View Full Version : Raising money again!! Need everyone`s help

09-Dec-09, 21:18
Hi to all,

On Sunday 17th January 2010 The Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster is holding a January Fayre Sale. Tables will be £5 each with the money being donated to the local parent & toddler group. I am hoping to get a raffle organised too. Every fayre we do here at the hotel is always a success and we always donate the money to a good local cause.
Here is where you start clearing out your cupboards ready for Christmas or how many double presents are you going to get??? Maybe you will have some unwanted gifts that you could sell in order to buy something you need......whatever you want to sell please do it here at the hotels fayre. The fayre will be from 12 noon til 3pm so everyone can be home in time for tea!

If you would like to reserve a table then please contact Lindsay on 01593 721721 or email [email protected]

Many Thanks in advance

Please do not see this as advertising for the hotel, we are meerly using the hotel as a venue to hold a good day for a great little group.

09-Dec-09, 22:24
Should you not be either putting all your ads in the 'whats on' section or paying for advertising as you work at the place.

You may be 'doing it' for a good cause, but do you have to do it so bliddy often grrrrrr.

Other folks are having to pay for advertising.

Rant over.

09-Dec-09, 23:23
Should you not be either putting all your ads in the 'whats on' section or paying for advertising as you work at the place.

You may be 'doing it' for a good cause, but do you have to do it so bliddy often grrrrrr.

Other folks are having to pay for advertising.

Rant over.

Im sorry but i dont get why the need to rant the lassie is only bringing to folks attention something that is on and it is for a good cause. There is always stuff advertised on here for instance car boots, and xmas fayres the likes and if your not interested you don't have to actually open the thread as when you put the mouse over it gives a general synopsis! And im sure if it has been posted in the wrong section then the mods will move it accordingly.

Rant Over! lol

09-Dec-09, 23:30
I agree with you Sjr014 - I don't see the harm in this post, Lindsay done what any orger in her position, i'm sure would do.

As the signature says "Please do not see this as advertising for the hotel, we are meerly using the hotel as a venue to hold a good day for a great little group."

This is not a rant, so it's not over

09-Dec-09, 23:33
If she didn't work there (as she has stated), and all her posts wern't advertising the damned place then maybe I would agree with you too.

10-Dec-09, 12:12
If she didn't work there (as she has stated), and all her posts wern't advertising the damned place then maybe I would agree with you too.

So is it the fault of the Portlands for being kind enough to offer a venue for this event?:lol:

10-Dec-09, 14:53
Thank you very much to all who are supporting me in this thread. Maybe if there was more people like me trying to do a good turn and using my workplace FOR FREE then alot more charities & little groups would get more donations more often!!

10-Dec-09, 15:07
Well said Lindsay,keep up the good work you are doing.

10-Dec-09, 15:30
Sorry, but changilass is spot on.

Of lindsay's 127 posts so far, 47 have been about the Portland Arms Hotel, including this fairly embarrassing effort (in retrospect):


10-Dec-09, 16:30
Hope you raise plenty of money for this cause.

Margaret M.
10-Dec-09, 16:37
Of lindsay's 127 posts so far, 47 have been about the Portland Arms Hotel, including this fairly embarrassing effort (in retrospect):

What's embarrassing about getting unbiased feedback? I would be a tad embarrassed if I found myself taking the time to go through all her posts and track the content, but that's just me. :D

10-Dec-09, 16:39
Seen the posters locally for this good cause,i think the hotel and this girl should be praised not SLATED.

10-Dec-09, 17:00
47 out of 127.Well that's hardly "all her bliddy posts " then is it!;)

10-Dec-09, 17:07
Thank you to all again for your support, you never know maybe the Portland Arms can help raise money for a cause close to your hearts.
Thanks sjr014, Invisible, butterfly, Margaret M & cuthill maybe we will see you at the fayre and I can personally thank you!

The Org is supposed to be about the "Caithness community" and the last time I looked the portland arms & the lybster parent & toddler group were part of that community.
I am proud of what I do & where I work & the help that the hotel has done in the past for various charities & causes (locally & covering Caithness) and I just hope that those of you who think me posting on here to get as much public help as possible is wrong, then I can only hope you will never need us & our help to raise money for anything.

Why do people feel the need to cause so much trouble & grief for others who are only trying to help....maybe they are just sad.

10-Dec-09, 17:15
The Org is a community website, but it has a 'What's on' section specifically for these posts, I just don't think they belong on the forums is all I am saying.

This is the point I made in my original post and it is still the point I am making.

I wish you luck in your fundraising, I just wish you would 'advertise' it in the right place is all.

As I have helped your post in being prominant for long enough, I will now bow out.

10-Dec-09, 17:25
Bump bump;);):lol:

10-Dec-09, 17:54
The What's On section only gives brief details of an event. I think it's good that someone who is taking the time to organise an event is also available to give more information and answer questions on here. Keep up the good work Lindsay.;)

10-Dec-09, 17:58
Very commendable of you Lindsay for you're efforts to raise money for a charitable cause.

10-Dec-09, 19:21
Wearing my Mods hat if the charity themselves were arranging the event and a member of said charity wished to promote it here then it would be fine, regardless of where it was being held.

However it does appear that the Portland is arranging most of these events, and then getting the use of the Forums as free advertising by pushing it as a charitable event.

My recommendation would be for a member of whichever charitable group is benefitting to register on the Org and promote the event, rather than it skirt the rules as Business Advertising.

10-Dec-09, 19:32
This is done to raise money for a local cause, portlands makes no money from this, we heat the hall, donate raffle prizes and staff the hotel to make sure people get what they want. I work for Portlands & my 2 1/2 yr old son goes to the local toddler group so I could say I was posting on behalf of toddlers?? My OH could post but then how long would it take for someone to come on here saying "look what she`s doing (tut tut) getting her husband to advertise the hotel (tut tut)" Just seems I cant (oh I want to swear!!!) win.
Other things I have done in the past i.e. raise money for Lybster Primary School(twice in same year) and raise money for the Lybster Day care centre did not need someone else to post them. I think people have to stop looking at it is Portlands, Portlands, Portlands and start looking at it as well done to a local businessman for giving money to local groups and for once in the business year calendar not thinking of themselves!

In the future I dont think I will bother with the Org as it seems to cause more hassle than it is worth!! but I will add that i don`t think Pedro would be happy to donate to raffles again for other charitable events when this is the way that me & the hotel get treated for trying to do something for others rather than ourselves.


10-Dec-09, 19:35
get a life,the girl is only trying to raise money for a good cause,well done lindsay

10-Dec-09, 19:39
Thank you very much parkie, your support it appreciated!!

10-Dec-09, 19:44
OK Lindsay, calm down! Looking back over some of your recent posts you have undoubtedly used the Org to advertise non-charitable events at the Portland - Angus Mackay Photography, Spiritualist Evenings, The Jacks - all of which really *should* have been removed as Business Advertising.

While I have no doubt that the Portland is keen to promote it's charitable intentions, you must also admit that it has had/is getting great free publicity from what is a non-profit site.

Imagine if every business in Caithness suddenly cottoned on that they could advertise an event, held in the name of charity, and get loads of free local advertising. The forums would be swamped with it. I certainly feel it should be nipped in the bud unless a bona-fide charitable organisation representative posts the event details.

10-Dec-09, 19:53
But my son is in the toddlers group which I also attend when not working. So am I now advertising this post as a representative of the hotel or as a mother of the organisation benefiting from it????

10-Dec-09, 20:01
Your original post starts...

On Sunday 17th January 2010 The Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster is holding a January Fayre Sale. Tables will be £5 each with the money being donated to the local parent & toddler group...

and goes on...

...If you would like to reserve a table then please contact Lindsay on 01593 721721 or email [email protected]

1. The emphasis is on the fact that it is the Portland Arms which is holding the event, not the Parent & Toddler group.

2. Having the Portland Arms phone number and e-mail address, rather than the organisations' contact details (usually the Secretary of said group) also indicates it is the Portland which is emphasised.

Had it said something along the lines of...

"Lybster Parent & Toddlers are holding a January Fayre Sale in the Portland Arms, Lybster on 17th Jan. Contact the secretary on 01593... or e-mail [email protected] to reserve a table" etc. then I would say that was being organised with the group as the focus, rather than the hotel.

10-Dec-09, 20:54
Why does no one seem to understand that the portlands is doing it for a local cause, the toddlers group has not asked us for fundraising we are doing it off our own back TO BE KIND!

If it bothers everyone so much just remove it!

Thank you to the loads of people who have PM`d me.......I think you lot are right about the busy bodies on this site.......what a waste of time!

Would love to see all the supporters on the day of the fayre, all the critics can stay at home scanning the org for the next thread they can tear apart!


10-Dec-09, 21:33
maybe the comments that follow are unwelcome but - what does it say about the org when a simple thread promoting a charity turns into what can only be described a war of words.

10-Dec-09, 22:08
maybe the comments that follow are unwelcome but - what does it say about the org when a simple thread promoting a charity turns into what can only be described a war of words.

I'm not sure if the above is aimed at me but here goes...

If it had simply been a charity (although I think an organisation would be more appropriate, unless the Parent & Toddler group are a registered charity, in which case I apologies unreservedly) promoting their own event being held at the Portland Arms then I doubt there would have been a problem.

The point which was being made by other posters before I got involved was that so many of the OPs posts are Portland this and Portland that, and this thread was the straw which broke the camels back.

It was unfortunate that the point was raised on this thread with it being aimed towards a charitable cause, however once bought up I felt I should look into it.

As a Moderator of this Forum I felt it pertinent to point out that the Portland Arms did seem to be getting a lot of coverage through the OP, regardless of it's motives, and I suggested a better method of posting.

When questioned by the OP as to whether they were representing the hotel or the toddler group, I pointed out that the emphasis in their post was on the hotel, not the group.

Although the OP would have been let to slide on this thread simply for the sake of raising funds for the group, the Business Advertising rules are clear. How they have managed to get round it so many times previously, when other businesses have been warned and infracted for similar or less, I find almost embarrasing. I can't explain it but can't see it happening again.

10-Dec-09, 22:16
I'm not sure if the above is aimed at me but here goes...

wasn't aimed at you bob, no-one in-particular just thinking aloud.

10-Dec-09, 22:26
You are correct Invisible i think this is a war on words and very picky by stikickhisnoseinovich.
These charitable type acts are all over the place at this time of year and very few I'll bet would entertain such a small minded view of charity and its benefits as is apparent here.
Good will to all men eh?

Maybe this situation created here for posting and advertising is that not many people look in the business section,i for one didn't know of it until know,and whats the harm in this anyway,,it is for a good cause and i certainly didn't mind this post appearing hear.
All ye have to do if ye don't like it is scroll down to the next post,,,easy

John Baikie
10-Dec-09, 22:50
Just a typical caithness.org thread really, folk desperately trying to find things to be offended by, or to criticise anyone who is doing anything worthwhile. It has become a regular trend. It's the worst thing about this forum.

10-Dec-09, 22:52
O dear me Lindsay surely you must know by now that trying to raise funding on the org other than for animals that really don't' need rescuing or setting up air ambulances and hospitals for them or for pampering horses are going to get you in trouble
seriously I hope that your hard work pays off and I am sure that most of the people in and around Lybster are backing you
the org is becoming a very self centred little community now dont let them get you down keep up your good work

10-Dec-09, 23:11
Sorry, but changilass is spot on.

Of lindsay's 127 posts so far, 47 have been about the Portland Arms Hotel, including this fairly embarrassing effort (in retrospect):


The post you have highlighted was started in 2007? So cmon ge the lassie a break!

10-Dec-09, 23:17
47 out of 127.Well that's hardly "all her bliddy posts " then is it!;)

[lol] Well said, butterfly, only slightly more than a third. This means two things:

1. Almost two thirds of her posts were not connected to the hotel;

2. Someone must have a very sad life to trawl through 127 posts!


10-Dec-09, 23:41
There's not much that gets past you, is there?

10-Dec-09, 23:41
Just a typical caithness.org thread really, folk desperately trying to find things to be offended by, or to criticise anyone who is doing anything worthwhile. It has become a regular trend. It's the worst thing about this forum.

[lol] Well said, butterfly, only slightly more than a third. This means two things:

1. Almost two thirds of her posts were not connected to the hotel;

2. Someone must have a very sad life to trawl through 127 posts!


Thankyou Stavro. Wish some folks would give Lindsay a break,there is far far worse things she could be doing!