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View Full Version : Nuclear waste storage options examined

15-Jan-10, 17:55

Nuclear Storage at Dounreay. Have a look at the 'Gosh/ Baillie Windfarm' thread for more info.
Of course, most Scots are going to vote for it up here, so we'll end up with it. According to Rheghead, that is:The will of the majority must take precendence over the feelings of the minority. And we'd better just stop moaning about it.
Consultation exercise anybody?

15-Jan-10, 18:04
The Italians seem to have found a way of dealing with toxic waste, just pile it all on a big boat, send it out to sea and the scupper it. However they tend to do it with crew an'all.

Providing it is done properly and they budget for it correctly from the start, I don't see it as a problem.
It would be beneficial to the local economy and workforce.

But then again I think we should be firing up another reactor at Dounreay also.

15-Jan-10, 18:07
Are we talking real jobs or 'virtual' jobs, Phill?

15-Jan-10, 18:36
That is a good question and to be honest I don't know the answer. As with any type of development these days the talk of "jobs" always includes all the outside contractors that travel from site to site during development and startup etc.

And without seeing any hard proposals for schemes there, it is pie in the sky.

But any long term facility is going to need a workforce of some description drawn from the local populace. The experience is here, the engineering capability is here, the infrastructure must surely either be there or easier to gear up at an existing nuclear site.

15-Jan-10, 20:27
Reggy won't mind - he lives in Reay it seems, and well, it is in the National Interest. I am absolutely sure he won't be a NIMBY, come on they don't make any noise, they don't cause flicker, so what's the problem?