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19-Dec-09, 10:00
yippie its pouring the snow!!! hope it does enough to go out and play in later!!!! fingers crossed!

19-Dec-09, 10:14
sleety rain here but should turn to snow as the day goes on :)
i think east coast is holding the slightly lower temps so snow sooner than the north and west.

just looked at the webcam on traffic scotland - it's definately snowing!

19-Dec-09, 10:19
i wish it would go away so i can get some work done :(

19-Dec-09, 10:40
The wind has picked up here in Wick and there are some might big snowflakes falling from above. Look's like we are in for a day of it. I don't know about anyone else but my electricty has been flashing on and off. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Flasks at the ready.;):lol:

19-Dec-09, 10:46
Tuggs im going down til Alness eday, whats e roads gonna be like?? :confused

19-Dec-09, 10:49
tugs what kind of weather are we looking at for the next few days?

19-Dec-09, 11:14
please say very hot and sunny......wishful thinking[lol]

19-Dec-09, 11:35
Lights were flashing on and off at Strathy; 3 minutes on, 10 seconds off about twenty times. Rang Hydro on 0800 300 999 to report it. They came back to say the high voltage line (Inverness/Perth)? was tripping out, due to snow, but should 'sort itself out' - seems to have done (so far).. no snow here, just sleety stuff..

19-Dec-09, 11:36
yippie its pouring the snow!!! hope it does enough to go out and play in later!!!! fingers crossed!

Yeeeeeeeees ,that is what we get in winter,calm down,brandy!!!!;):D

19-Dec-09, 11:37
lights have been flickering here as well.. but i want the snow!!! let it snow let it snow let it snow!!

19-Dec-09, 11:38
Tuggs im going down til Alness eday, whats e roads gonna be like?? :confused

Shelley, that piccie that Tuggs posted is of the A9 at Ousdale. Thats how it looked an hour ago, and it doesnt look any better now. Go here for latest pic http://www.trafficscotland.org/lev/index.aspx

19-Dec-09, 11:41
Shelley, that piccie that Tuggs posted is of the A9 at Ousdale. Thats how it looked an hour ago, and it doesnt look any better now. Go here for latest pic http://www.trafficscotland.org/lev/index.aspx

thanks DeHaviLand....not going til alness anymore though. Roads just too bad and not wanting til risk it really.

19-Dec-09, 11:48
I'm supposed to be going to pantomine in Inverness this afternoon anyone know if the roads will be ok.

19-Dec-09, 11:50
Oooooohhhh, don't ya luv the snow!

Sat here now with no mains power and no broadband, time to go build a snowman I guess!!!


19-Dec-09, 11:52
I'm supposed to be going to pantomine in Inverness this afternoon anyone know if the roads will be ok.

see the link above for latest road condition. I can tell you that its now snowing heavily on the Black Isle. Dont think I'd be taking the chance of making that drive if it wasn't an absolute necessity.

19-Dec-09, 11:54
I was making my way down to Golspie from Wick at only 30-40 mph and came across an accident just south of Thrumster, I could not stop, the brakes juddered so I tried using my gears to slow down, to no avail, luckily I'd started slowing down quite a bit before so I was alright, but decided I didn't need to go to Golspie.
What I want to know is where are all the gritters and snow ploughs? I suppose it's too expensive to make raods safe for people.

19-Dec-09, 11:58
I was making my way down to Golspie from Wick at only 30-40 mph and came across an accident just south of Thrumster, I could not stop, the brakes juddered so I tried using my gears to slow down, to no avail, luckily I'd started slowing down quite a bit before so I was alright, but decided I didn't need to go to Golspie.
What I want to know is where are all the gritters and snow ploughs? I suppose it's too expensive to make raods safe for people.

Your brakes are meant to judder like that. Thats your anti-lock braking system kicking in to stop you from skidding. Just keep the pressure on the brake pedal and you'll stop just fine.

lynne duncan
19-Dec-09, 12:05
hubby's went over to the academy park about an hour ago to see if they were going to call of the academy game, but think they should just look at the ousdale camera . think it speaks for itself

19-Dec-09, 12:11
thanks DeHaviLand....not going til alness anymore though. Roads just too bad and not wanting til risk it really.

Thats a very wise decision Shelley. Who cares that its the last saturday before xmas, I'm definitely not going out anywhere either.

19-Dec-09, 12:12
Your brakes are meant to judder like that. Thats your anti-lock braking system kicking in to stop you from skidding. Just keep the pressure on the brake pedal and you'll stop just fine.

When the anti locking brakes start working it fairley wakens u up when i get that i lift my foot of the brake pedal and apply the footbrake again but more gentley to stop the abs kicking in i think i stop quicker that way

19-Dec-09, 12:16
Well thats us cancelled our trip too bairn is gutted missing the pantomine but at least we all be safe.

19-Dec-09, 12:22
snowing heavy in golspie just now

19-Dec-09, 12:38
Hey Spurtle, read this?: "Why doesn't Scotland grind to a halt when it snows?" (maybe you should take this with a pinch of salt!):lol:


Mystical Potato Head
19-Dec-09, 12:52
Strange how in the 60's and 70's when 2-3 ft falls of snow were a regular occurance we managed to get on with our lives reasonably well, but now as soon as 2-3 centimeters or less arrives theres a big song and dance about it and it makes the headlines on all the news channels.
Ppl from Scandanavian countries must have a good giggle at us.

19-Dec-09, 12:54
Thats a very wise decision Shelley. Who cares that its the last saturday before xmas, I'm definitely not going out anywhere either.

It wasne for shopping, it was for tryin on ma bridesmaid dress. a bit gutted but will get down in January instead. Rather stay indoors and keep warm with e bairn. (and recover from a super hangover) :eek:

19-Dec-09, 12:57
Strange how in the 60's and 70's when 2-3 ft falls of snow were a regular occurance we managed to get on with our lives reasonably well, but now as soon as 2-3 centimeters or less arrives theres a big song and dance about it and it makes the headlines on all the news channels.
Ppl from Scandanavian countries must have a good giggle at us.

Same here. And we STILL had to WALK to school in our wellies sitting in lessons with our coats on because the heating was off.

Scandinavians will be splitting their sides not giggling, as will Canadians.

19-Dec-09, 13:30
Tuggs im going down til Alness eday, whats e roads gonna be like?? :confused

tugs what kind of weather are we looking at for the next few days?

sorry i didn't reply, just got in from work.

i think the traffic scotland cameras speak volumes! it's certainly not going to get any warmer today, but we lose the really cold air over us later tonight/tomorrow morning so it might get above freezing point tomorrow. sleet/snow showers are with us for the next couple of days.

19-Dec-09, 13:36
thanks tugs.... do we have any chance for a white christmas do you think?

19-Dec-09, 13:44
yes i do think there is a chance - i'll check the charts i like using later this evening and let you know :D

19-Dec-09, 14:23
Hey Spurtle, read this?: "Why doesn't Scotland grind to a halt when it snows?" (maybe you should take this with a pinch of salt!):lol:


They can say what they want but it remains a fact that I saw no ploughs the man in petrol station since very early saw a gritter and no plough, everyone I've spoken to did not see one either.

19-Dec-09, 14:53
Lights flickering here too. Fish tank wrapped in bubble wrap in case the power goes of for a period...

This is our garden - piddling bit of snow but still chilly!

19-Dec-09, 15:08
Been looking at the cameras on the a9 south of inverness and atthe Ord. Not impreseed with the gritting and plowing tbh - i am travelling up on the 23rd dec for a few weeks to the wife's family and after 2 years agon at 1 am the roads white with frost i am a tad worried by the forcasts and wethjer i will get there at all - was reading the highland council gritting bit on the bbc and they only deploy the plows at 0600 :eek:. so i think it will be an interesting journey

19-Dec-09, 15:57
I was going to go to Inverness tomorrow, think i will not bother now:)

Stack Rock
19-Dec-09, 15:58
'was reading the highland council gritting bit on the bbc and they only deploy the plows at 0600 :eek:. so i think it will be an interesting journey'

The Highland Cooncil don't have any responsibility for TRUNK roads (A9 & A99 to Wick) - Maintenance including winter gritting is done by Scotland Transerv

19-Dec-09, 17:50
This is the main road to Inverness from Fraserburgh
, so much for gritting and ploughing here :roll:

snowed in here in parts of Aberdeenshire, and Inverness usually gets it worse than us!
We cant get out of our driveway now, we were glad we got out this Morning when we did!....means i just have to play in the snow, make snow angels, snowmen, already had several snowball fights :lol:
although the chickens and ducks dont think much of it!

19-Dec-09, 18:08
As long as its gone by christmas! Car doesn't start too good in the freezing temps.

We've got a bit in ness on the road i live on the road is pretty icy. My boots were the only thing stopping me from falling.

Margaret M.
19-Dec-09, 18:09
Got lots of snow here too in Virgina -- 8 - 12 inches with a few more inches possible this afternoon. Washington D.C. which is 1 1/2 hours north of here is getting hammered with up to 2 feet of snow. Tons of flight cancellations.

19-Dec-09, 18:28
Got lots of snow here too in Virgina -- 8 - 12 inches with a few more inches possible this afternoon. Washington D.C. which is 1 1/2 hours north of here is getting hammered with up to 2 feet of snow. Tons of flight cancellations.

2 feet now that is snow not a mere few inches! This country does seems to come to stand still when a few inches of snow lies.

Mother Bear
19-Dec-09, 18:54
Just like the praise given to the posties in another thread, I have to give a bit of praise for the gritters/ploughs. I guess not ALL roads in the county are going to get cleared and salted, which is unfortunate, but here at Latheron I have seen the gritters and snow ploughs going up towards Wick and across the Causewaymire at regular intervals throughout the day. Personally I wonder if people venturing out in these conditions are on absolutely necessary journeys? As some of you have already said, stay at home and be safe. We've had no power here for most of the day either, ...but again praise for Scottish Hydro. I was seeing lights coming back on in the village, but not for me! Phoned up and they explained there were different circuits and some might take longer than others...... I then also got a call later for an update on this so was very appreciative of that. Glad to say, all back on now...hence back on the laptop...don't you just miss electric when you haven't got it!!! Surprising how many other things you can get done when the pc is off tho!
Merry Christmas everyone, and it may even be a white one!

19-Dec-09, 20:59
well we set off for the panto this morning but we turned back at dunbeath. We felt that we just couldnt risk it after sliding three times and seeing 5 cars in accidents/ditches.
severe lack of gritting on main road.GRRRRRRRRRRR

19-Dec-09, 22:03
Got lots of snow here too in Virgina -- 8 - 12 inches with a few more inches possible this afternoon. Washington D.C. which is 1 1/2 hours north of here is getting hammered with up to 2 feet of snow. Tons of flight cancellations.
Now that's what I call REAL snow! I remember stuff like that when we were kids (and it's not just nostalgia!!) and it was worth getting excited about. :cool: Better put the shades on so you don't get snow-blind!!

20-Dec-09, 10:10
severe lack of gritting on main road.GRRRRRRRRRRR

I don't think grit would have done anything last night. In fact I know it didn't as I followed a gritter home at 5pm yesterday. When I came home in the early hours of the morning the road was thick white...

20-Dec-09, 10:29
that has always puzzled me

how does the man that drives the snowplough get to his work in the morning ?????

20-Dec-09, 10:46
that has always puzzled me

how does the man that drives the snowplough get to his work in the morning ?????

He takes the snowplough home with him?

20-Dec-09, 11:00
He takes the snowplough home with him?

how does he know its going to snow the day before ????

even tuggs get it wrong at times and theres no way the plough driver takes it home everynight ???

20-Dec-09, 11:07
Hi, does anyone know what the roads are like from Thurso to Wick please

20-Dec-09, 11:10
Hi, does anyone know what the roads are like from Thurso to Wick please

o about 21 miles long has a few corners on them fields either side pretty much the same as any other roads o and there might be a wee bit of snow on then, lol

i`m sure someone will be along to tell you,

20-Dec-09, 11:13
o about 21 miles long has a few corners on them fields either side pretty much the same as any other roads o and there might be a wee bit of snow on then, lol

i`m sure someone will be along to tell you,

Oh i knew i'd get a smart remark lol

20-Dec-09, 11:19
Oh i knew i'd get a smart remark lol

sorry please forgive me, its just my take on fun, i do hope i never upset you :0p

20-Dec-09, 11:19
OH MY GOD! SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

I have ran outside already hehe. So excited! :D

I am so building a snowman this afternoon!

And now....im in the christmas mood! :Razz

20-Dec-09, 11:21
I did have a chuckle lol

20-Dec-09, 11:24
OH MY GOD! SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

I have ran outside already hehe. So excited! :D

I am so building a snowman this afternoon!

And now....im in the christmas mood! :Razz

calm doon lassie its only snow it will be gone soon i hope, if you needed white stuff to get you in the christmas mood there is always washing powder under the blinking sink lol,
have fun

20-Dec-09, 11:25
I did have a chuckle lol

mission accomplished made one person smile today

the riggerboy is now a happy person

20-Dec-09, 11:28
mission accomplished made one person smile today

the riggerboy is now a happy person

nae worries

20-Dec-09, 11:30
That's over 10000000001 people that are scratching their heads! lol

20-Dec-09, 11:33
calm doon lassie its only snow it will be gone soon i hope, if you needed white stuff to get you in the christmas mood there is always washing powder under the blinking sink lol,
have fun

me....calm down??? Surely you know me better than that Riggerboy! The washing powder can stay where it is eday. Snow for me! :Razz

Aw come on...you just dinna want til admit it that u love e snow and yer sittin there with a lovely striped christmas jumper on with a santa hat too! ;)

20-Dec-09, 11:33
awww poor sam and ben, they are desprate to get out.. but sam was sick again last night and ben is full of cold this morning.. so no snow for them... i feel like such a bad mummy now

20-Dec-09, 11:37
me....calm down??? Surely you know me better than that Riggerboy! The washing powder can stay where it is eday. Snow for me! :Razz

Aw come on...you just dinna want til admit it that u love e snow and yer sittin there with a lovely striped christmas jumper on with a santa hat too! ;)

no snow here sitting in the box offshore, so ye can keep yer snow, bahumbug

lynne duncan
20-Dec-09, 11:37
aah brandy thats a shame for them, still build a snowman/boy for them to see anyway, they could shout instructions from the back door, and search the house for things to decorate it

20-Dec-09, 11:38
awww poor sam and ben, they are desprate to get out.. but sam was sick again last night and ben is full of cold this morning.. so no snow for them... i feel like such a bad mummy now

let them out for short bursts the fun will do them the world good.....

20-Dec-09, 11:48
no snow here sitting in the box offshore, so ye can keep yer snow, bahumbug

awwww :( Will you be back for Christmas?

20-Dec-09, 11:50
awwww :( Will you be back for Christmas?

no i dont get back until the 29th so no santa for riggerboy, but there maybe a wee dram for the bells yeha,

have a very merry christmas

20-Dec-09, 11:52
no i dont get back until the 29th so no santa for riggerboy, but there maybe a wee dram for the bells yeha,

have a very merry christmas
thats not good rigger, hope you have a good time at the bells

20-Dec-09, 11:58
thats not good rigger, hope you have a good time at the bells

a good time at the bells is a definate wiht or without a whiskey, i hope you have a good one as well

i dont like to have to much at new year, just enough to be merry, o i suppose i dont need any at all to be merry its in my gentic make up lol

20-Dec-09, 13:15
Road to Inverness yesterday was awful! I had to go down as my Mum was ill but I honestly thought it was the worst i have seen in a long time!The Causewaymire had not been gritted or ploughed and it took nearly and hour to get down it-seen 3 accidents before Berridale!Where the heck were the gritters???I pity the ambulance service if they had to go down to raigmore yesterday-total disgrace!x

20-Dec-09, 13:27
We are suppose to be coming up from Inverness today after a week-end with family but don't think the roads are good at all. Police are advising we stay down here.

20-Dec-09, 15:03
Road to Inverness yesterday was awful! I had to go down as my Mum was ill but I honestly thought it was the worst i have seen in a long time!The Causewaymire had not been gritted or ploughed and it took nearly and hour to get down it-seen 3 accidents before Berridale!Where the heck were the gritters???I pity the ambulance service if they had to go down to raigmore yesterday-total disgrace!x

Hope ur mum is a bit better and glad u are safely home.

20-Dec-09, 15:29
Have to head down the road tomorrow mon am getting bit worried will not get down now ho the joys lol hopefully it will ease later i hope x

20-Dec-09, 15:40
Don't bank on it easing, its chucking it down where I am, I must get the wife to bank the rayburn up and make a hot toddy after she's made my dinner.;)

Alice in Blunderland
20-Dec-09, 15:43
Don't bank on it easing, its chucking it down where I am, I must get the wife to bank the rayburn up and make a hot toddy after she's made my dinner.;)

If you can type on the computer you can pour your own dram ;)

20-Dec-09, 15:47
If you can type on the computer you can pour your own dram ;)

Hello Alice, thought you'd gone on your holls or emigrated to where ever hot. You know with my hands I'll never get the top off the bottle, besides she tightens it on purpose so cruel women these days. Besides I pay her enough LOL. ;)

20-Dec-09, 15:54
Quite a fall of snow in Thurso overnight and conditions very poor as it fell on freezing hailstones.

The youngsters are out making a slide on the corner of the hill and must have used megamillions of calorific energy throwing snowballs at the houses. I wish they would put their energy into making a snowman in every garden and clearing the paths, as we did in the good old days.

As a child I was always miffed when mum came out once the paths were cleared and threw down ashes to stop it icing up again, but what I would have given this morning for some hot ashes myself to let me get safely to the bin.

Wrapped up warm it didn`t matter how poorly we were when it snowed we were out grafting. There is perhaps truth in the idea the cold snap kills the germs...........Brandy`s laddies might get out to play after all.

Homecarers were struggling to get to clients this morning, and Crossroads care has been cancelled for tomorrow because of weather conditions.

20-Dec-09, 16:00
Don't bank on it easing, its chucking it down where I am, I must get the wife to bank the rayburn up and make a hot toddy after she's made my dinner.;)

mind and ask her to put yer pipe and slippers out for you aswell,

20-Dec-09, 16:01
My dog is described as white - nope he's a dirty grubby colour against the snow ;)


20-Dec-09, 16:11
mind and ask her to put yer pipe and slippers out for you aswell,

I've got my slippers on dopey, and I gave up the baccy products a few year ago, under protest but done it LOL.

20-Dec-09, 16:17
I've got my slippers on dopey, and I gave up the baccy products a few year ago, under protest but done it LOL.

well done on the baccy i gave up 14 months ago,

keep the wife busy fetching and gathering, i will try and attend the funeral lol,,,,

20-Dec-09, 16:18
My dog is described as white - nope he's a dirty grubby colour against the snow ;)


what a lovely picture, but i cant see the dog, lol

20-Dec-09, 16:24
well done on the baccy i gave up 14 months ago,

keep the wife busy fetching and gathering, i will try and attend the funeral lol,,,,

Your only thinkin of the goodies at the wake ya fox.

20-Dec-09, 16:27
Im still so excited, although very cold now! Runnin round ma mithers garden eday. :D Lovin it :Razz

Hope it keeps snowin....all week long! I know there are folks that need til travel but im sorry i love e snow.

20-Dec-09, 16:36
Your only thinkin of the goodies at the wake ya fox.

darn got caught ,yer marbles are still rolling around the right way, heres hoping ye get a good dram and a beeg bowl o mince an tatties for yer supper

20-Dec-09, 16:38
Im still so excited, although very cold now! Runnin round ma mithers garden eday. :D Lovin it :Razz

Hope it keeps snowin....all week long! I know there are folks that need til travel but im sorry i love e snow.

the snow had better be gone by the 29th shelley ye can have it till then but it must be gone by the 29th or else .......................

it will still be there, minds me of an old saying

if it wizna for blinds it would be curtains for us all,,

20-Dec-09, 18:10
giggles.. we are complaining this is my hometown...

20-Dec-09, 18:33
the snow had better be gone by the 29th shelley ye can have it till then but it must be gone by the 29th or else .......................

it will still be there, minds me of an old saying

if it wizna for blinds it would be curtains for us all,,

Lol, ok then i hope the snow clears up so that Riggerboy can get home on e 29th! ;) .....And then snows again on e 30th....:lol:

20-Dec-09, 18:48
Lol, ok then i hope the snow clears up so that Riggerboy can get home on e 29th! ;) .....And then snows again on e 30th....:lol:

no no no snow until the 10th o january

then it can snow for ye

20-Dec-09, 19:12
IT'S SNOWING!!! *squee!*

Had a snowball fight with my brother today, made a snowman, and snow angels!

Its sooooo christmassy!

20-Dec-09, 19:28
My dog is described as white - nope he's a dirty grubby colour against the snow


Great photo of your dog enjoying the snow Leanne.:D

Benjy loves it as well but doesn't like his paws getting cold when out for a walk.:lol:

20-Dec-09, 19:55
Coming home for Christmas tomorrow evening. Hopefully the weather doesn't get in the way!

20-Dec-09, 22:21
Coming home for Christmas tomorrow evening. Hopefully the weather doesn't get in the way!

Happy Holidays!!!!;) Safe trip...

20-Dec-09, 22:28
We are suppose to be coming up from Inverness today after a week-end with family but don't think the roads are good at all. Police are advising we stay down here.

You were lucky to get that advice or that much info from police. We were told they couldn't give us any info re state of road between Thurso and Inverness but gave a number to ring which when we keyed in A9 only told us there were no delays east and west of Perth! Traffic Scotland's webcam at Ousdale/Helmsdale (the only one on a 120 mile stretch of road) was off or iced up! Where does one get up-to-date info re road conditions. Fifty (well, at least 30+) years ago when you rang the police you would get information about the road conditions and advice as to whether or not you should travel. So much for progress! I know there is a lot of common sense involved and /or is your journey really necessary etc. but when your family are travelling from the south with young children then it would be good to know that the latest info is only the click of a mouse or a phone call away!

20-Dec-09, 22:33
We phoned the police in Inverness and they were more than helpful and told us not to try it as it wasn't worth the risk with the children etc.....they also said to phone them at anytime to ask again.
Hopefully we will get up tomorrow

Stack Rock
20-Dec-09, 22:41
Traffic Scotland's webcam at Ousdale/Helmsdale (the only one on a 120 mile stretch of road) was off or iced up!

They have 2 webcams at ousdale - the one facing north was iced up due to the prevailiing wind conditions whereas the south facing one was always clear the nunerous times I looked at it this weekend. The road looked 'black' anytime I accessed the site.

20-Dec-09, 22:41
left the car parked all day today we travelled by sledge, much cooler! love the snow it's great fun wi the bairns and dogs. our big beardy collie had a right laugh pulling the bairns in the sledge at approx 100mph in the park, kinda wish he could pull me in it too. i feel all christmassy now but hoping it clears a bit incase my sis has to hot foot it to raigmore to have her baby. oh and i don't like driving in this weather at all and could really do with getting some shopping in. apart from that i love a good snowball fight and snowman/woman making session.ho ho ho.

20-Dec-09, 22:58
Thanks Allsorts. My son, his wife and family also travelling up tomorrow. So safe journeys all round.

20-Dec-09, 23:18
Its snowin again!!! Woooooooooo!

Just ran ootside again, must remember til put a coat on next time tho! :eek:

21-Dec-09, 00:16
Its snowin again!!! Woooooooooo!

Just ran ootside again, must remember til put a coat on next time tho! :eek:

Steady Shelly steady, how old are you lass??.

21-Dec-09, 00:21
Steady Shelly steady, how old are you lass??.

ahem...well....its like this...am 21 lol. :eek:

Please Note - Mental Age = 4

21-Dec-09, 00:24
ahem...well....its like this...am 21 lol. :eek:

Please Note - Mental Age = 4

Hmmm, you need a carer/supervisor. ;)

PS: hope you had your shoes on LOL.

21-Dec-09, 00:25
ahem...well....its like this...am 21 lol. :eek:

Please Note - Mental Age = 4
Well shelley if you add one 2 and 1 together it makes you 3 lol xx

21-Dec-09, 00:28
Hmmm, you need a carer/supervisor. ;)

PS: hope you had your shoes on LOL.

Im my own carer! No1 else is here apart fae e bairn who is in bed and e cats, they dinna lek e snow!

Shoes....:eek: Ats why ma toes are cold! [lol]

Well shelley if you add one 2 and 1 together it makes you 3 lol xx

Aw yay! *Stomps feet for chocolate*

21-Dec-09, 00:29
nope if you add "one 2 and 1 togeter" you get four *grins*

21-Dec-09, 08:59
Wish me luck - trying to get from Bristol back home today. Easyjet cancelled the Inverness flight yesterday, but fingers crossed so far it's still going to run. What the drive up from Inverness to the north coast is going to be like, I dread to think - definitely going to come up the A9 rather than the single track roads!

21-Dec-09, 10:03
Its raining and its taking away all ma snow! [evil] How am i supposed til build a snowman wi this slushy stuff!! [disgust]

21-Dec-09, 10:05
Its raining and its taking away all ma snow! [evil] How am i supposed til build a snowman wi this slushy stuff!! [disgust]

let it rain let it rain let it rain, nevermind yer snowman yer very selfish you know, lol

no snow no snow no snow
makes riggerboy happy

and to pot with the rest of you

21-Dec-09, 10:07
let it rain let it rain let it rain, nevermind yer snowman yer very selfish you know, lol

no snow no snow no snow
makes riggerboy happy

and to pot with the rest of you

:eek: Take that back! If not then i hope it snows from now til january 10th! ;)

Selfish.....me....all i want is a snowman. Or maybe a snow-woman! Sayin that...i hev til push my pram in this eday!

21-Dec-09, 10:29
:eek: Take that back! If not then i hope it snows from now til january 10th! ;)

Selfish.....me....all i want is a snowman. Or maybe a snow-woman! Sayin that...i hev til push my pram in this eday!

may the arms of a thousand snowmen help you push your pram,

21-Dec-09, 10:40
may the arms of a thousand snowmen help you push your pram,

Am sure i will get thru it. I dinna call it e tank for nothin! :lol:

At least e bairn will be nice and warm in there whilst am pushin him oot in the cold! :eek:

21-Dec-09, 11:56
:eek: Take that back! If not then i hope it snows from now til january 10th! ;)

Selfish.....me....all i want is a snowman. Or maybe a snow-woman! Sayin that...i hev til push my pram in this eday!

Never thought I'd call you selfish Shelley but I hope we have a massive thaw over Christmas so all those people stranded by useless EuroStar, to say nothing of all the thousands of others trying to get home for Christmas, can make it. I am desperate to see my daughter and will be so upset if she can't get up here. Thousands are in the same situation.

21-Dec-09, 11:59
Never thought I'd call you selfish Shelley but I hope we have a massive thaw over Christmas so all those people stranded by useless EuroStar, to say nothing of all the thousands of others trying to get home for Christmas, can make it. I am desperate to see my daughter and will be so upset if she can't get up here. Thousands are in the same situation.

well said, see shelley theres more to it than your snowman lol,

heres hoping they all get home xmas

21-Dec-09, 12:36
Never thought I'd call you selfish Shelley but I hope we have a massive thaw over Christmas so all those people stranded by useless EuroStar, to say nothing of all the thousands of others trying to get home for Christmas, can make it. I am desperate to see my daughter and will be so upset if she can't get up here. Thousands are in the same situation.

I hope they do too. I'm one of the many that want to be with my family at christmas and considering that the car got stuck today leaving my partner very unsure on how he was going to get to work today i do so hope that we have seen the last of it for now and it is gone for christmas. If its not we're stuck in ness unable to see everyone untill new year in which we weren't going to come up for.

We had a friend staying with us last night who was trying to get home to glasgow from thurso. Took him 5 hours to get to ness and then we refused to let him go any further. luckily today the m8 and m90 are clear so he could get home today after getting his wee car up the road we couldn't get up at all!

21-Dec-09, 12:50
Never thought I'd call you selfish Shelley but I hope we have a massive thaw over Christmas so all those people stranded by useless EuroStar, to say nothing of all the thousands of others trying to get home for Christmas, can make it. I am desperate to see my daughter and will be so upset if she can't get up here. Thousands are in the same situation.

Unfair comment about thinking im selfish. I was havin a laugh aboot wantin it til snow until then. Ye think i can keep ma bairn indoors til then? Cos there is no way i can push ma pram in that again.

I understand there are alot o people comin home or goin places for christmas.

Im nowhere near selfish, im no gonna explain why cos i dinna feel lek i hev til justify myself. :roll:

21-Dec-09, 12:57
I want lots of snow! & I want it til lie for weeks! Enjoy nature in all it's forms;)

21-Dec-09, 14:22
Unfair comment about thinking im selfish. I was havin a laugh aboot wantin it til snow until then. Ye think i can keep ma bairn indoors til then? Cos there is no way i can push ma pram in that again.

I understand there are alot o people comin home or goin places for christmas.

Im nowhere near selfish, im no gonna explain why cos i dinna feel lek i hev til justify myself. :roll:

calm doon shelley i wiz only kiddy never mind the rest o them lol,

2 snowmen standing together 1 farts and says sorry the other says dont worry all i can smell is carrots lol,

21-Dec-09, 14:38
Well, the temperature rose and it started to rain... now the biggest flakes of snow have started to fall, so I expect it will soon be all white again. The chookies hate it. Think I will sit in the garage and make an outdoor Christmas decoration.

21-Dec-09, 15:15
calm doon shelley i wiz only kiddy never mind the rest o them lol,

2 snowmen standing together 1 farts and says sorry the other says dont worry all i can smell is carrots lol,

My my RB that's some reverse gear you have LOL.[lol]

21-Dec-09, 15:16
My my RB that's some reverse gear you have LOL.[lol]

hey canna go upsetting shelley, or anyone else for that matter tonka,

hope yer wifes still talking to you,

21-Dec-09, 15:23
hey canna go upsetting shelley, or anyone else for that matter tonka,

hope yer wifes still talking to you,

Aye your right it is the season of good will to all mankind and I suppose women for that matter. I made her a cup of tea this morning RB, She looked up at me with those adoring eyes, so alls well ;) RB thanks for the concern. Merry Christmas RB.

21-Dec-09, 16:37
Our paths are very slippy,snow has frozen and its now like walking on a sheet of ice.Roads have been well gritted but walking anywhere is a nightmare.:(

Havent gone far with the dogs today as I'm too afraid of ending up on my backside.:eek:

I love the snow but not what we have now.:(

21-Dec-09, 16:38
Unfair comment about thinking im selfish. I was havin a laugh aboot wantin it til snow until then. Ye think i can keep ma bairn indoors til then? Cos there is no way i can push ma pram in that again.

I understand there are alot o people comin home or goin places for christmas.

Im nowhere near selfish, im no gonna explain why cos i dinna feel lek i hev til justify myself. :roll:

U are CERTAINLY not selfish.....u just like fun,but hopefully everyone tryingb to getb home will,safely.;)

21-Dec-09, 16:39
I want lots of snow! & I want it til lie for weeks! Enjoy nature in all it's forms;)

Move to Canada....;):D

21-Dec-09, 16:54
Move to Canada....

Move away from the Kingdom?:eek:

No chance! I'm here for life;)

21-Dec-09, 17:01
Take that back! If not then i hope it snows from now til january 10th!

Selfish.....me....all i want is a snowman. Or maybe a snow-woman! Sayin that...i hev til push my pram in this eday!

I have just been laughing to myself ShelleyBain. When you have posted that your going out to your parents i think it was, and you put Eday.
I thought that is where you were going ( the place Eday ).

It was not until i have just read this post that i now know you mean.


21-Dec-09, 17:11
Move away from the Kingdom?

No chance! I'm here for life;)

No even go til Italy? :p

I have just been laughing to myself ShelleyBain. When you have posted that your going out to your parents i think it was, and you put Eday.
I thought that is where you were going ( the place Eday ).

It was not until i have just read this post that i now know you mean.


Haha my bad! i type e way i speak sometimes. Glad i made ye laugh tho!

21-Dec-09, 17:14
No even go til Italy? :p

Haha! Naw I've hed enuf o easy wemin'...;)

21-Dec-09, 17:29
Haha! Naw I've hed enuf o easy wemin'...;)

Ats amsterdam ya neep!! :p

21-Dec-09, 17:29
Move away from the Kingdom?:eek:

No chance! I'm here for life;)

Yes ,me too.;)

21-Dec-09, 21:20
Our paths are very slippy,snow has frozen and its now like walking on a sheet of ice.Roads have been well gritted but walking anywhere is a nightmare.

Havent gone far with the dogs today as I'm too afraid of ending up on my backside.

I love the snow but not what we have now.

When the snow goes to ice here i am refusing to walk to work in it. I'm not putting myself and my unborn child at risk. I'm already a bit scared about falling as it means a trip to the hospital for a anti d injection which of course my work will not be happy about the time it will take me to do if i fall. Hence why when it turns to ice the first day of it i am refusing to walk to work (Its an hour and half walk each way in the snow atm [evil])

I'm also very glad its sleet and not snow now! Wash it all away so i can see my family on thursday night! If we had a 4 by 4 vehicle wouldn't be caring as much.

21-Dec-09, 21:25
Am sure i will get thru it. I dinna call it e tank for nothin! :lol:

At least e bairn will be nice and warm in there whilst am pushin him oot in the cold! :eek:

You'll need to put on the snow tyres lol.

I'm after a buggy that will make mince meat of the snow or at least get further than two pushes. I'm thinking defintly a three wheeler. Good sturdy things. :D

21-Dec-09, 21:27
You'll need to put on the snow tyres lol.

I'm after a buggy that will make mince meat of the snow or at least get further than two pushes. I'm thinking defintly a three wheeler. Good sturdy things. :D

Ach naw my tank is awsome tho! Its a tank lol. I wud say a 4 wheeler is better but ats just cos i aint keen on 3 wheelers lol. I dont think there are any prams oot there that cud handle e snow much...they just aint build for it ma dear. :( Hence why i aint takin e pram back oot until e snow clears

21-Dec-09, 21:40
just back from the hillhead school xmas concert in parish church and its awful slippy out and about, trust me to wear a pair o boots wae no grip. the bairns had a good laugh at me tootling along.

21-Dec-09, 22:17
Ach naw my tank is awsome tho! Its a tank lol. I wud say a 4 wheeler is better but ats just cos i aint keen on 3 wheelers lol. I dont think there are any prams oot there that cud handle e snow much...they just aint build for it ma dear. :( Hence why i aint takin e pram back oot until e snow clears

A back carrier? lol we both know the answer to that question for both of us!
I love three wheelers they just glide over bumps in the pavement and road. They're brilliant. Seen a double one today and eek was it huge lol. I hate the strollers. They're such silly flimsy things.

21-Dec-09, 22:23
This is Rory in the snow Sunday Morning. I think he was hoping I might take him in, but I just laughed at his snow ears...

And Marty too...

The snow is still out there and we have been having the odd snow shower every now and again.

21-Dec-09, 23:24
I would have them both in,on sofa in front of fire!!!Poor lads.;)

22-Dec-09, 03:11
Back in Wick for a week, and the journey up was fairly uneventful. A lot of snow at the side of the traintracks/roads but very little on the important parts. A layer of snow in Wick, but nothing compared to the load of snow that I saw going through Carr Bridge railway station or Blair Atholl. A foot at least in each.

22-Dec-09, 08:53
A wee bit of snow today in Wick, hopefully it will melt shortly but it seems cold enough today for it to lie

lynne duncan
22-Dec-09, 23:14
just up from inverness about 930pm freezing fog from inverness to tore roundabout then snow started at dingwall roundabout, had to slow down to 10mph until golspie then clear roads bar a small area on the new bit o road at the ord

looks like my pal's bairns in alness will hve another day of school 2moro

was an interesting trip north, it's been a while since we've travelled through roads that white

23-Dec-09, 00:24
Am just back from perth tonite what a nitemare it was to get back bus delayed from perth for 1 and a 1/2 hours due to no driver then had to get home by taxi ho the joys lol and to top it all was snowing xxx

23-Dec-09, 01:13
just up from inverness about 930pm freezing fog from inverness to tore roundabout then snow started at dingwall roundabout, had to slow down to 10mph until golspie then clear roads bar a small area on the new bit o road at the ord

looks like my pal's bairns in alness will hve another day of school 2moro

was an interesting trip north, it's been a while since we've travelled through roads that white

So your one of them that goes so slow and causes havoc on the road when its snowing!! Should stay off the road if you cant drive in it!!

23-Dec-09, 08:31
woke this morning to loads of snow here in fife it all was gone too come back worse.......

23-Dec-09, 08:41
just up from inverness about 930pm freezing fog from inverness to tore roundabout then snow started at dingwall roundabout, had to slow down to 10mph until golspie then clear roads bar a small area on the new bit o road at the ord

looks like my pal's bairns in alness will hve another day of school 2moro

was an interesting trip north, it's been a while since we've travelled through roads that white

Well done to you for driving as the conditions dictate-too many drive fast and they are the idiots that cause the accidents! I to was in Inverness yesterday visiting my mum and although the roads were much better than they were on saturday you still needed to drive with care!x

Kevin Milkins
23-Dec-09, 09:05
So your one of them that goes so slow and causes havoc on the road when its snowing!! Should stay off the road if you cant drive in it!!

Why would you feel that is a clever thing to say?:confused

Everyone on the road has varying degrees of skill and experience, and the only way improve and develop those skills is to be out there on the road in all conditions.

If LD feels that 10 miles an hour is the safe speed to drive at because of the conditions, (IE freezing fog and ice) then that is the safe speed to drive at.

23-Dec-09, 09:18
So your one of them that goes so slow and causes havoc on the road when its snowing!! Should stay off the road if you cant drive in it!!

so your one of them that drives fast in bad conditions and cause all sorts of mayhem as the rest us of call you a , ive been driving for years and seen your sort end up in the ditch and blaming the sensible drivers,

and before you say i wouldnt do that ,,,,,i think you would

23-Dec-09, 10:13
Hang 'em RB. Hang 'em!

23-Dec-09, 10:17
Hang 'em RB. Hang 'em!

consider them hung

hang em hang em hang em
hang em hang em hang em
hang em hang em hang em
hang em hang em hang em

all who drive fast on dangerous roads,

23-Dec-09, 10:19
Im having a major panic about the weather!

I dont fancy a nasty long trip to Inverness if the roads are bad.....

But if this baby does not stick to the "plan" of going down on the 3rd I could have an unexpected trip down the road.

Ps would have had Iona yesterday and Lauren a week ago if it was them!

So I am up at 3am every morning unable to sleep looking out the window at the garden and scraping the car 3-4 times a day!

Plus taking out the buggy in the ice and dragging a sledge behind you at 38 weeks pregnant is no fun!

lynne duncan
23-Dec-09, 12:08
So your one of them that goes so slow and causes havoc on the road when its snowing!! Should stay off the road if you cant drive in it!!

no lasher - that was what the weather conditions required, if we had been holding traffic up we would have pulled off, out of the way,
hubby is a brilliant driver and would never cause "havoc"

so put that in your pipe!

23-Dec-09, 12:32
so your one of them that drives fast in bad conditions and cause all sorts of mayhem as the rest us of call you a , ive been driving for years and seen your sort end up in the ditch and blaming the sensible drivers,

and before you say i wouldnt do that ,,,,,i think you would

no lasher - that was what the weather conditions required, if we had been holding traffic up we would have pulled off, out of the way,
hubby is a brilliant driver and would never cause "havoc"

so put that in your pipe!

Have to say i agree with RB and LD on this.

23-Dec-09, 12:38
I have been driving for 10 years and i would say i am a confident driver, but in weather like we have just now i take it very easy so i am in control, if other cars want to overtake let them do so, stay at your own speed! If you hit ice at a slower speed it can be dangerous, never mind a faster speed! It is not worth the risk!!

23-Dec-09, 15:40
I'd just like to apologise to anyone stuck behind me coming over the Causeymire road late on Monday night (2 cars and a van by the time I got near Spittal) - the snow was so deep in the laybys I was worried I'd get stuck if I went into one and I didn't dare do much more than 20mph because the road was so icy.

23-Dec-09, 15:59
I'd just like to apologise to anyone stuck behind me coming over the Causeymire road late on Monday night (2 cars and a van by the time I got near Spittal) - the snow was so deep in the laybys I was worried I'd get stuck if I went into one and I didn't dare do much more than 20mph because the road was so icy.

You shouldn't have to apologise for taking it easy in the snow. Go the speed you are comfortable in!

Stack Rock
23-Dec-09, 18:09
I'd just like to apologise to anyone stuck behind me coming over the Causeymire road late on Monday night (2 cars and a van by the time I got near Spittal) - the snow was so deep in the laybys I was worried I'd get stuck if I went into one and I didn't dare do much more than 20mph because the road was so icy.

Just a thought - you don't need lay-bys to pull in to to let traffic behind you past. If you stopped on the carriageway the vehicles could overtake on the opposite lane on a straight bit of road if nothing was comming towards you.

lynne duncan
23-Dec-09, 22:00
fine if the road was wide enough, maybe with the snow it was down to single carriage

24-Dec-09, 15:42
so your one of them that drives fast in bad conditions and cause all sorts of mayhem as the rest us of call you a , ive been driving for years and seen your sort end up in the ditch and blaming the sensible drivers,

and before you say i wouldnt do that ,,,,,i think you would
Driving at 10mph aint sensible, thats what causes the accidents because people try to overtake when your going so slow!! And never had an accident in 15 years on the road, called skill mate!!

24-Dec-09, 16:05
Driving at 10mph aint sensible, thats what causes the accidents because people try to overtake when your going so slow!! And never had an accident in 15 years on the road, called skill mate!!

Skill????????? You mean cocky. Cockiness cause's accidents.

24-Dec-09, 16:05
Driving at 10mph aint sensible, thats what causes the accidents because people try to overtake when your going so slow!! And never had an accident in 15 years on the road, called skill mate!!

more like luck ive been driving for 24 years and never had an accident, it doesnt take skill to drive fast in the snow just stupidity,

driving at 10 mile and hour in the snow is sensible if thats what you feel safe doing, if the your the driver behind you should appreciate that, if you cant then you need to go back to school and learn some inner control, cars dont kill people drivers just use them as a tool, next time your heart skips a beat going round the corner and the car slides for just a second just think you could have wiped out a whole innocent family in a split second for your little bit of stupidity

24-Dec-09, 16:14
Skill????????? You mean cocky. Cockiness cause's accidents.
No i mean i'm good!!

24-Dec-09, 16:31
No i mean i'm good!!

Good??. Nahh I cannot be bothered, its Christmas, Merry Christmas Lasher and a skilful New Year.

lynne duncan
24-Dec-09, 17:20
and in the 21 years i've been driving - i've never had an accident, nor my hubby in his 29 years of driving.

tonkatojo - your a better person than me and a merry xmas to you, but since it is xmas i won't print what i think of lasher, but i'll still think it!

24-Dec-09, 17:27
Driving at 10mph aint sensible, thats what causes the accidents because people try to overtake when your going so slow!! And never had an accident in 15 years on the road, called skill mate!!

Shame on you! [evil]

If people do not feel comfortable driving at idiotic speeds then they do not have too! Especially when it is so icy out there.

If you are going to moan about the slower (CAREFUL) drivers on the road then its simple, dont drive...have a walk. :roll:

Just because you have not had an accident doesnt make you skilled or good. I say the same for everyone. You can never predict what the roads are going to be like. The most careful drivers i know have had accidents due to ice on the road.

24-Dec-09, 18:13
I wonder why Lasher thinks he’s the arbiter of good driving.
As I see it LD is aware of her skill-set and her vehicle’s capabilities in snow and drove appropriately. She wasn’t prepared to take chances and drove accordingly. I think she is to be commended. If more drivers thought as she did there would be fewer accidents on our roads.
Until I see Lasher’s Advance Driving Certificate and/or his Rally Licence I’ll consider him a 1st Class Prat.

24-Dec-09, 18:46
I wonder why Lasher thinks he’s the arbiter of good driving.
As I see it LD is aware of her skill-set and her vehicle’s capabilities in snow and drove appropriately. She wasn’t prepared to take chances and drove accordingly. I think she is to be commended. If more drivers thought as she did there would be fewer accidents on our roads.
Until I see Lasher’s Advance Driving Certificate and/or his Rally Licence I’ll consider him a 1st Class Prat.
Who you calling a prat, !

24-Dec-09, 19:28
Who you calling a prat, !

o no it`ll be hand bags at dawn next put yer claws back in ,, its christmas behave and be nice

24-Dec-09, 19:38
So your one of them that goes so slow and causes havoc on the road when its snowing!! Should stay off the road if you cant drive in it!!

I agree speed is needed as without a bit of speed behind the van today we would never had made it up stratherick road this morning. Not talking excessive only 30 mph. If someone in front had been doing 10 to 20 mph going up we would have rolled right back down the hill! But exxcessive speed for the sake of it is just plain stupid in the snow and ice. You are a fool if you think speed in the snow is what you must do all the time to be a good driver. Knowing the capabilites and what means you won't get stuck is what makes you a safe driver and keeps you alive.

I put it to you lasher to try driving our long wheel based van in the snow! If you can could get it out of the snow when it was stuck like my partner managed to do on monday morning then i would say you do have skill! Took him an hour to get it out but he did it.

03-Jan-10, 01:00
yippie its pouring the snow!!! hope it does enough to go out and play in later!!!! fingers crossed!

Brandy, I wish you had not started this post, its snowing here in Edinburgh, and I want it to go away!!!!!!!!

03-Jan-10, 01:06
Brandy, I wish you had not started this post, its snowing here in Edinburgh, and I want it to go away!!!!!!!!

Personally I don't - just made a nice 7ft snowman. It is a work of art on a par with Monet or Rembrandt... Maybe...

03-Jan-10, 01:15
Personally I don't - just made a nice 7ft snowman. It is a work of art on a par with Monet or Rembrandt... Maybe...
Would that be Northener's pal Dave Rembrandt (http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?p=632317#post632317)?

It's not snowing here but it's cold enough to freeze your snowman's bits off. :eek: