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28-Apr-06, 17:33
what is it.
bailif, accountant, or traffic warden.
and could you be one of them

28-Apr-06, 17:38
a pathologist or an undertaker. Very depressing and " not :cry: nice" jobs.

28-Apr-06, 17:41
Call centre worker, teacher .....

Billy Boy
28-Apr-06, 17:47
garbologist,policeman,sewage worker, wife,rat catcher:roll:

Niall Fernie
28-Apr-06, 17:48
forum moderator :roll:

28-Apr-06, 18:11
forum moderator :roll:

Definately woudn't want that job Nial:lol:

28-Apr-06, 18:14
wood cutter ( when the midges are oot & hungry ):~(

28-Apr-06, 19:47
I watched a TV Prog on SKY once about the crab fishermem of the Barent Sea.That is tough!

28-Apr-06, 19:48
garbologist,policeman,sewage worker, wife,rat catcher:roll:
Angy (Pieman) personal driver

28-Apr-06, 20:05
I watched a TV Prog on SKY once about the crab fishermem of the Barent Sea.That is tough!

Very risky, big money though

28-Apr-06, 20:11
I think the info I saw was on the Bering Sea (Alaskan fishermen).

28-Apr-06, 21:22
I think the info I saw was on the Bering Sea (Alaskan fishermen).

I read a book recently on king crab fishermen. These men are either extremely brave or extremely greedy to be doing this. The work only last a few weeks and it could set them up for the year, but the conditions are horendous.

28-Apr-06, 21:24
its not a job i would like to do. but if it was well paid. aye fancied seeing what alaska was like.

28-Apr-06, 21:38
All fishing is a tough job, not knowing if your going to get paid or not?, when you will be home?, for how long? But those boys up in Alaska are putting themselves through conditions that would be unthinkable to sail in over here.
I take my hat off to them ,they deserve every last penny of what they earn

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Apr-06, 22:12
The guy(it always seems to be a guy....could be wrong)who goes into the ladies toilets and empties the bin wi wummin things in it.Must admit not ma cup o' tea of a job.

28-Apr-06, 22:18
YIP got to be the undertakers job would hate to do that.

ice box
28-Apr-06, 22:32
I think the info I saw was on the Bering Sea (Alaskan fishermen).Yes that is a scary job they do i watched the series not that long ago some men are even killed . But i take my hat of to them that some ferocious seas they take on .

Another job i dont fancy is a raw sewage worker not my cup of tea .

28-Apr-06, 23:34
the most horrible job must be of those brave men, mountain rescue, who risk their lives to rescue silly hill climbers. also the brave lifeboatmen, firemen and not forgeting fishermen who go out in all weathers and dangers to fetch our dinner.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Apr-06, 23:47
the most horrible job must be of those brave men, mountain rescue, who risk their lives to rescue silly hill climbers. also the brave lifeboatmen, firemen and not forgeting fishermen who go out in all weathers and dangers to fetch our dinner.

Too true Fran about the Mountin rescue guys.Always reminds me of the Billy Connolly jest when he talks about all the folk that climb up the Scottish mountains wearing only shorts and a T-shirt and complain about it being cold.As oor Billy said" Of course its cold where dae ye think ye are Benidorm.":lol: :lol:

29-Apr-06, 00:01
http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_SM/0127-0602-0607-5205_SM.jpg (http://www.acclaimimages.com/usepolicy.html)it's got to be a public toilet cleaner...yuk!

Cedric Farthsbottom III
29-Apr-06, 00:06
http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_SM/0127-0602-0607-5205_SM.jpg (http://www.acclaimimages.com/usepolicy.html)it's got to be a public toilet cleaner...yuk!

Aye,One of those indestructible jobs, trying to get rid of one of those indestructible jobs,no matter how many times ye flush.:lol: