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28-Dec-09, 14:30
As many of you probably know, if David Cameron gets into office at the next election, he wants to repeal the ban on fox hunting. For those who are interested in Backing the Ban against Fox Hunting, please let your voice be heard here. (http://www.backtheban.com/home)

Thank you. :D

28-Dec-09, 14:39
he is a fox, set the dogs on him

28-Dec-09, 14:59
We must NEVER allow this to happen....set the lions on HIM...tory toff.[disgust]

28-Dec-09, 15:32
I'm not pro fox hunting but I am anti-what-is happening-to-foxes-since-the-ban. Foxes now are shot indiscriminintly by farmers protecting their livestock (not necessarily here as we don't have a large fox population). Foxes are being control overly well in heavily populated areas to the point they are becoming scarce. At lease pre-ban the foxes were controlled rather than eradicated...

Another thing with the shooting is it isn't always a clean shot and foxes escape horrifically injured. Hounds guarantee a quick, clean kill. Not necessarily pleasant to watch though.

The ban has definitely changed my perspective. I used to be very anti but since the ban I have come to realise that the killing of foxes is going to happen regardless. At least when the population is controlled by the hunt it is done so with consideration to maintaining some population.

28-Dec-09, 15:53
Since it became illegal to hunt poor foxy-woxy with hounds the amount of scavenging in bins that goes on around here is terrible. Or maybe it's the local 'travellers'! ;)

Anyway, it's given rise to a new sport....I've managed to bag a half dozen with my front near-side wheel in the last 4 months. :)

28-Dec-09, 15:59
im all for fox hunting,these animals need to be culled,just like seal pups,pandas and whales

28-Dec-09, 16:13
im all for fox hunting,these animals need to be culled,just like seal pups,pandas and whales

Can we do chavs, neds and spongers too? :)

28-Dec-09, 17:03
yes,thats a great idea joxville,im with you on this one

28-Dec-09, 17:11
Can we do chavs, neds and spongers too? :)

Yesss! Why don't we save the animals, and let the jolly hunters get the chavs, neds and spongers.....and traffic wardens, MPs and people who are cruel to animals. (only I think that would be called suicide.) :D

28-Dec-09, 17:19
im all for fox hunting,these animals need to be culled,just like seal pups,pandas and whales


28-Dec-09, 17:20
yes,thats a great idea joxville,im with you on this one

28-Dec-09, 17:21
Since it became illegal to hunt poor foxy-woxy with hounds the amount of scavenging in bins that goes on around here is terrible. Or maybe it's the local 'travellers'! ;)

Anyway, it's given rise to a new sport....I've managed to bag a half dozen with my front near-side wheel in the last 4 months. :)

28-Dec-09, 17:23
Can we do chavs, neds and spongers too? :)

And then the nasties of the org!!!;)

28-Dec-09, 18:26
im all for fox hunting,these animals need to be culled,just like seal pups,pandas and whales

But you need a helluva hound pack for rippin' the whales apart!

28-Dec-09, 18:36
I don't consider myself one of the nasties on the org, but will not be supporting the ban on fox hunting, I am an animal lover and great supporter of dog welfare. But I believe choice has to be out there for control of foxes..within the current law, and with the public support of such hunting it cannot be right for a group of folk to condemn a way of life and pastime of country folk, their beautiful dogs and heritage. Caithness has no hunting but if it did i would join the local hunt and support it. Am not keen on ripping apart of foxes but the marksman policy in place is acceptable to me and I would enjoy the social side and the chance to excercise my horses and educate my children within the countryside in which I live!

28-Dec-09, 18:36
But you need a helluva hound pack for rippin' the whales apart!

Nah, just get a hound that holds an under 24 m Commercial Skippers ticket and lend them a fast RIB. Stick the other mutts in it armed with harpoons and stabby sticks - and Bobs your avuncular relative.

28-Dec-09, 18:39
We must NEVER allow this to happen....set the lions on HIM...tory toff.[disgust]

'Toff?' I thought this was about animals - not some medieval 'class war' notion?

28-Dec-09, 19:34
Nah, just get a hound that holds an under 24 m Commercial Skippers ticket and lend them a fast RIB. Stick the other mutts in it armed with harpoons and stabby sticks - and Bobs your avuncular relative.

Now your just being silly, you know as well as I do that mutts can't use harpoons 'cos they don't have the thumb and forefinger layout of their paws.

However, after the ban I have tried to modify a rifle for my mutt to use for dispatching foxes. I am thinking of patenting my dognoserifletriggerdevice, the Dragons missed out on an opportunity there.

28-Dec-09, 19:38
I have signed and am backing this ban.

Fox hunting using dogs and horses is wrong and is completly unnesscary. Yes defend your livestock and shoot a fox when they attack your livestock but the form of fox hunting they are wanting to ban(may already be banned not sure) is barbaric and how on earth is being chased to the point of exhaustion and then ripped to bits by hounds a dignified way to die?! Also there is a problem of the hounds being killed or dumped when they have passed their usefullness [disgust]

If you need to kill animal for whatever reason do it quickly and painless as possible. Inflicting unnesscary pain is just cruel.

My dad once told me that he came across a dear that was dying slowly from a fatal wound so he ended the animals pain by breaking its neck. He couldn't leave the dear the way it was. If people who hunt foxes using their dogs and horses only thought of what they are doing and what other ways they could do it the world would be a better place. We have consideration for other humans why not animals! They feel the same things we do and feel pain just like we do so why do we inflict pain on animals that we ourselves would hate and would not endure unless it was forced on us?!

I could never inflict pain on an animal willingly. I could also never leave an animal in pain without doing my best to help ease their pain. My partner gets yelled at when he picks on my cat to the point she is protesting so lord help him if he ever hurt her even accidentally. A child doesn't know untill you teach them an adult has no excuse.

28-Dec-09, 23:05
If the ban fox hunting mob could be put in a chicken run as a chicken to watch a fox destroy it, They may appreciate the damage they do to agriculture.
All this crap about cruelty is exactly that. When a pack of hounds gets the fox, it does'nt last more than a few seconds.

28-Dec-09, 23:08
I don't consider myself one of the nasties on the org, but will not be supporting the ban on fox hunting, I am an animal lover and great supporter of dog welfare. But I believe choice has to be out there for control of foxes..within the current law, and with the public support of such hunting it cannot be right for a group of folk to condemn a way of life and pastime of country folk, their beautiful dogs and heritage. Caithness has no hunting but if it did i would join the local hunt and support it. Am not keen on ripping apart of foxes but the marksman policy in place is acceptable to me and I would enjoy the social side and the chance to excercise my horses and educate my children within the countryside in which I live!

Sorry..I can not agree with u on this...........leave the fox alone.The fear that poor animal must feel........makes me ill just thinking of it.Am sure there are kinder ways to have a social life and certainly would never want any child of mine to be part of such barbaric so called sport.[have no children].Sorry,Kathy.

28-Dec-09, 23:27
Signed petition....................Fox hunting with horse and hound is wrong!!!![evil]

28-Dec-09, 23:38
If the ban fox hunting mob could be put in a chicken run as a chicken to watch a fox destroy it, They may appreciate the damage they do to agriculture.
All this crap about cruelty is exactly that. When a pack of hounds gets the fox, it does'nt last more than a few seconds.

I hear what you're saying but to be ripped apart even for a few seconds is a truly barbaric and undignified way for anything to die.

Yes farmers have to do what they do to protect they're livestock but why can't we keep the fox population down when it is too high in a way that does not mean such horibble suffering and a barbaric death??!! Killing foxes in such a way that is done during a hunt to keep numbers of population down would appear acceptable for some people but would it be acceptable if the tables were turned and foxes were keeping the numbers of humans down by chasing us to the point of exhaustion and then having us being ripped to bits by hounds?!

No it would not but of course we are supposable the most advance and more intelligent than animals aren't we not? I sometimes wonder if we are not. Animals do what they do out of nesscaity be it out of hunger or to surrive. We do things to surrive and mostly out of amusement. Our differing attitude to procreating to animals is an example of that. Animals reproduce to carry on the speices as they do not live long we have alot of control over whether we reproduce at all and mostly do it for fun.

Humans are animals as we are mammals and the urge to protect our young is the same in humans and animals. Mammals will protect their young feircely and would do anything to ensure their surrival but know when they must say goodbye which is where we struggle. The maternal instinct in humans is the same and i doubt that there is any parent who loves their children that would not do anything to make sure they surrived over themselves. So how is it so difficult to realise that animals have feelings and feel pain as we do?!

Yes we have the upper hand and must do what we can to protect the animals in our care against being killed by predators but to destroy an animal in the way that is done through a hunt is just unnesscary and wrong. Quick and painless as possible if an animal needs to be killed due to them attacking livestock not drawn out so cruelly. If you can think about the hens being killed horribly then you can think of the fox or other predator doing the killing and give them a decent quick death to prevent them doing the same again.

28-Dec-09, 23:40
Signed petition....................Fox hunting with horse and hound is wrong!!!![evil]

Hear, hear!

28-Dec-09, 23:40
Since it became illegal to hunt poor foxy-woxy with hounds the amount of scavenging in bins that goes on around here is terrible. Or maybe it's the local 'travellers'!

Anyway, it's given rise to a new sport....I've managed to bag a half dozen with my front near-side wheel in the last 4 months.


im all for fox hunting,these animals need to be culled,just like seal pups,pandas and whales


Can we do chavs, neds and spongers too?


And then the nasties of the org!!!

Goodness griefous, some people don't get it. :roll:

My rationale's on holiday, see you next Tuesday. ;)

28-Dec-09, 23:49
The biggest issue for me is the ritualisation of killing animals. The proponents are less concerned with the effectiveness of hunting with dogs than they are with the thrill of the chase.

29-Dec-09, 00:03
Good point.

Apart from that I hate toffs, and those who capitulate with the status quo.

29-Dec-09, 00:03
The biggest issue for me is the ritualisation of killing animals. The proponents are less concerned with the effectiveness of hunting with dogs than they are with the thrill of the chase.

Exactly the problem with fox hunting. There is less thought to how they are killing the animals and more to how enjoyable the thrill of the hunt is.

29-Dec-09, 00:06
Hear, hear!


29-Dec-09, 00:20
How about you rub the scent of the fox on me then let the hounds loose.....I could do with the exercise. :)

29-Dec-09, 00:49
Can we do chavs, neds and spongers too? :)
[lol] Well said Jox, I couldn't agree with you more!
If the government spent more time dealing with these carbuncles on the backside of society and less time on 'politically correct' issues we would be much better off.

29-Dec-09, 01:16
How about you rub the scent of the fox on me then let the hounds loose.....I could do with the exercise. :)

Just use some of your Christmas Hai Karate instead. Same effect. ;)

29-Dec-09, 01:43
Heavens MA, that's a blast from the past. :eek:

By the time I started shaving Denim was the popular aftershave.

29-Dec-09, 03:25
How about you rub the scent of the fox on me then let the hounds loose.....I could do with the exercise. :)

OoooooooooH Jox, now don't tempt us!;)

29-Dec-09, 11:09
Good point.

Apart from that I hate toffs, and those who capitulate with the status quo.

I used to headbang with the Status Quo...but that was many years ago.

Why do people bang on about 'Toffs' as soon as hunting is mentioned? Is it because all they see on the telly is some expensive 4x4s and a few people on horses? There's shedloads of people involved in hunting with hounds who you could never class as 'toffs'.

Sounds more like 'class war' rhetoric than any real problem with foxhunting........ooh, I wonder if that's why so many left wingers don't like foxhunting? Nothing to do with the welfare of poor old Reynard, methinks.

29-Dec-09, 14:32
Nobody was banging on..

29-Dec-09, 16:50
do you think a pack of great white sharks would suffice?

29-Dec-09, 22:09
Nobody was banging on..

A general observation, BB.
It wasn't aimed at you directly, it's just that during any debate about hunting the word 'Toffs' starts getting chucked into the pot. Just one of my pet hates at the moment.:Razz

29-Dec-09, 22:38
Yes, I know.

But no one in this thread was going down that road, hence I was ironically referencing..

Fox control?

I prefer to chase them down naked, armed with a cheese wire, garroting them as we slide to a bloody halt.

Perhaps people would prefer to have all their meat provided in such a clean, humane kill manner as hounds on the wee fox? Let us use the zoo animals to their best advantage, a lioness will make a quick kill of an Aberdeen Angus.

Mmmmmhhh, thinking about it.. What better way to off a dozen free range hens than a fox? Let's put these pests to work!

29-Dec-09, 23:42
Yes, I know.

But no one in this thread was going down that road, hence I was ironically referencing..

Fox control?

I prefer to chase them down naked, armed with a cheese wire, garroting them as we slide to a bloody halt.

Perhaps people would prefer to have all their meat provided in such a clean, humane kill manner as hounds on the wee fox? Let us use the zoo animals to their best advantage, a lioness will make a quick kill of an Aberdeen Angus.

Mmmmmhhh, thinking about it.. What better way to off a dozen free range hens than a fox? Let's put these pests to work!

You shave the fox then chase it? :eek:


Kevin Milkins
30-Dec-09, 00:09
Having spent most of my adult life in the country, I feel I have a balanced view on fox hunting and yet have no answers as to what would be the best way of controlling numbers.:confused

In my early years of country life, I could not comprehend the (hooray Henry) life style and thought them all to be a bunch of dicks, but in later life as a rugby player, I did get to know people from all walks of life and began to understand,(if not appreciate) all of them.

I used to hunt with a gun, (rough shooting), and most all I shot got eaten. Although I was never in favour of the fox and hounds coming onto our farm, I was forced to except it as "tradition", but I soon became much more tolerant of them when I started to keep chickens. To return home from doing your shopping to find all of your chickens dead and mutilated by a fox is more than enough to change anyone's perspective of this nice little persecuted creature.

I would like to live in an ideal world, but nature has taught me that is just not possible.

30-Dec-09, 12:27
I apologise for repeating myself here - there is a lot of talk of shooting being enough to maintain numbers if it required. But the problem is that the shooting isn't managed - it's indiscriminent. Foxes are going to go the way of the wolves. As distasteful as people find it - hunting with hounds is managed so as not to obliterate the species. It is also 'seasonal' so during the breeding season mothers are not killed leaving a den of young to starve. Cubbing is a truely barbaric practice but when people talk of going cubbing now - it isn't do go cubbing, it is to take the new hounds out to learn the ways of the hunt (that they have to stay with the pack, leave 'other' prey alone, etc).

Hounds will hunt until they are old or frail enough not to be able to do. The hounds have a good life while they are alive - much better a life than a pet in some cases.

When my horses get PTS (a long time off as they are still babies) their bodies will be given to the hunt to feed the hounds. That way my horses will be able to continue to run if only in spirit :)

31-Dec-09, 01:07
I hear what you're saying but to be ripped apart even for a few seconds is a truly barbaric and undignified way for anything to die.

Yes farmers have to do what they do to protect they're livestock but why can't we keep the fox population down when it is too high in a way that does not mean such horibble suffering and a barbaric death??!! Killing foxes in such a way that is done during a hunt to keep numbers of population down would appear acceptable for some people but would it be acceptable if the tables were turned and foxes were keeping the numbers of humans down by chasing us to the point of exhaustion and then having us being ripped to bits by hounds?!

No it would not but of course we are supposable the most advance and more intelligent than animals aren't we not? I sometimes wonder if we are not. Animals do what they do out of nesscaity be it out of hunger or to surrive. We do things to surrive and mostly out of amusement. Our differing attitude to procreating to animals is an example of that. Animals reproduce to carry on the speices as they do not live long we have alot of control over whether we reproduce at all and mostly do it for fun.

Humans are animals as we are mammals and the urge to protect our young is the same in humans and animals. Mammals will protect their young feircely and would do anything to ensure their surrival but know when they must say goodbye which is where we struggle. The maternal instinct in humans is the same and i doubt that there is any parent who loves their children that would not do anything to make sure they surrived over themselves. So how is it so difficult to realise that animals have feelings and feel pain as we do?!

Yes we have the upper hand and must do what we can to protect the animals in our care against being killed by predators but to destroy an animal in the way that is done through a hunt is just unnesscary and wrong. Quick and painless as possible if an animal needs to be killed due to them attacking livestock not drawn out so cruelly. If you can think about the hens being killed horribly then you can think of the fox or other predator doing the killing and give them a decent quick death to prevent them doing the same again.

A Fox will destroy a whole flock of chickens, yet it will only take the one away it wants to eat. it is indiscriminate killing. Not just for its needs.

31-Dec-09, 02:01
As many of you probably know, if David Cameron gets into office at the next election, he wants to repeal the ban on fox hunting. For those who are interested in Backing the Ban against Fox Hunting, please let your voice be heard here. (http://www.backtheban.com/home)

Thank you. :D

No problem. I completely agree with a ban on fox hunting.

As for David Cameron, isn't he the same one that promised a referendum on Europe and then changed his mind? Just another Gordon Brown, I suppose.

31-Dec-09, 05:06
Just another Gordon Brown, I suppose.
Of course, they're all the same. He's a politician, as are all the rest. And as a group, they are all insidious, self-serving, self-promoting, self-aggrandising numbskulls.

My Grandfather fought in WWII, in Africa and Italy, and he successfully escaped Dunkerque. He didn't do any of that so that I could vote for the type of politician we have today.

31-Dec-09, 10:51
Another thing with the shooting is it isn't always a clean shot and foxes escape horrifically injured. Hounds guarantee a quick, clean kill. Not necessarily pleasant to watch though.

How can you watch an animal being ripped to bits?

How exactly is being shot and being horrifically wounded any worse than being chased to the point of exhaustion and then ripped to bits?

31-Dec-09, 11:08
yes, back the ban....and next it will be shooting then angling, i dont think they will stop at just fox hunting, as ive said before fox hunting culls the weak and infirm, only the fittest survive a rifle is indiscriminant it doesnt care :confused

But i wont back a ban simply due to the fact i really beleive if they manage to ban this (in all forms, i know its already banned) they will move onto other fieldsports, it really is more to do with class than animal welfare im afraid :confused

31-Dec-09, 11:24
No problem. I completely agree with a ban on fox hunting.

As for David Cameron, isn't he the same one that promised a referendum on Europe and then changed his mind? Just another Gordon Brown, I suppose.

Spot on,Stavro.;)

31-Dec-09, 11:39
I always wondered why they don't do hunting with hounds, horses, daft red coats and silly horns in the USA. I think its because the anti-lobby are much more switched on there...


31-Dec-09, 12:15
Since moving up here and getting meat straight from the farm, game straight from the hunter and fish straight from the river and also my chickens are free range I find intensively farmed meat distasteful and now rarely shop for meat in the supermarket.

Vistravi - In my post I stated that I used to be anti fox hunting - I haven't chosen to watch a fox being torn to bits. I went to a hunt to become informed and it wasn't what I expected. But...the hounds are guaranteed to kill the fox. One that escapes after being shot might die from a maggot infested wound 2 weeks later.

The population is managed not obliterated. I for one wouldn't want to see the fox go the way of the wolf - and that is how it seems to be going :(

31-Dec-09, 12:39
I always wondered why they don't do hunting with hounds, horses, daft red coats and silly horns in the USA. I think its because the anti-lobby are much more switched on there...

Probably more to do with different traditions, why use mutts when you have the right to bear arms!

Anyway, the yanks do tend to go for overkill (no pun intended), why tootle around on a horse looking for a wee fox when you can straff whole swathes of the countryside with uzi's and automatic shotguns.

31-Dec-09, 12:58
I always wondered why they don't do hunting with hounds, horses, daft red coats and silly horns in the USA.

they do ;)

31-Dec-09, 13:17
I always wondered why they don't do hunting with hounds, horses, daft red coats and silly horns in the USA. I think its because the anti-lobby are much more switched on there...


erm they do :lol: :lol:

31-Dec-09, 13:19
i recently read something that made me laugh, it was from an anonymous Countryside alliance donor, it read,

"i hate you and i hate hunting, but i will do anything to get those socialists out" :lol: :lol:

31-Dec-09, 17:44
My Grandfather fought in WWII, ... and ... He didn't do any of that so that I could vote for the type of politician we have today.

Well said. My grandfather, too.