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View Full Version : must go to bed

12-Jan-10, 01:06
ever get the feeling that you should go to bed but just cannae be bothered, was playing farmville on facebook, and said to myself, must go to bed, but maybe i ll just have a quick look on the org.
i can resist the urge to wander through the web
good night all
hmm maybe 5 more minutes
no im stronger
right good night

12-Jan-10, 09:56
I hate going to bed because chances are i dont get to sleep. :( But then again i absolutely detest getting up in the mornings. [lol]

I can sit and find things to look at pretty easily. My most deadly website would have to be play.com [smirk] constant pre-orders lol

12-Jan-10, 18:14
I've no problem going to bed and getting off to sleep, my problem since Boxing Day is I've woken every morning at 2.23 :( I don't know why I've started doing it, nothing I can think of is troubling me, but it's a pain because sometimes I can't get back to sleep, like today. It wasn't too bad when I was on holiday but now I'm back at work I need more than 3 or 4 hours sleep. I don't know why it's always 2.23, I know what the time is going to read before I look at the clock.

12-Jan-10, 18:39
I've no problem going to bed and getting off to sleep, my problem since Boxing Day is I've woken every morning at 2.23 :( I don't know why I've started doing it, nothing I can think of is troubling me, but it's a pain because sometimes I can't get back to sleep, like today. It wasn't too bad when I was on holiday but now I'm back at work I need more than 3 or 4 hours sleep. I don't know why it's always 2.23, I know what the time is going to read before I look at the clock.

its turned intil a sub-conscious thing now joxy, what ye need til do is hev a wee wordy wi' yersel when ye go til yer beid enite, ye hev til be firm mind! tell yersel that yer no happy aboot 'e situation an tonite yer gona sleep rite thro. it will work.

ye can always try 'iss technique.....

sit up in yer beid, hev yer (imaginary) key in yer han', unlock, then open 'e little box on yer foreheid, take oot a pencil an a bit o' paper.
write doon a wee note for yersel...lek what time ye do want til waken up...then fold up 'e bit o' paper, pop it back in til 'e box (in yer foreheid) da forget til put 'e pencil back in.
close 'e box an turn 'e key, an hey presto - sweet dreams, ma friend;)

guid luck wi yer boxy....joxy :cool:

12-Jan-10, 18:58
I've no problem going to bed and getting off to sleep, my problem since Boxing Day is I've woken every morning at 2.23 :( I don't know why I've started doing it, nothing I can think of is troubling me, but it's a pain because sometimes I can't get back to sleep, like today. It wasn't too bad when I was on holiday but now I'm back at work I need more than 3 or 4 hours sleep. I don't know why it's always 2.23, I know what the time is going to read before I look at the clock.

What to do is to put your clock forward an hour. Then when you wake up at 2.23 your brain will see 3.23 and think it has missed 2.23 and so will let you go back to sleep. :D

The only thing is to remember you clock is 1 hour fast otherwise you will be 1 hour late at work. :(

12-Jan-10, 19:58
i know what you mean wickscorrie, farmville, is so addictive, you say to yoursel i will nip on for a wee look, and before you know it an hour has past by the time you help everyone eles and then do your own farm, but it is great fun. I just wish i could get up a bit on it, it seems to be taking ages, is there any tricks or any advice to get my levels up.

happy farming!!

12-Jan-10, 21:02
i know what you mean wickscorrie, farmville, is so addictive, you say to yoursel i will nip on for a wee look, and before you know it an hour has past by the time you help everyone eles and then do your own farm, but it is great fun. I just wish i could get up a bit on it, it seems to be taking ages, is there any tricks or any advice to get my levels up.

happy farming!!

To level up you need as much xp as u can, so if u have time try and plant stuff that takes 4 hours (strawberries) so then you can do it twice a day (or more depending on how much you play) Try not to concentrate on decorations and things too much if you want to level up.

Im hooked on bejeweled just now! cant get off it! :eek: