View Full Version : Buzzard safe and well!

28-Apr-06, 19:45
Paris was caught this afternoon by the spca. :)
She's absolutely starving and I don't think she would have survived too much longer but she's now home, safe and well.

We cannot thank Justin of the spca enough, he really did have his work cut out to catch her. lol. I think he tried many many tactical maneuvres that would impress even the commandos but in the end I think sheer perserverance and genuine concern for animals was what helped him to catch her. My daughter especially is extremely grateful to both Justin and the lady who helped him - Audrey I think (Also the lady that caught the Eagle owl) but we all couldn't have hoped for a better outcome.
So again thank you Justin and Audrey. xxx

Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you to all those that expressed concern (even Rheghead lol) and wished her well. It's at times like that that you find out just how resourceful and helpful the caithness community and especially this website can be.

28-Apr-06, 20:00
That's fantastic news - what a relief.

28-Apr-06, 20:00
I have been following your other thread on the buzzard and I am so glad that things have turned out well. Keep up the good work.

28-Apr-06, 20:06
Have followed the thread with interest and without comment, but am glad to hear all is now well. Would have been tragic if the birdie had starved. Well done to all who helped in the rescue mission.

28-Apr-06, 20:13
That's great news!

28-Apr-06, 20:15
Yay :D Well done to the sspca. I hope the bird stays well!

28-Apr-06, 20:19
Glad you got Paris back safe and well, Porschiepoo.

28-Apr-06, 20:29
glad to hear everything is well

28-Apr-06, 20:40
I love a happy ending. :)

28-Apr-06, 20:48
I love a happy ending. :)
Me too Geo, glad it all turned out ok :grin:

28-Apr-06, 20:52
great news. glad you got her back.

catherine nicol
28-Apr-06, 20:58
Great news, I hope that she gets her appetite back soon and appreciates just how dedicated her family have been in capturing and returning her to her home.

Good luck with the feeding.

28-Apr-06, 21:02
Thats a great outcome, well done everyone involved!

28-Apr-06, 21:02
Like others, I am extremely pleased that you have got her back.

Well done and good luck, you deserve more praise than you realise for the work that you do, and I for one would love to visit with my son, to appreciate the work you do and leave a donation if possible.

best regards


28-Apr-06, 21:18
I've been following the other thread too, its great news you got her back:o) .
You'll all be chuffed too bits:o)

28-Apr-06, 22:03
I'm delighted at the outcome - thanks Porshie for posting to tell us.

I, too, was following the previous thread - nice to see Rheghead helping to keep the thread to the top of the forum ;) Lost cats, buzzards, car documents .... we've got it all here and it's good to see local folk posting their interest on what, after all, is a community website.

Caithness.org rocks!! :lol:

28-Apr-06, 22:04
great news!

28-Apr-06, 22:35
Delighted for you all..hope Paris gets an extra meal and that your daughter will continue with her good work

28-Apr-06, 22:38
Thats great news porshie i'm glad she is ok !

28-Apr-06, 22:43
Great news, glad its a happy ending

ice box
28-Apr-06, 22:54
Yes that great news porshie .

footie chick
28-Apr-06, 23:22
WELL DONE ALL! glad she's back home safe.:grin: Lovely birds

28-Apr-06, 23:25
wonderful news that you have Paris back home. i was looking for her today on my way to Inverness and later on my return.

29-Apr-06, 03:45
Great news porshiepoo. Thanks for letting us know.

29-Apr-06, 05:21
Well done Justin and Audrey good news for a change http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

29-Apr-06, 08:36
Hi Porchie, What can i say that hasent already been said !!! Wahayyyyyy!
Deprive a paris from food and they soon come back ha ha .

29-Apr-06, 10:34
Great news!

My fairy godmother always said that I should learn to swim if I kept losing me birds. LOL:lol:

29-Apr-06, 13:41
That is fantastic news!!!:grin:

Well done Justin and Audrey! Also well done Porshiepoo and family for caring for these birds.

29-Apr-06, 14:43
Paris was caught this afternoon by the spca. :)
She's absolutely starving and I don't think she would have survived too much
So again thank you Justin and Audrey. xxx

Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you to all those that expressed concern (even Rheghead lol) and wished her well. It's at times like that that you find out just how resourceful and helpful the caithness community and especially this website can be.

Fantastic news. Delighted to hear of her safe return.