View Full Version : castletown primary

25-Jan-10, 13:18

just wondered if anyone had seen this .........

25-Jan-10, 13:33
Someone stepped over the Boundry there if this report is true. I can not believe that any teacher would do this as they would be leaving themselves open to being sued.

25-Jan-10, 13:40
totally gobsmaked when i read this, what humliation those poor girls must have felt, this hea teacher should be sacked for this, disgraceful

25-Jan-10, 13:52
So shocked I dont know what to say!!!!!!!!

25-Jan-10, 13:53
i've been waiting for this story to surface, it flies in the face of the school's 'ethos' that (named removed by Admin) waxed lyrical about in Friday's paper.

she should get the book thrown at her [evil]

25-Jan-10, 13:59
not with you about friday ? was she in the press last week as well ?


25-Jan-10, 14:10

if that happened to my child i would be very unhappy, and she would be traumautised!

25-Jan-10, 14:10
it was on the front page of Friday's Groat.
they were inspected and praised for the 'caring ethos' etc etc

this incident happened weeks before Christmas, so the inspection must have been some time before that.

25-Jan-10, 14:19
This is just awful if it is true. I am pretty sure this is against rules and regulations governing schools and any parent unhappy with these events would be well within their rights to complain in the strongest terms possible to the head teacher and the Education Dept. My children do not attend this school but if they did I would have been down there for an explanation at the very least. It is absolutely shocking and teachers know better than this.

25-Jan-10, 14:23
my son attends the school and i have read the inspection report which was not glowing but showed signs of improvement since the last inspection. After reading todays paper I am thankful my son is not female (if you see what i mean). Have had concerns about headteacher previously and have voiced to education board who werent interested. I watch now with interest to how they will deal with this........


25-Jan-10, 14:26
The inspection took place in November 2009.

This issue is currently under investigation by the relevant officials.

25-Jan-10, 14:36
No words can explain the everlasting damage done to some of these children. Parents have a right to be more than angry.
They will say "it happened in a room" or " we are all girls".
If a child or children made a terrible mess for others to get terrible disease from, then how do u find the one in question?
Sniff fingers:eek:
The old ways are just that Old ways, and not forgetting the other female who likely had to do as was asked of her to make her life a little more comfortable in the school.
Best of luck guys your goin to need it.
Would i have complained against this? Ah! Might have ripped the teacher in questions pants of infront of her mates.[lol] ( joke ):roll:

25-Jan-10, 14:37
Had the investigation been done sooner then maybe it would never have made the papers.

Parents have a right to have their concerns heard and if the papers were the only forum that would listen without spouting the 'investigation ongoing can't comment', they I am not surprised it has finally come out.

25-Jan-10, 14:51
This is a rather coorse story like but imagine someone has performed the stunt of extreme soiling and no one has owned up,

What were they supposed to do to find the culprit?

It could have been frustration or pure anger that lead the teacher to do this?

I don't agree with it but "extreme soiling" has me wondering what actually happened.....

Surely the head teacher is from back in the olden days when you could get away with this sort of malarky?

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

25-Jan-10, 14:53
parents of these girls have every right to be furious. why has this taken so long to come to light? this head teacher/education department needs to start explaining..

25-Jan-10, 15:05
The head should have been suspended until the investigation is completed-and how long does it take to investigate whether they did or did not check the gilrs pants?As far as I am concerned that is a sackable offence no matter what the situation was!If it had been a male headmaster that even ordered it ,far less carried it out there would have been a total uproar about it x

25-Jan-10, 17:39
[disgust] "The girls at Castletown Primary in Caithness had their pants checked after "extreme soiling" was found in the school toilets." [disgust]

:eek: What is “extreme soiling”? (Could the head teacher not spell Diarrhoea?) Could one of the poor mites have been ill?
In any event the teachers could have been called together and asked to look out for a child with a problem. They would know best how to get a response from their pupils. The whole matter could have been handled much more discreetly. Children who are happy and comfortable in school with confidence in their teacher will normally ask to speak to them if they feel unwell or have an ‘accident’.
I fear the fact that the Headteacher handled the situation the way she did says more about her own problems than any problems the children might have.

25-Jan-10, 17:46
Is "extreme soiling" like "extreme ironing" ?

I wonder how the Highland Council will deal with this...

kitty kat
25-Jan-10, 19:18

for any worried parents wishing to attend you are not alone

25-Jan-10, 20:35
After reading about the soiled pants incident if i were a parent of children at Castletown id be there!

25-Jan-10, 20:49
I think the whole thing is terrible. The poor kids should never have been treated like that. Notes should have been sent home and then its for the parents to deal with without any embarassment. :(

25-Jan-10, 21:05
Just how "extreme" must it have been if they need to do nicker inspections?

Surely the whiff would have given it away or the fact it would have been dribbling down their legs.

Me thinks the head's got a severe case of OCD.

25-Jan-10, 21:22
can i ask how the PTA is formed, who votes who in and when does this happen etc .......

have very little info about how it works , where minutes go etc etc ..... my sons last school gave out regular info regarding PTA in newsletters....


25-Jan-10, 21:23
Sounds like an Interesting meeting this, OH to be a Fly on the Wall, :D

25-Jan-10, 21:35
There is an AGM held in September. That parents attend if there children are in the school.

They express an interest at the meeting saying they wish to be on the committee or if they wish to have an office bearers role they express an interest & get voted on.

Minutes will be available on a notice board at the school once they have been typed & printed.

If you require further information please contact [email protected]

25-Jan-10, 21:54
can i ask how the PTA is formed, who votes who in and when does this happen etc .......

have very little info about how it works , where minutes go etc etc ..... my sons last school gave out regular info regarding PTA in newsletters....

Parent Council's have taken over from PTA's and parents now have a lot more say in their child's education.

All parents and carers of pupils enrolled in a school are, automatically, members of that school's Parent Forum. The Parent Forum has the authority to set up a Parent Council and almost all schools now have a Parent Council.
Parents decide the priorites for the Parent Council and how it will work within the four broad areas of responsibility laid down by the Parental Involvement Act. These require each Parent Council to:

support the school in its work with pupils
represent the views of all parents
encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community
report back to the Parent Forum.

Parent Councils can also have a role in the appointment of headteachers and depute headteachers. Minutes of meetings are available to every parent.

The school and the local authority must listen to what the Parent Council says and give it a proper response. Every school's Parent Council will be different because it will be parents in each school who decide such things as:

how their Council will be set up
what it should be called
what size it should be - e.g. in a very small primary school, all parents could be involved
who should be a member of the Parent Council
how they should be appointed
what's the most convenient time to hold meetings
what will be discussed at meetings - these might be topics such as school uniform, parking near the school, the school's anti-bullying policy, etc.

Generally, members of the Parent Council must be parents of children who attend the school and the chairperson must have a child in the school. However, the Parent Council can decide to co-opt other members from teachers and the community who will have knowledge and skills to help them.


kitty kat
25-Jan-10, 22:11
[quote=Phill;650388]Just how "extreme" must it have been if they need to do nicker inspections?

Surely the whiff would have given it away or the fact it would have been dribbling down their legs.


exactly as i thought:roll:

25-Jan-10, 22:16
so do Castletown primary have a parent council or is it a PTA then ? and if as the information states that the council HAS to take the views of the parents on board is it not being done that way ?

As a parent , i feel i should have a say in my child education and welfare at school, what if the parent council ignore this ?


25-Jan-10, 22:19
Castletown has a parent council, parent teacher association (pta) no longer exist.

The parent council cannot discuss any thing that is currently under investigation with the highland council, as attendees were advised tonight at the meeting

25-Jan-10, 22:20
According to the link posted at the top of the thread, Castletown have a Parent Council. If you have any concerns at all you should attend a PC meeting and present them there. Alternatively you can contact the school direct.

25-Jan-10, 22:51
this whole ordeal is outrageous! Parents aren't allowed to discuss this at a parent council meeting?? What kind of world are we living in?? Actually, under the education act it is the parents' responsibility to see to it the child is being properly and suitably educated. This includes making sure the teachers are not degrading children! Sheesh! These are fairly serious allegations and parents have a right to know and shouldn't have to learn about it reading the daily record of all places! If it were my child in that school in that situation i would promptly be removing them from that school until those responsible are no longer in charge of children!

white lightning
25-Jan-10, 22:55
You would think that castletown parent council wouldve sent a note home to parents advising of a meeting tonight with everything that has happened at the school in the past month and maybe re assure parents that had attended meeting tonight that it was being dealt with by highland education authority and to try and calm them but instead have enraged more parents by basically ignoring their feelings on the matter.....
why does castletown bother having a council it sure aint to hear parents views....

25-Jan-10, 22:57
this whole ordeal is outrageous! Parents aren't allowed to discuss this at a parent council meeting?? What kind of world are we living in?? Actually, under the education act it is the parents' responsibility to see to it the child is being properly and suitably educated. This includes making sure the teachers are not degrading children! Sheesh! These are fairly serious allegations and parents have a right to know and shouldn't have to learn about it reading the daily record of all places! If it were my child in that school in that situation i would promptly be removing them from that school until those responsible are no longer in charge of children!

I agree and feel exactly the same as you roadbowler, my child wouldn't be going back until the person was removed and all my questions answered!!!!!

25-Jan-10, 23:00
It's a shame that it takes something like this (it's reported in the Record, so it must all be true) to ensure a full turnout.
How many parents usually bother going to a Parents Council meeting at Castletown or any other school? An ordinary, scheduled, non-controversial one about their kids progress, future, the school etc?
I bet it's usually standing room only...

25-Jan-10, 23:02
When you get shouted down mid sentence you aint likely to go back either.

white lightning
25-Jan-10, 23:07
here here changilass

25-Jan-10, 23:14
How many members are on the Parent Council?

25-Jan-10, 23:17
If the matter is under investigation by The Highland Council then surely all queries should be directed to The Highland Council Education Dept. If you were under investigation by your employer would you be happy at it being discussed at a meeting?? I know I wouldn't.
There are a lot of people posting on this topic that have only read about it in the paper but there are 2 sides to every story. I hope this matter gets resolved quickly for the sake of everyone in Castletown Primary.

25-Jan-10, 23:19
There is 16 members at present. This consist of 3 office bearers & 13 members.

While the authorities are investigating the matter the parent council cannot and will not comment or allow discussion at a parent council meeting, this has been set down by the Scottish Government rules. Had the parents come to the parent council first, we would have been able to act on behalf of the parent forum.

As the parents have gone straight to the relevant authorities the parent council no longer has any say or dealings in the matter. We can only await the authorities ruling.

If you require more information regarding the current investigation, please contact the authorities that are currently dealing with it.

25-Jan-10, 23:21
The parent council cannot discuss any thing that is currently under investigation with the highland council, as attendees were advised tonight at the meeting

The teachers cannot discuss cases like this at a parent council meeting, parents would have to make an appointment to speak to there kids teacher or the headmistress as what happened to each child at school is private between staff and parent.

Having said all that i would probably have hit the roof if it was a child of mine that was involved. I don't know what the headmistress thought she was doing and it said even less for the teachers letting her get them involved. [disgust]

25-Jan-10, 23:23
I have contacted Hugh Fraser who is the head of education at highland council and i await his response. Its the LACK of information that is driving the unrest. WE ARE THE PARENTS of children attending a primary school , WE HAVE A RIGHT to know what happens to our children. By hiding behind the "under investigation" blanket this is being denied to us.


25-Jan-10, 23:25
The parent council cannot discuss any thing that is currently under investigation with the highland council, as attendees were advised tonight at the meeting

I'm interested to know who advised the parent council of this?

25-Jan-10, 23:30
When you get shouted down mid sentence you aint likely to go back either.
Who dared shout you down Changi? Not a member of the so called parent council surely? I thought the council were there to protect the children and the parents, not the Head mistress.

white lightning
25-Jan-10, 23:31
Quote:Had the parents come to the parent council first, we would have been able to act on behalf of the parent forum.

I dont see that anywhere in the complaints procedure!?!