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View Full Version : Christmas cards

06-Jan-10, 12:57
Can anyone out there tell me whether there is a Christmas card recycling bin about. I hate just throwing them away -the ones I haven't butchered to use as next years gift tags and cards that is.

06-Jan-10, 12:58
tesco normally have one, not sure if it's there yet or not.

06-Jan-10, 13:25
I'm sure you can put them in your recycling bin....i'm sure cards was on one of notices we got to start with if not there is usually always on in Tesco in Wick.


06-Jan-10, 14:02
We usually butcher our cards too!
Use the fronts for tags and craft stuff and the backs for shopping lists and phone memos!
Then they finally get chucked in the recycling bin....or compost heap depending on how cut up they are!

06-Jan-10, 15:28
I am taking mine to Asda tomorrow, but I think Tesco & Sainsburys have recycling bins in their bigger stores

06-Jan-10, 19:32
Thanks all I will try Tesco. We aren't allowed an Asda up here Golach!

07-Jan-10, 02:50
Took my cards to Tesco today and was very surprised that they do not have a box for them this year. I will put them in the blue box at home.

07-Jan-10, 20:12
Charity shops will accept them gladly, so will Boots Chemist.

07-Jan-10, 20:17
Tesco don't have one this year but I handed mine in to the customer service desk and they put them in their cardboard recycling. ;)

07-Jan-10, 20:30
I screw mines up tight and use them for kindling - saves hubby some work not having to chop the wood for me.