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View Full Version : Overpaid asylum seekers

08-Jan-10, 23:12
Can I sue the Government for a dereliction of duty? As a taxpayer I am sick off seeing millions continually squandered by various Government departments and MP's dodgy expense claims. Now the latest is the following:

Asylum seekers were wrongly paid nearly £10 million in benefits last year.
A Home Office audit found officials mistakenly handed out £9.6 million in housing benefit and living allowances. Overpayments happened when payouts continued even after asylum cases were concluded.The real total could be even higher because officials at the UK Border Agency have not calculated the cost of errors made in previous years.

Rset of the story here: http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=151664642

If it was a British family that found themselves out of work due to the recession and were overpaid by the DSS then you can be sure they would have to pay the money back. [disgust]

08-Jan-10, 23:18
Don't get me started, things like this make my blood boil.

J C Denton
08-Jan-10, 23:24
How much was wrongly paid to British nationals?

Alice in Blunderland
08-Jan-10, 23:26
If it was a British family that found themselves out of work due to the recession and were overpaid by the DSS then you can be sure they would have to pay the money back. [disgust]

Nah as was stated in an earlier thread ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If they don't fall off the back of a lorry saying 'speaka no English' then they get no benefits. ;) So nothing to pay back !

Alice in Blunderland
08-Jan-10, 23:31
The system needs a complete overhaul.
Its set up wrong.

Not a knee jerk overhaul but a proper rethink on how to deliver a much more appropriate service to those who need it.

08-Jan-10, 23:34
Can I sue the Government for a dereliction of duty?

Awww c'mon be fair. Since when has any government ever actually been competent.

Don't start raising expectations now.

08-Jan-10, 23:43
Good morning and welcome to a brand new edition of 'ASYLUM'.

Today's program features another chance to take part in our exciting competition: Hijack an airliner and win a council house! We've already given away hundreds of millions of pounds and thousands of dream homes, courtesy of our sponsor, the British Taxpayer.

And don't forget, we're now the fastest growing game on the planet.

Anyone can play, provided they don't already hold a valid British passport and you only need one word of English: 'ASYLUM'.

Prizes include all-expenses-paid accommodation, cash benefits starting at £180 a week and a chance to earn thousands more begging, mugging and accosting drivers at traffic lights.

This competition is open to everyone buying a ticket or stowing away on one of our partner airlines, ferry companies or Eurostar.

No application ever refused, however reasonable or unreasonable. All you have to do is destroy all your papers and remember the magic password:

Only this week 140 members of the Taliban family from Afghanistan were flown Goat Class from Kabul to our international gateway at Stansted where local law enforcement officers were on hand to fast-track them to their luxury £200-a-night rooms in the fabulous four star Hilton Hotel.

They join tens of thousands of other lucky winners already staying in hotels all over Britain

Our most popular destinations also include the White Cliffs of Dover and the world famous Toddington Services area In Historic Bedfordshire.

If you still don't understand the rules, don't forget there's no need to phone a friend or ask the audience, just apply for legal aid.

Hundreds of lawyers, social workers and counsellors are waiting to help. It won't cost you a penny, so play today; it could change your life forever.

Iraqi terrorists, Afghan dissidents, Albanian gangsters, pro-Pinochet activists, anti-Pinochet activists, Kosovan drug-smugglers,
Tamil tigers, bogus Bosnians, Rwandan mass murderers, Somali guerrillas...COME ON DOWN!

Get along to the airport, get along to the lorry park, get along to the ferry terminal. Don't stop in Germany or France , go straight to Britain and you are guaranteed to be one of tens of thousands of lucky winners in the softest game on earth.

Everyone's a winner when they play 'ASYLUM'

08-Jan-10, 23:44
If these sort of people are seeking asylum then I've no objection for an old Victorian asylum to be reopened for them.

08-Jan-10, 23:51
Trebuchet time anyone?

09-Jan-10, 00:00
Bear in mind it's the sheer incompetence of our Border Agency management & staff that's caused the problem. Same as the sheer incompetence of the management and staff of our CSA. And the ongoing shambles that allegedly manages our MOD's purchasing & supply processes. And our NHS Trusts that can't even organise proper cleaning.
Need I go on?
Never mind blaming asylum seekers, billions of our tax pounds are squandered subsidising our own home-grown incompetent clods every year. Let's start identifying them re-educating them or getting rid of them.

09-Jan-10, 00:08
Bear in mind it's the sheer incompetence of our Border Agency management & staff that's caused the problem. Same as the sheer incompetence of the management and staff of our CSA. And the ongoing shambles that allegedly manages our MOD's purchasing & supply processes. And our NHS Trusts that can't even organise proper cleaning.
Need I go on?
Never mind blaming asylum seekers, billions of our tax pounds are squandered subsidising our own home-grown incompetent clods every year. Let's start identifying them re-educating them or getting rid of them.

Hmmmm, just the civil service then?

09-Jan-10, 00:14
Hmmmm, just the civil service then?
Nah, think about the senior bankers as well. Although most of them are effectively civil servants now aren't they?
There are plenty of these goons hidden away in the private sector too; I'm probably one of them!
I'd refer favourably to those that work in the manufacturing sector, but I don't think we have one any more.

Kevin Milkins
09-Jan-10, 11:23
The system needs a complete overhaul.
Its set up wrong.

Not a knee jerk overhaul but a proper rethink on how to deliver a much more appropriate service to those who need it.

There is one thing for certain Alice, a lot of the people that the system was set up for are not getting the help that would benefit them or society.:confused

To coin a modern phrase "it's not fit for purpose".:(

09-Jan-10, 11:34
Trebuchet time anyone?
I`ll help you build,load and maintain it Phill. I reckon if we position it right we should be able to hit Hoy.Mik.

09-Jan-10, 11:38
I`ll help you build,load and maintain it Phill. I reckon if we position it right we should be able to hit Hoy.Mik.

Whose going to make. the balls/shot or whatever you want to call it.:D

09-Jan-10, 12:54
I get angry too with all the government mismanagements, but why take it out on the Asylum seekers? Try another side to this story here (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/mar/16/asylum-seekers-immigration-poverty) for example. There are many of these people here because they are in fear of their lives, so please don't be so harsh on them all. As the saying goes, try walking a mile in their shoes.

To me this story is a) part of the Tory election campaign, and b) part of the usual government mess-ups, which happen no matter who is in power.

09-Jan-10, 13:58
the answer to joxs' first question is no you cannot sue the government but, i do believe you could declare lawful rebellion and refuse to pay taxes until the governent starts to get things right. Or, you could campaign and organise a political party to get people to change statute through jury nullification. Or, if you support the war our government is perpetuating on the planet you could just consider the £10 million a year paid out small beans, a mere token to help pick up the tab for our contribution to the incredible, murderous and ghastly displacement, pillage, starvation, murder and torture of fellow human beings in far flung countries to the east?!

Alice in Blunderland
09-Jan-10, 14:07
There is one thing for certain Alice, a lot of the people that the system was set up for are not getting the help that would benefit them or society.:confused

To coin a modern phrase "it's not fit for purpose".:(

So true Kevin the system is on its knees and needs a complete overhaul.:(

When those who need it most at times feel let down by it and those who contribute into it feel abused then its definately time for a rethink.

09-Jan-10, 16:39
I get angry too with all the government mismanagements, but why take it out on the Asylum seekers? Try another side to this story here (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/mar/16/asylum-seekers-immigration-poverty) for example. There are many of these people here because they are in fear of their lives, so please don't be so harsh on them all. As the saying goes, try walking a mile in their shoes.

To me this story is a) part of the Tory election campaign, and b) part of the usual government mess-ups, which happen no matter who is in power.

You are probably right some are in fear of their lives, but did the UN charter not say they should be seeking asylum in the first safe haven, not half way across the world passing through countless safe countries before landing on our shores by whatever means possible. the problem is not walking in their shoes is it, it is other nations replenishing their shoes so as they can get here.

09-Jan-10, 16:53
good morning and welcome to a brand new edition of 'asylum'.

today's program features another chance to take part in our exciting competition: Hijack an airliner and win a council house! We've already given away hundreds of millions of pounds and thousands of dream homes, courtesy of our sponsor, the british taxpayer.

and don't forget, we're now the fastest growing game on the planet.

anyone can play, provided they don't already hold a valid british passport and you only need one word of english: 'asylum'.

prizes include all-expenses-paid accommodation, cash benefits starting at £180 a week and a chance to earn thousands more begging, mugging and accosting drivers at traffic lights.

this competition is open to everyone buying a ticket or stowing away on one of our partner airlines, ferry companies or eurostar.

no application ever refused, however reasonable or unreasonable. All you have to do is destroy all your papers and remember the magic password:

only this week 140 members of the taliban family from afghanistan were flown goat class from kabul to our international gateway at stansted where local law enforcement officers were on hand to fast-track them to their luxury £200-a-night rooms in the fabulous four star hilton hotel.

they join tens of thousands of other lucky winners already staying in hotels all over britain

our most popular destinations also include the white cliffs of dover and the world famous toddington services area in historic bedfordshire.

if you still don't understand the rules, don't forget there's no need to phone a friend or ask the audience, just apply for legal aid.

hundreds of lawyers, social workers and counsellors are waiting to help. It won't cost you a penny, so play today; it could change your life forever.

iraqi terrorists, afghan dissidents, albanian gangsters, pro-pinochet activists, anti-pinochet activists, kosovan drug-smugglers,
tamil tigers, bogus bosnians, rwandan mass murderers, somali guerrillas...come on down!

get along to the airport, get along to the lorry park, get along to the ferry terminal. Don't stop in germany or france , go straight to britain and you are guaranteed to be one of tens of thousands of lucky winners in the softest game on earth.

everyone's a winner when they play 'asylum'
well said......!!!!!

09-Jan-10, 17:43
Yup aggravates me to death it does.

Squandering their handouts on shedloads of cheap vodka, lager, scratchcards and pishing it up the wall in the bookies. Dropping sprogs everywhere and expecting the grafters in this country to fork out for their parasitical, scrounging lives whilst their kids get to walk round with their arses hanging out of their filthy clothes.
And listening to them whining because they haven't got a 108" telly. Sick of it, I am.[disgust]

Bloody immigrants.

Uh, hang on a minute......

09-Jan-10, 17:55
Yup aggravates me to death it does.

Squandering their handouts on shedloads of cheap vodka, lager, scratchcards and pishing it up the wall in the bookies. Dropping sprogs everywhere and expecting the grafters in this country to fork out for their parasitical, scrounging lives whilst their kids get to walk round with their arses hanging out of their filthy clothes.
And listening to them whining because they haven't got a 108" telly. Sick of it, I am.[disgust]

Bloody immigrants.

Uh, hang on a minute......

You just described half my street and there are no immigrants here.

09-Jan-10, 23:20
Or, you could campaign and organise a political party to get people to change statute through jury nullification.


What d'ya reckon, take Gordy at the next election!

09-Jan-10, 23:29
Yup aggravates me to death it does.

Squandering their handouts on shedloads of cheap vodka, lager, scratchcards and pishing it up the wall in the bookies. Dropping sprogs everywhere and expecting the grafters in this country to fork out for their parasitical, scrounging lives whilst their kids get to walk round with their arses hanging out of their filthy clothes.
And listening to them whining because they haven't got a 108" telly. Sick of it, I am.[disgust]

Bloody immigrants.

Uh, hang on a minute......
Well said northener, it's a bloody disgrace. Throw them out of our country NOW! :lol:

09-Jan-10, 23:35
Well said northener, it's a bloody disgrace. Throw them out of our country NOW! :lol:

Yeah, and take a few illegals with them LOL.;)

09-Jan-10, 23:45
Throw them out of our country NOW!

I have pondered about forced migration for all the scutters and low life's.

Instead of keeping them in lager & vodka on state handouts just give them a couple of grand and fly 'em somewhere warm and leave 'em there.
Afghanistan is nice I believe.

10-Jan-10, 04:11
Lets face it, a fair number of asylum seekers are not coming to this country seeking asulum from their own countries. They are coming here because they all know that were the only country whose tax paying people are lily livered enough to pay for them. They know it, we know it and the rest of the world knows it. To be an asylum seeker you have to go to the first safe country you arrive in to seek asylum, once you leave that country your asylum status is null and void Well how the hell are people pouring into the UK from places such as Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Somalia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen, Kosovo etc. How the hell are they bypassing everywhere else and why the hell are we letting them settle here .Im sorry, if that makes me sound like a racist then I must be a racist.
Another thing, you may or may not know my oh is from Thurso and shes flying (for the first time in her life) from Manchester to Inverness in February for the birth of her nieces first child and she had to apply for a passport, travel to Kendal for an interview and produce her mum and dads birth and marriage certificates etc. and thats for a Scot, living in England, whos working and paying taxes, national insurance etc.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!

Come the Day. Its closer than you think.

Alice in Blunderland
10-Jan-10, 12:58
Another thing, you may or may not know my oh is from Thurso and shes flying (for the first time in her life) from Manchester to Inverness in February for the birth of her nieces first child and she had to apply for a passport, travel to Kendal for an interview and produce her mum and dads birth and marriage certificates etc. and thats for a Scot, living in England, whos working and paying taxes, national insurance etc.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!

Come the Day. Its closer than you think.

Exactly my point.

Policy's introduced as a knee jerk reaction, not properly thought through. Many people now have to undergo these interviews as its now the rules. :confused

Kevin Milkins
10-Jan-10, 13:12
Another thing, you may or may not know my oh is from Thurso and shes flying (for the first time in her life) from Manchester to Inverness in February for the birth of her nieces first child and she had to apply for a passport, travel to Kendal for an interview and produce her mum and dads birth and marriage certificates etc. and thats for a Scot, living in England, whos working and paying taxes, national insurance etc.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!

I didn't know you HAD to have a passport to travel in this country and thought photo ID would suffice, IE driving licence.:confused

10-Jan-10, 13:21
Another thing, you may or may not know my oh is from Thurso and shes flying (for the first time in her life) from Manchester to Inverness in February for the birth of her nieces first child and she had to apply for a passport, travel to Kendal for an interview and produce her mum and dads birth and marriage certificates etc. and thats for a Scot, living in England, whos working and paying taxes, national insurance etc.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!
Which airline is she flying with? The rules vary greatly from airline to airline. For example you need a valid passport for Ryanair but Easyjet will accept a photographic driving licence.

10-Jan-10, 13:25
I didn't know you HAD to have a passport to travel in this country and thought photo ID would suffice, IE driving licence.:confused

The last time I flew, about 2 years ago with Sleazyjet from Bristol to Glasgow, I had to have a valid passport. Years ago we used to joke about needing one when travelling to/from Scotland and England, little did we know it would become a reality. :(

10-Jan-10, 15:00
I didn't know you HAD to have a passport to travel in this country and thought photo ID would suffice, IE driving licence.:confused

You need photographic ID to travel on the Hamnavoe to Stromness.

10-Jan-10, 15:10
Lets face it, a fair number of asylum seekers are not coming to this country seeking asulum from their own countries. They are coming here because they all know that were the only country whose tax paying people are lily livered enough to pay for them. They know it, we know it and the rest of the world knows it. To be an asylum seeker you have to go to the first safe country you arrive in to seek asylum, once you leave that country your asylum status is null and void Well how the hell are people pouring into the UK from places such as Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Somalia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen, Kosovo etc. How the hell are they bypassing everywhere else and why the hell are we letting them settle here .Im sorry, if that makes me sound like a racist then I must be a racist.
Another thing, you may or may not know my oh is from Thurso and shes flying (for the first time in her life) from Manchester to Inverness in February for the birth of her nieces first child and she had to apply for a passport, travel to Kendal for an interview and produce her mum and dads birth and marriage certificates etc. and thats for a Scot, living in England, whos working and paying taxes, national insurance etc.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!

Come the Day. Its closer than you think.
Never mind plums,someone will without doubt quote you the !!!!!.an then you may take your place at the back of the queue

10-Jan-10, 15:36
Quote me the what?