-06, 21:34
As a father of two, aged 4 and 6, our bedtime routine is well established.

After we've tucked them in and kissed them good night we say "1, 2, 3, Buenos noches childs name and childs name" to which they reply (taking turns to start first) "1, 2, 3, Buenos noches mummy and daddy and childs name and childs name". After that we say "good nigh, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite". :D

It's provoked a few queries from friends and family who've been in at the time but it is derived from a Nick Jr show called Dora the Explorer - a part English / part Spanish show aimed at that age group.

So, in answer to your query, Yes it is still said.

05-May-06, 21:34
My parents just told me, if I got out that bed again I'd get my backside kicked!!:( Never did me any harm though..lol

05-May-06, 21:37
My parents just told me, if I got out that bed again I'd get my backside kicked!!:( Never did me any harm though..lol

Connie, Is that not child abuse? threatening a poor wee girl shame on them:Razz

05-May-06, 21:41
My parents just told me, if I got out that bed again I'd get my backside kicked!!:( Never did me any harm though..lol When your a kid they cannae get ye in it, when yer a teenager they cannae get ye oot it.;)

05-May-06, 21:42
My parents just told me, if I got out that bed again I'd get my backside kicked!!:( Never did me any harm though..lol

ROFL! Sometimes feel like saying that though! :D

05-May-06, 21:47
When your a kid they cannae get ye in it, when yer a teenager they cannae get ye oot it.;)

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_19.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk762YYGB)
Stella & yer wise cracks are keeping me smiling tonight man.

05-May-06, 21:54
Stella & yer wise cracks are keeping me smiling tonight man. I remember drinking in the legion, a.k.a franny, one night, after work and sampling stella for the first time, no dinner as I went straight in there from work, it's got a kick like a mule, was in bed by 9:00pm.:D
I'll Never drink stella again.[lol]

05-May-06, 22:00
First time I drunk it I spewed half the night, Not got that problem anymore but it does spin yer napper quicker than yer average lager.

06-May-06, 05:01
My parents just told me, if I got out that bed again I'd get my backside kicked!!:( Never did me any harm though..lolMaybe if the kids got more of the same today they would be better off for it

06-May-06, 10:00
Can't remember what my parents used to say to me, but we used to have to say our prayers every night. All I can remember is the opening line: "Thank you Jesus up above..."

Anyone else recite this and remember the rest?

There was also a line in the middle for "God bless mommy and daddy, and ...."
This could go on and on, depending who was in favour that day, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, pets, teddies...

06-May-06, 11:16
I used to get.......you come out of your bed again and you are going to be grounded for a month.[lol] :evil

06-May-06, 12:47
i can remember being tucked up in bed by my mother and she gave me kiss on head and told sweetdreams. then other times i would hear those sweet words shut up and go to bed

06-May-06, 13:43
We used to get "night night sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" "God bless" and a kiss, quickly followed by "now for Pete's sake get to sleep and gee's peace. don't even think about comming down the stairs":lol: