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View Full Version : Film Trailers for 2010

08-Jan-10, 14:13
seeing as how Jonathan Woss won't be here for much longer, there's lots of great looking films coming out this year, here's a few trailers for some of the ones i'm looking foward to ...

The Road , looks spectacular

Kick Ass , if the trailers anything to go by, this will be my favourite film of the year !!

Clash of The Titans , remake of the classic, looks excellent, but maybe too much CGI for my wee telly (oh where for art thou cinema?)

Iron Man 2 , unlike Mickey Rourke ... this looks great !

Robin Hood , Gladiator in tights ! ... (looks pretty good though)

The Wolfman , Benicio Del Toro .... nuff said

got any more ?

Cedric Farthsbottom III
08-Jan-10, 21:09
Ye covered most of the ones I'm looking out for Nacho.One I'm looking out for though Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(part 1).Cannae wait:)

02-Feb-10, 17:46
You've missed the biggest one

The A-Team. (Cannot wait for this)

05-Feb-10, 15:41
i was looking forward to the new A-Team movie as well, but this is the first trailer i've seen so far ...

http://www.mymovies.net/player/default.asp?t=The+A-Team+-+Trailer&trid=708|5856&filmid=708&s=1&n=1 (http://www.mymovies.net/player/default.asp?t=The+A-Team+-+Trailer&trid=708%7C5856&filmid=708&s=1&n=1)

might just be a rubbish trailer, but it doesn't really tickle ma pickle

17-Feb-10, 22:52
Alice in Wonderland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeWsZ2b_pK4&feature=related

and Toy Story 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f-MYl-HzNw

19-Feb-10, 00:03
My OH has not shut up about the new A-Team movie. lol

Also looking forward to the new Alice in Wonderland, Ironman 2, Twilight Eclipse, Prince of Persia, Shrek 4.... some others i cant remember at this time of night aswell lol

23-Feb-10, 11:25
Men of a certain age (that would be me too) who grew up watching the A-team, Knight Rider et all will no doubt be looking forward to the big screen version of the A-Team.

I even liked to revamped Knight Rider when it was shown last year. Shame they cancelled it. It was entertaining.

The Karate Kid remake might surprise a few, but I'm not sure it will beat the original. Will smiths son is starring in that with Jackie Chan.

23-Feb-10, 11:36
Kick ass i think will be a sleeper hit, I've seen a few of the trailers now and cant wait for a release although some of the swearing will cause the pc brigade to mark it down.

Wolfman was superb 9/10 It reminded me of the old werewolf films but I'm biased I prefer the Werewolf to vampires (guess who i cheered on in Underworld :D).

On vampire note I was not too much a fan of the Twilight film and less so of New Moon, True Blood mmmmmm got the Vampires back on track but the acting was shocking, and dare i say it worse than the acting in the Twilight saga.
But started to watch The Vampire Diaries on TV-shack and was pleasantly suprised, Vampires who dont SPARKLE in sunlight they burn and die, They have fangs and can control yer mind Proper Vampires:D 7/10

14-Mar-10, 19:18
The best news of 2010 is Jonathan (worlds number one tube) Woss will not be doing the BBC film programme.
I have never watched it since he took over. Please Barry come back from retirement

06-May-10, 16:06
I've heard that a remake of 'Dune' is due out this year, anyone else know if this rumour is true?

06-May-10, 17:58
Hot Tub Time Machine looks amazing

13-May-10, 17:24
New JJ Abrams film "Super 8" is not due until next year but there is a teaser trailer out:


The Drunken Duck
15-May-10, 20:39
I am currently south of the border trying to nurse my girlfriend through the sudden loss of her Dad and decided to take her to the cinema to try and cheer her up a bit, we went to see "Four Lions" which is a comedy about four British Jihadists, you can check out the trailers here .. http://www.four-lions.co.uk/

One of the funniest films I have seen in recent years even she managed to laugh a bit as well, which was no mean feat of achievement after the last few days. It's maybe a dodgy topic for some but it is SERIOUSLY funny and really well done.

Go see it, you wont regret it.