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View Full Version : A rather undignified end for a fly (not for the squemish)

22-Jan-10, 18:41
This fly has been killed and left by the side of a local road where anyone can see it. This is not the only such incident - sights like this can be found all over the county and beyond. We need to stop this brutal practice!


22-Jan-10, 18:44
Oh and at this time of year before the breeding season how sad for its family! You should see my subaru it is great for road kill!

22-Jan-10, 18:48
What an utter disgrace, was it a fly by shooting that caused its downfall.

22-Jan-10, 18:51
I can't believe this picture is still here, please remove this offensive post..


22-Jan-10, 19:04
I speak on behalf of everyone on this site. And I demand you remove this picture and demand an explanation, thousands of people are already offended, I'll have you know.

I myself personally, like me myself and I, am not bothered by this picture, oh no - not me, but I have a duty to lecture and berate those around me ad nauseum.

So there.

And anyway, if this was a picture of an earwig you wouldn't be posting it..nobody cares about earwigs....apart from other earwigs, obviously.

But then again, who are we to mull on what preferences earwigs may or may not have? They may all have a deep seated loathing for each other, but are cruelly chained to each other by an invisible earwig bond......

Mister Squiggle
22-Jan-10, 19:08
Actually, it's a very old rural tradition to leave dead flies on the roads (and quite often window sills) around the county to deter other flies from coming in and blowing all over the dinner.

As for spiders who leave them visibly hanging in their webs for all and sundry to see, there's NO excuse. They're barbaric.

22-Jan-10, 19:09
Come on GnG - apart from me, my family are diesties, although you might think this is funny, it is not!

All life is sacred, no matter how small or (you may think) minor. All life has a place in the grand order of things, the fly has its place in providing a means of decay. let's face it without the fly we would be knee deep in dead bodies..

No the only fitting thing that can be done is to give this poor animal a place where it's 'point in life' can be displayed, maybe a side of the road; to use some very thin thread and tie it to a, what shall we say, a fence post..
to show all that may pass that THIS fly has died in the service of mankind, THIS fly is not just there to upset humans, but to show that the fly is mighty and undeserving of the contempt it does not deserve.

The regulations decree that we must Provide a notice, either side some 50 metres apart, warning those of us less squeamish that ahead is a terrible sight, warn the children so that they do not grow up worldly wise, so they may be in fright of what is loosely termed 'normal things'..

I will not go on, but lets be genuine,this IS a serious matter of some concern.

22-Jan-10, 19:12
This fly has been killed and left by the side of a local road where anyone can see it. This is not the only such incident - sights like this can be found all over the county and beyond. We need to stop this brutal practice!


Thank you for bringing this practice to our notice. Without investigative people like you we would be kept in the dark about such a vile distasteful activity but I wonder how long the photo will last before the mods see it?

22-Jan-10, 19:22
Alas, poor Fly! I knew him: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?

22-Jan-10, 19:30
Alas, poor Fly! I knew him: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?

To fly, or not to fly, that was his life
Whether 'tis nobler in his mind to suffer
The flystrips and sprays of outrageous fortune,
Or to take wings against a sea of jam
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

22-Jan-10, 19:45
I hope the carcass gets taken away quickly before it gets absolutely covered in foxes.

22-Jan-10, 19:53
Deeply upset by the senseless death of a poor defencless fly.It`s going to take a lot of councelling for me to get over this. :(

22-Jan-10, 20:48
"is this a midgie I see before me?"


22-Jan-10, 20:53

No the only fitting thing that can be done is to give this poor animal a place where it's 'point in life' can be displayed, maybe a side of the road; to use some very thin thread and tie it to a, what shall we say, a fence post..
to show all that may pass that THIS fly has died in the service of mankind, THIS fly is not just there to upset humans, but to show that the fly is mighty and undeserving of the contempt it does not deserve....


Just had the Tate Gallery on the blower.

They said stick it on a plinth and they'll give us £50 grand for it.

I talked them up to £78 grand.


What price an earwig?

"Friends, Romans, lend me your earwigs"

Cinderella's Shoe
22-Jan-10, 20:53

I'd just like to say that I am not offended by the picture.

22-Jan-10, 21:47
I'm deeply offended by this picture!:lol:

The poor fly! it should be respected ;)

22-Jan-10, 22:05
"I like it I like it" what a brilliant off take to all the ones who are so easily offended about what happens in country life
why cant people who have chosen to live in gods county accept where the have chosen to live and live within the community instead of wanting to change it to their rose tinted glasses
Ps I am glad no showed a dead seal or the UN might have to be called in to stop the rioting

wavy davy
22-Jan-10, 23:06
At least you had the decency not to stick a (fly) fag in its mouth.

Apart from being in despicably poor taste and degrading the fly, within minutes we would have half the fly population addicted to nicotine and Buckfast and toting very very small AK47s.

I would just like to say that I gave up fags, Buckfast and shooting people several years ago and have never felt the need to indulge my previous vices since.

Cinderella's Shoe
22-Jan-10, 23:34
"I like it I like it" what a brilliant off take to all the ones who are so easily offended about what happens in country life
why cant people who have chosen to live in gods county accept where the have chosen to live and live within the community instead of wanting to change it to their rose tinted glasses

I completely agree

22-Jan-10, 23:35

And anyway, if this was a picture of an earwig you wouldn't be posting it..nobody cares about earwigs....apart from other earwigs, obviously.

You forgot the nit,nobody seems to care about them either............

22-Jan-10, 23:39
That was just a tad nit-picky.....

22-Jan-10, 23:40
At least you had the decency not to stick a (fly) fag in its mouth.

We've bin workin' on the fag but we might have to photoshop it, Rheggers kept burnin' his fingers while holding the dimps. Then GnG dropped the poor defenceless wee little beasties cadaver and northener stood on it whilst trying to find it.

22-Jan-10, 23:41
I hope the carcass gets taken away quickly before it gets absolutely covered in foxes.

Oh the horror :lol:

22-Jan-10, 23:53
We've bin workin' on the fag but we might have to photoshop it, Rheggers kept burnin' his fingers while holding the dimps. Then GnG dropped the poor defenceless wee little beasties cadaver and northener stood on it whilst trying to find it.

We should have used an earwig, they're easier to work with.

22-Jan-10, 23:56
We should have used an earwig, they're easier to work with.
Stop picking on clipshears :mad:

Kevin Milkins
23-Jan-10, 01:09
I hope you checked it's pulse before you "assumed" it was dead.:eek:

23-Jan-10, 01:24
why cant people who have chosen to live in gods county accept where the have chosen to live and live within the community instead of wanting to change it to their rose tinted glasses

Why can't people who are the self-appointed guardians of God's county accept that they are not a law unto themselves? Because they can?

23-Jan-10, 02:57
Why can't people who are the self-appointed guardians of God's county accept that they are not a law unto themselves? Because they can?

As a riposte, why can't sooth-moother incomers not accept the customs and ways of the local Caithness folks?

23-Jan-10, 03:07
Well I am an ex Caithness farmer and I agree with the culling of foxes. I also find no objection to the hanging of them after they are dead.

I also love foxes, and have spent hours watching them in my garden and am always amazed at how beautiful they are, and how incredibly agile.

I have seen one balancing on a tiny footing in Holland Park, and shortly after heard it end a rabbit's life.

We are blessed to have these beautiful creatures in our midst.

Bit like those Hammys..

Endangered, but unfortunately not extinct.


23-Jan-10, 10:17
This little fella had the cheek to steal all our chooks one night... Not happy at all! :Razz

Always had an incline the wife was encouraging it... :eek:


The Angel Of Death
23-Jan-10, 11:14
As a riposte, why can't sooth-moother incomers not accept the customs and ways of the local Caithness folks?

Totally agree some people are forever wanting to change stuff just because they dont like it

23-Jan-10, 11:19
Shock,horror "The Fly," is dead, science fiction will have to be re-written.

23-Jan-10, 14:09
Originally Posted by Metalattakk http://forum.caithness.org/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?p=649119#post649119)
As a riposte, why can't sooth-moother incomers not accept the customs and ways of the local Caithness folks?

well Metalattakk I detect a we bit of Shetland in the Sooth-Moother comment but you are spot on
and they like to keep their traditions so power to the locals

23-Jan-10, 15:34
What an utter disgrace, was it a fly by shooting that caused its downfall. hahahhhah nearly wet maself laughing:lol::lol:

23-Jan-10, 16:00
Why can't people who are the self-appointed guardians of God's county accept that they are not a law unto themselves? Because they can?

Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi

23-Jan-10, 18:42
Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi

Thank you St. Ambrose....

23-Jan-10, 18:46
It wasn't a fly, it was the nasty bug that people are always saying is going around.

23-Jan-10, 23:53
Whats wrong with forkietails!! They are my favourite horrors.:lol:

24-Jan-10, 12:58
This is an horrific image to have been posted on a public forum: I demand, DEMAND I tell you, that I want it removed immediately!

My son (only just 23years old) happened upon this image and has been severly traumatised by it...... lol

Thank you Green_not_greed for brightening up my Sunday morning! ;)