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03-Jan-10, 19:25
Taking a facebook convo further - Which coke do you prefer?

03-Jan-10, 19:30
Taking a facebook convo further - Which coke do you prefer?

Dont want trouble on facebook eh! [lol]

If i have to pick. Pepsi. But im an Irn Bru girl. If i have less than 4litres of irn bru left in the house i panic.

Nobody dare hand me a diet irn bru...or diet anything! Cant stand the stuff...:cool:

03-Jan-10, 19:38
Don't drink fizzy drinks.

03-Jan-10, 19:54
None of the above. Can't drink the stuff.

03-Jan-10, 20:02
i cana see past diet pepsi, oot a tin rether than a bottle as it seems til go flat kweeker.

hev coke (diet) in ifanow tho as it wis on special, but it disna gie me 'e same buzz or somethin, diet pepsi all 'e way....except when 'e coke is on special :lol: :roll:

03-Jan-10, 20:15
I prefer diet coke - but recently I have changed to the caffeine free diet coke because of HBP and the old waterworks dept!

03-Jan-10, 20:19
i cana see past diet pepsi, oot a tin rether than a bottle as it seems til go flat kweeker.

Same here. Canna beat a can of diet Pepsi :)

03-Jan-10, 20:25
Full fat Coke, none o' that wishy-washy, limp-wristed diet pish.

03-Jan-10, 20:35
any one else like spar cola?

03-Jan-10, 20:43
diet coke when having a meal but when drinking morgans spice full fat coke :Razz

03-Jan-10, 21:15
Im not really a fizzy drinker, but if i had to choose it would be diet pepsi. Also quite like diet Dr Pepper:D

04-Jan-10, 00:06
caffine free diet coke for me im afraid..
the diabetis require it .. and trying to cut down on the caffine!
did take a drink of a full fat coke not long ago and nearlly gagged.
couldnt stomach it.. and to think there was a time i said i would never drink diet.
(shakes head) idont know why i drink soda.. it dosent actually taste nice.. but i love it!

04-Jan-10, 00:23
I rarely drink Coke anymore but the full sugary one has the best taste.

04-Jan-10, 00:35
Dont want trouble on facebook eh! [lol]

If i have to pick. Pepsi. But im an Irn Bru girl. If i have less than 4litres of irn bru left in the house i panic.

Nobody dare hand me a diet irn bru...or diet anything! Cant stand the stuff...:cool:

The regular version is better for you anyway shelley. Diet drinks are full of aspartime(sp) and all other additives and presertives that are very bad for adults and extremely bad for children. I'd personally don't have a diet anything due to that. I just brush my teeth well after having it.

To the thread though i'd not have any as any kind of coke makes me sick. My stomach just rejects it. I like fanta orange but the proper fanta and tango orange and apple.

04-Jan-10, 00:39
The regular version is better for you anyway shelley. Diet drinks are full of aspartime(sp) and all other additives and presertives that are very bad for adults and extremely bad for children. I'd personally don't have a diet anything due to that. I just brush my teeth well after having it.

Genius, thats what im going to say to my dentist next week! [lol] Im gonna have to cut down big time on the fizzys soon tho til get ma braces :confused

And yes i brush my teeth!! Very regularly actually. Used to be an obsessive brusher lol.

04-Jan-10, 01:01
Genius, thats what im going to say to my dentist next week! [lol] Im gonna have to cut down big time on the fizzys soon tho til get ma braces :confused

And yes i brush my teeth!! Very regularly actually. Used to be an obsessive brusher lol.

i used to brush mine three to four times a day. Now its twice unless they feel they need it.

I've been good the last couple of days, been drinking milk! think its a craving actually as it all i want to drink. Only like semi-skimmed milk so its a good craving lol. But then i like cold drinks not hot drinks. Himself is the same. We only have tea and coffee for visitors.

04-Jan-10, 04:24
Pepsi Max all the way :D

04-Jan-10, 04:29
Nah, sorry Coke gies me a drouth...full fat Lilt is my thirst quencher!
Any diet version of anything is a no-no![disgust]

04-Jan-10, 11:11
none of the above

irn bru all the way ;)

04-Jan-10, 11:16
Why do fat people drink Diet Coke?
BTW Coke,Diet anything Yukkk!

04-Jan-10, 11:18
Nah, sorry Coke gies me a drouth...full fat Lilt is my thirst quencher!
Any diet version of anything is a no-no![disgust]

Lilt! :eek: I looooooooooove lilt but last time i bought it cos it was on special offer i drank way too much of the stuff and nearly made myself sick.

none of the above

irn bru all the way ;)


04-Jan-10, 11:21
ahemmm from a fat persons view.. what cheek.. i drink it because im not allowed anything else but diet. i also drink water and milk. cant drink to much juice because of the sugars in them. and obviously alchol is out the window.. so diet coke is my one indulgence.

04-Jan-10, 11:27
Only asked out of curiousity,no need to join the "offended brigade".

04-Jan-10, 11:43
*laughs* im not offended.. just jerking your chain..joking really doesnt transfer well sometimes on line,
however, im really not allowed anything else.. that was the truth.. being diabetic really sucks.

04-Jan-10, 12:05
Only asked out of curiousity,no need to join the "offended brigade".

offended brigade [lol]tried to give you rep but need to spread it:(

04-Jan-10, 12:32
Genius, thats what im going to say to my dentist next week! [lol] Im gonna have to cut down big time on the fizzys soon tho til get ma braces :confused

And yes i brush my teeth!! Very regularly actually. Used to be an obsessive brusher lol.

Try a belt Shelly. ;)

04-Jan-10, 14:24
Any fizzy drink tastes best if it comes from a glass bottle

George Brims
04-Jan-10, 20:20
Beer. Followed by more beer.

04-Jan-10, 20:25
Coca Cola but not chilled as I get the hiccups every single time I drink it from the fridge :lol:

04-Jan-10, 20:31
Coca Cola but not chilled as I get the hiccups every single time I drink it from the fridge :lol:

A Bit extreme drinking from a Fridge, I much prefer a Glass myself. :D

04-Jan-10, 20:36
Coca Cola but not chilled as I get the hiccups every single time I drink it from the fridge :lol:
i agree i canna drink any fizzy drinks straight from the fridge as i get extreme hiccups.

i have a craze for pepsi & coke but i canna drink the diet stuff gut rejects it.

also have a craze for milk:lol:

04-Jan-10, 21:17
Got to be full fat coke/pepsi or iron bru.................no diet stuff...yuk.