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20-Jan-10, 21:03
I have just watched this. My God - don't we just live on such a beautiful planet?! It brought a tear to my eye.

I know - I am such a big softie!

21-Jan-10, 15:26
That is where I would like to put him and leave him there.

Why does he feel he has to inhabit the persona that Clarkson handed him? Same with the wee twerp, they seem far too happy to be stooges as if Clarkson was really talented. Anyone observant enough would see that Clarkson copped most of his supposed humour from others. Now that he has tried to take it further his mudanity is revealed, everything about Top Gear is totally predictable and he cannot even see it.. I think they genuinely believe they are comedians rather than presenters of a geek show.

21-Jan-10, 15:49
That is where I would like to put him and leave him there.

Why does he feel he has to inhabit the persona that Clarkson handed him? Same with the wee twerp, they seem far too happy to be stooges as if Clarkson was really talented. Anyone observant enough would see that Clarkson copped most of his supposed humour from others. Now that he has tried to take it further his mudanity is revealed, everything about Top Gear is totally predictable and he cannot even see it.. I think they genuinely believe they are comedians rather than presenters of a geek show.

Whether Clarkson is talented or not is a matter of opinion. He has made himself a very very lucrative tv career, which has spawned numerous best selling books. Whatever you think of the man, he's no idiot.

21-Jan-10, 16:40
Don't diss the Top gear crew. lol
I love the programme, think they're hilarious. Not much interested in the cars they show but their little adventures are brilliant. The christmas one had me in bits, had to watch it again on the net. Then I came across the Vietnam one - brilliant! Only May would have the guts to ride one end of Vietnam to the other with a colander on his head. :lol:

As for his edge of space programme, I only caught the last 10 minutes but thought it was well worth watching. Amazing sight.

21-Jan-10, 19:33
Bringing it back to Ricco's point...Yes we do live on a beautiful planet. The shots from the plane James May was in are stunning. He got quite emotional and who wouldn't seeing such a gem in space. Awesome.

21-Jan-10, 21:56
I have just watched this. My God - don't we just live on such a beautiful planet?! It brought a tear to my eye.

I know - I am such a big softie!

I haven't seen that yet, but look forward to, when it's shown over here. I enjoyed watching 'James May on the Moon'. :)

That is where I would like to put him and leave him there.

Why does he feel he has to inhabit the persona that Clarkson handed him? Same with the wee twerp, they seem far too happy to be stooges as if Clarkson was really talented. Anyone observant enough would see that Clarkson copped most of his supposed humour from others. Now that he has tried to take it further his mudanity is revealed, everything about Top Gear is totally predictable and he cannot even see it.. I think they genuinely believe they are comedians rather than presenters of a geek show.

Don't call Richard Hammond a wee twerp, lol! I think he's *adorable*! I'm sure a lot of women will agree that he's the best looking out of the three! I *love* 'Top Gear', and find it highly entertaining. I don't really watch it for the cars, but for the interesting places the guys go to, and their hilarious antics. Yes, it's all a set up, but it's a winning formula, and I've never found it in the least mundane!

21-Jan-10, 23:21
Whether Clarkson is talented or not is a matter of opinion. He has made himself a very very lucrative tv career, which has spawned numerous best selling books. Whatever you think of the man, he's no idiot.

I have not suggested he is not talented. He is great when he is serious. I also said nothing about him being an idiot, but he has certainly fooled himself into thinking he is an able comic.

How popular/succesful he is really does not enter into it. Mathew Kelly is very succesful too, as were Culture Club..

21-Jan-10, 23:28
he's the best looking out of the three!

Just how did he manage that? The competition is so intense..

21-Jan-10, 23:34
I've just re-watched that programme on DAVE. I think it was the most exciting and funniest piece of television I have seen for years.[lol]

22-Jan-10, 00:01
That is where I would like to put him and leave him there.

Why does he feel he has to inhabit the persona that Clarkson handed him? Same with the wee twerp, they seem far too happy to be stooges as if Clarkson was really talented. Anyone observant enough would see that Clarkson copped most of his supposed humour from others. Now that he has tried to take it further his mudanity is revealed, everything about Top Gear is totally predictable and he cannot even see it.. I think they genuinely believe they are comedians rather than presenters of a geek show.

Top Gear was voted the No.1 programme of the last decade so they must be doing something right....are you maybe a wee bitty jealous that they are getting paid to lark about like overgrown schoolboys? I am, I'd love to do their job, and I'd do it for half the money too. I think you are wrong about James May acting 'the persona Clarkson handed him', that is how James May is for real, it also comes across in his writing too and it's that persona that has led Clarkson and Hammond to take the pee out of him. If you had watched any other programme or read any of James May's books you would know he has a love of engineering, a fascination for how things work and of great feats in engineering, which eventually took him to the edge of space, a place very few humans will ever get to be. Certainly, all three may occassionally play up to the camera, but I do believe they are the most honest presenters on tv because they don't take themselves seriously.

22-Jan-10, 00:23
Top Gear was voted the No.1 programme of the last decade so they must be doing something right....

By whom???????? Do YOU think it is the best program you have seen in the last ten years?

If you had watched any other programme or read any of James May's books you would know he has a love of engineering, a fascination for how things work and of great feats in engineering, which eventually took him to the edge of space

If I had?

You have hacked my PVR?

22-Jan-10, 00:29
Just how did he manage that? The competition is so intense..

OK, so I admit I was stating the obvious, lol! But Richard Hammond is a good looking man, whether in comparison to his two colleagues, or not. :cool:

22-Jan-10, 00:34
I agree, he is actually a very handsome guy, and very charming. I love him on other programmes, just wish he and May were equals of Clarkson as they are equally talented.

Also wish TG did much more on bikes, and the fact that May and Hammond are avid bikers lends one the impression they just don't have much editorial say on the programme at all.


22-Jan-10, 00:46
By whom???????? Do YOU think it is the best program you have seen in the last ten years?

If I had?

You have hacked my PVR?

Yes, and what's a PVR? :eek:

22-Jan-10, 00:51
Yes, and what's a PVR? :eek:

Well, you need to 'get out more' if you think TG is the best programme of the last ten years..

A PVR is, er, Google is your friend too!

22-Jan-10, 01:01
Well, you need to 'get out more' if you think TG is the best programme of the last ten years..

A PVR is, er, Google is your friend too!
I've actually watched very few programmes over the last ten years. I can't stand any 'reality' or 'celebrity' shows, soaps, all sports shows except one. In fact, all I really make time for is Top Gear, Formula 1 and Mastermind. Anything else is just by chance.

22-Jan-10, 01:05
I've actually watched very few programmes over the last ten years. I can't stand any 'reality' or 'celebrity' shows, soaps, all sports shows except one. In fact, all I really make time for is Top Gear, Formula 1 and Mastermind. Anything else is just by chance.

Then I think we have put your opinion that TG is the best programme of the last ten years into perspective.


22-Jan-10, 01:12
Then I think we have put your opinion that TG is the best programme of the last ten years into perspective.


I don't deny I'm an unashamed fan of the programme, I find it entertaining. As for the editorial side of it, I really don't care who has the biggest say.

22-Jan-10, 01:12
Well, you need to 'get out more' if you think TG is the best programme of the last ten years..

A PVR is, er, Google is your friend too!

"Getting out more" isn't really relevant here seeing as we're talking about television, is it?

I think I would probably call Top Gear the best TV programme of the past decade, certainly on British television (Scrubs - the American medical comedy - would be my best programme of the decade, but that is just my opinion). Top Gear is consistently entertaining, and the special editions have been amazing in particular. Both the Vietnam and the South American ones were brilliant pieces of television, and highlighted some of the beauty of parts of the world a lot of us are unlikely to ever see first hand. The thing about Top Gear and the presenters is that I genuinely think that what we see, is what they are really like. They're guys who love cars, and are getting paid a lot of money to drive very expensive cars, and they just seem to be having fun - real fun, not some manufactured façade. Their enthusiasm for what they do is contagious, and makes for a gripping hour of television where I can just forget about uni work and what not, and just have fun. Cheap, harmless, fun. Everyone needs that now and again, don't they?

22-Jan-10, 01:32
Well I respect people's choice. If you all think it is so great then who am I to argue?

Their specials in Asia and S. America are bola bola, they really portray very little of the reality of the places they were in. Wasted opportunity.

"Getting out more" isn't really relevant here seeing as we're talking about television, is it?

Well, there is a reason I used the punctuation around that phrase..

22-Jan-10, 01:43
Well I respect people's choice. If you all think it is so great then who am I to argue?

Ah, churlishness - everyone's favourite.

Their specials in Asia and S. America are bola bola, they really portray very little of the reality of the places they were in. Wasted opportunity.

You have to remember this is a car programme - they have to fit everything else around that.

Well, there is a reason I used the punctuation around that phrase..

I was aware of said punctuation, but it was still a daft phrase to use there. It surely would've been easier to just type what you meant. Also, go with one dot or three, but not two. It seems so indecisive... Or does it?

22-Jan-10, 02:25
it was still a daft phrase to use there. It surely would've been easier to just type what you meant.

The use of a common phrase made my point. Using the punctuation as I did indicated I was conscious that phrase is not usually used in this context.

However it can still apply; nothing restricts that phrase to the idea of literally going out, physically. My meaning was clear to anyone agenda free.

This is a message board, not an English tutorial..

If I want trail off two dot ellipses I will have them..

22-Jan-10, 03:31
If I want trail off two dot ellipsis I will have them..

But then the aposiopesis is lost? Surely?

22-Jan-10, 03:38
No, it is absolutely enhanced by my refusal to go further..

22-Jan-10, 03:46
Nope, doesn't work for me. Just seems that you're trying to be sagacious and failing somewhat.


22-Jan-10, 03:53
Well failing is not my area of expertise, so I may bow to your better knowledge in this case.

22-Jan-10, 17:28
Do you know.... some people get quite upset when their wee topic gets highjacked. Me... I find it quite funny, epecially to see the diverse avenues that the thread then follows, and twists and turns.

But don't forget - it is a beautiful planet. ;)

22-Jan-10, 17:42
I am amazed when I fly, so I can imagine I would be totally blown away to go even further up and see the world from that perspective. I don't think I will be in a position to be a space tourist any time soon though.

22-Jan-10, 18:45
If I want trail off two dot ellipsis I will have them..

Well it's not really an ellipsis with only two...

Well failing is not my area of expertise, so I may bow to your better knowledge in this case.


22-Jan-10, 18:55
I will use as many or as few dots as I wish.....

22-Jan-10, 19:27
I will use as many or as few dots as I wish.....

Yeah, doesn't change the fact that 2 dots isn't an ellipsis.

22-Jan-10, 20:06
They are if that is what I am using them for..

22-Jan-10, 20:31
They are if that is what I am using them for..

That isn't really how it works...

22-Jan-10, 21:27
Perhaps you should bear in mind this is a message board..

We really need an option to branch off for off topic debates.. ..or for persistent flaming attacks. Maybe just a virtual ball pool for bairns to be bairns.

Next you will be having a go at people for using 'lol', or for non capitalization, or forgettting to add a full stop Oh look! A typo! wetting your pants now? Dribbling with anticapation?

.. .. .. ..!

22-Jan-10, 21:30
Perhaps you should bear in mind this is a message board..

We really need an option to branch off for off topic debates.. ..or for persistent flaming attacks.

Yeah, this back and forth has been all me...

22-Jan-10, 22:07
well you decided to start talking grammar

something of a pet subject for you; and I can see why, as it appears to be an area of learning you are struggling with

perhaps you should limit your discourse to formal letters to english lecturers until you know the rules the rest of us choose to ignore when we are not writing formally

if you read up you will discover I rarely if ever mention someone's grammar

it seems to be the preserve of those who cannot argue their point, hiding away in a set of rules they hope will indicate their superior facility with this noble language rather than addressing the argument further

we all know ability in english is nothing to do with intelligence or reasoning

some of the greatest minds known have written terribly, in whatever language they used

you only need to do a few moments research, if you really do not already know that using two dots is common on message boards

perhaps not a huge time saver, but it is an abbreviation

and, once again, I remind you this is not a formal format for written english


23-Jan-10, 00:51
well you decided to start talking grammar

Well if we're going to be picky, you were the first to mention punctuation.

something of a pet subject for you

Not really. If bad grammar actually annoyed me as much as you think it does, I wouldn't be able to do anything on the internet except correct peoples grammar.

and I can see why, as it appears to be an area of learning you are struggling with

My English is perfectly fine thank you.

perhaps you should limit your discourse to formal letters to english lecturers

You seem to be under the misapprehension that I'm an English student. I am, in fact, an Astrophysics student.

if you read up you will discover I rarely if ever mention someone's grammar

I really don't care.

it seems to be the preserve of those who cannot argue their point, hiding away in a set of rules they hope will indicate their superior facility with this noble language rather than addressing the argument further

I have no problem arguing my position. However the thing is, this argument isn't about positions. It's two people who both want the last word on a stupid, insignificant argument. And the nobility of the English language is a debate for another time.

we all know ability in english is nothing to do with intelligence or reasoning

To a certain extent...

perhaps not a huge time saver, but it is an abbreviation

Oh come on.


You choose to end your comments on the nobility of the English language in French. Interesting...

23-Jan-10, 01:48
You seem to be under the misapprehension that I'man English student. I am, in fact, an Astrophysics student.
I thought you were a Psycho student but never mind because I like Astro. What do my stars say for the rest of the weekend? I'm a Scorpio.

I liked that James May thingy when I saw it last time. I'd rather puke than snog that wee Hammond gnaff.

23-Jan-10, 01:54
Well if we're going to be picky, you were the first to mention punctuation.

Actually you made it the subject of our conversation.

Not really. If bad grammar actually annoyed me as much as you think it does, I wouldn't be able to do anything on the internet except correct peoples grammar. You would have a hard time, not being blessed with the tools..

My English is perfectly fine thank you. I don't think so. Often the case with those who choose to correct others.

You seem to be under the misapprehension that I'm an English student. I am, in fact, an Astrophysics student. Now why would I suggest you correspond with a Physics or Maths lecturers to improve your language skills?

I have no problem arguing my position. However the thing is, this argument isn't about positions. It's two people who both want the last word on a stupid, insignificant argument. And the nobility of the English language is a debate for another time.

I don't recall beginning any debate about my use of two dots, (accepted as a variation on message boards and internet chat), versus three. You decided to pursue that debate.

You would do well to think about your language skills in general before continuing to revert to such pedantic diversion.

Your oratory prowess, as evidenced by your contributions on this board, is limited.

My position is that reverting to semantic debate to switch from the thrust of a debate is negative, and I react to it for that reason.

You don't care so much you keep replying..

Incidentally, you are using the ellipsis wrongly almost every time . . . .

23-Jan-10, 06:04
I'd rather puke than snog that wee Hammond gnaff.

:lol: Would you rather snog Jeremy Clarkson, then? ;)

23-Jan-10, 13:58
:lol: Would you rather snog Jeremy Clarkson, then? ;)
Good grief no. Why isn't Keanu Reeves on Top Gear? :confused

23-Jan-10, 16:34
You would have a hard time, not being blessed with the tools..

That's your opinion, and it's wrong.

I don't think so. Often the case with those who choose to correct others.

As above.

I don't recall beginning any debate about my use of two dots, (accepted as a variation on message boards and internet chat), versus three. You decided to pursue that debate.

For crying out loud if you're going to be all high and mighty about how good your English is, and how bad mine is, at least read a post before replying to it. Which bit of my comment was it that made you think I'd accused you of starting a debate: the bit where I explicitly said there was no debate?

You would do well to think about your language skills in general before continuing to revert to such pedantic diversion.

Yawn. Is that all you can think to say?

Your oratory prowess, as evidenced by your contributions on this board, is limited.

Wow, a nice sweeping statement there. Prove it, or shut up.

My position is that reverting to semantic debate to switch from the thrust of a debate is negative, and I react to it for that reason.

My post was about 10 lines long. One line was a joke about you using "get out more" when talking about television. The other 9 lines were about Top Gear.

You don't care so much you keep replying..

I keep replying because you're one of the funniest things I've read in days. You seem to be so damn up yourself. You are just making more stupid, and more hilarious, comments.

Incidentally, you are using the ellipsis wrongly almost every time . . . .

Yeah... Right...

23-Jan-10, 17:14
Alan sweetie, why get so wound up about a single missing dot in BB's ellipses?

Get back to your star charts and tell me whether I'll get lucky if I go out tonight! :)

23-Jan-10, 17:54
Good grief no. Why isn't Keanu Reeves on Top Gear? :confused

Why is there not a female presenter?

23-Jan-10, 18:21
Why is there not a female presenter?
I don't think the dynamics of the show would suit a female presenter, it's very much a boys club, though if they were to hire one then I think Vicki Butler-Henderson would be the ideal choice. She was on the old Top Gear, is an accomplished sports car driver, and could probably take the abuse meted out by the others.

23-Jan-10, 18:22
I love her, if she was on it I would watch it for sure. If they got her and Kate Humble I would even watch the repeats..


23-Jan-10, 18:24
I love her, if she was on it I would watch it for sure. If they got her and Kate Humble I would even watch the repeats..

Nah, Kate Humble is to 'mumsy'.

23-Jan-10, 18:28
She would be great at looking at eco initiatives in motoring, and I would love to see her blanking those gits when they were being bairns.


She is a cracker.


23-Jan-10, 18:34
She would be great at looking at eco initiatives in motoring, and I would love to see her blanking those gits when they were being bairns.


She is a cracker.

NO NO NO NO NO! Top Gear is all about stonking great V8's and V10's, 150mph+ cars, power laps, bad fashion, breaking rules, daft challenges and risky adventures. If you want eco motoring then watch Fifth Gear meets Countryfile.

23-Jan-10, 18:39
Jox is right, Kate would be worse than hopeless on Top Gear but she'd be good at getting dead foxes removed from fences.

23-Jan-10, 18:41
Jox is right, Kate would be worse than hopeless on Top Gear but she'd be good at getting dead foxes removed from fences.

Or dead flies off of windscreens. :)

23-Jan-10, 18:53
Risky adventure?

I will give it to you that the wee escapade Hammond got involved in was a tad risky, but they were taking no risks in South America. Why drive one of their own support vehicles the other way along a pass and pretend they risked going off the edge?

If you like staged risk, or stunts, then I suppose that is something they provide.

Breaking rules?

I don't buy that at all, they are about as rebellious as my slippers.

My point is that the show has run its course, and perhaps it is time for change. It seems to be a very tired format, and they appear to have run out of imagination. The journey through South America was unbelievably narrow in its focus. As a motoring show I would have expected they might look at the transport system in that continent, and how the car and the opening of highways has changed the remote areas, or maybe a look at the logging/deforestation issue. Even some interaction with the local culture from the perspective of how the car has changed things. We got nothing, just stage managed and totally non entertaining messing around getting 4x4s off a barge.

In Asia they totally ignored the huge variety of interesting motoring issues in favour of playing around, as always.

I think it would be great if they mixed it up a bit and got some more presenters in.

23-Jan-10, 19:02
I think it would be great if they mixed it up a bit and got some more presenters in.

Boozey you are but one voice, many others like this programme and all the spin offs, I know I do [lol]

23-Jan-10, 19:11
Geez Golach, thanks for reminding me of that.

The populist argument really does render all debate redundant.

I guess we should all button our lips unless we are praising something popular or criticizing something that is a minority interest.

24-Jan-10, 09:55
She would be great at looking at eco initiatives in motoring, and I would love to see her blanking those gits when they were being bairns.


She is a cracker.


You have completely missed the point of Top Gear, they don't do eco initiatives

24-Jan-10, 10:28
kate humble is a cracker-YEA

an j.may in space was absolutely superior

an may we have you two numpties back on please.

24-Jan-10, 13:44
You have completely missed the point of Top Gear, they don't do eco initiatives

I have been watching it since it began, I don't think I am missing the point ... I think THEY are missing the point!

Anyway, they do actually do a lot of bits concerning these issues.

Remember how they used to always talk with disdain about diesels?

Things change.


24-Jan-10, 15:13
Remember how they used to always talk with disdain about diesels?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought their problem with diesel was that it was slow.

24-Jan-10, 17:07
Just to remind everyone about the key content of the thread.

http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=tbn:bcG0mk0-dcngrM::encoretheatremagazine.blogspot.com/The%252520earth%252520from%252520space.jpg&t=1&h=196&w=186&usg=__-5Y-DZ9O40re0K2Nam60rHjuh6I= (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://encoretheatremagazine.blogspot.com/The%2520earth%2520from%2520space.jpg&imgrefurl=http://encoretheatremagazine.blogspot.com/Revivals.html&h=592&w=562&sz=51&tbnid=bcG0mk0-dcngrM:&tbnh=231&tbnw=219&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpicture%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bearth%2Bfrom%2Bs pace&hl=en&usg=__0qxvsnYBcAxY5lnaRwlhL-0gAdo=&ei=EHBcS7a0CZi8jAee_c2iAg&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&ved=0CAoQ9QEwAQ)

BYW - Kate Humble... definitely.

24-Jan-10, 17:32
BYW - Kate Humble... definitely.

I hear you Ricco, with stawberries on top!


25-Jan-10, 02:01
Top Gear was voted the No.1 programme of the last decade so they must be doing something right....are you maybe a wee bitty jealous that they are getting paid to lark about like overgrown schoolboys? I am, I'd love to do their job, and I'd do it for half the money too. I think you are wrong about James May acting 'the persona Clarkson handed him', that is how James May is for real, it also comes across in his writing too and it's that persona that has led Clarkson and Hammond to take the pee out of him. If you had watched any other programme or read any of James May's books you would know he has a love of engineering, a fascination for how things work and of great feats in engineering, which eventually took him to the edge of space, a place very few humans will ever get to be. Certainly, all three may occassionally play up to the camera, but I do believe they are the most honest presenters on tv because they don't take themselves seriously.
It pains me to say this but there is nothing i disagree with here that Joxy has said..
In other words...oh god,,i agree with you Joxville.

25-Jan-10, 20:01
I hear you Ricco, with stawberries on top!


You've watched me! Bad boy!:lol: