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View Full Version : Where to eat on Christmas Day?

04-Dec-09, 18:28
Does anyone know where is open on the day or suggest somewhere nice to eat Christmas Day lunch?

Thanks in advance

04-Dec-09, 19:00
We've booked into The Northern Sands Hotel in Dunnet for Christmas Day lunch, been there before, for same, and can really recommend it !!

But, I think that they may be fully booked by now ?

Anyways, heres their telephone no.

01847 851270

04-Dec-09, 20:02
The Weigh Inn is doing Christmas dinner. The menu looks really good, something for everyone!

04-Dec-09, 21:05
The Castle Arms Hotel at Mey are also doing Christmas Day Dinner, their food is excellent. Tel 01847 851244

04-Dec-09, 21:16
Cook you own christmas dinner n dont be lazy, think about the poor chef and kitchen staff and waiters that got to work because of u evil people. Stay at home!!

04-Dec-09, 21:27
Cook you own christmas dinner n dont be lazy, think about the poor chef and kitchen staff and waiters that got to work because of u evil people. Stay at home!!

Well thats a bit harsh aint it. There are families that are way too large to cook for at a home. [disgust]

People dont actually have to work on Christmas day, they can close their restaurants if they choose too.

My OH doesnt work at a restaurant but he is working christmas day!

04-Dec-09, 21:36
that was before 9 O Clock version. haha. ud be surprised what ya can cook in a small kitchen, family of 20+.

04-Dec-09, 21:39
that was before 9 O Clock version. haha. ud be surprised what ya can cook in a small kitchen, family of 20+.

No im not surprised by that, my granny used to cook for that many in her small kitchen. But seating people of a family size of 20+ at a table would not be easy.

I stick to what i said before and its the restaurants own choice as to whether they want to open or not. [disgust]

04-Dec-09, 21:42
haha, cant admit im right. dont worry i understand its a women thing, its ok.

04-Dec-09, 21:45
haha, cant admit im right. dont worry i understand its a women thing, its ok.

um no...its not a woman thing. Im not saying your right. But you cant say im wrong either.

Dont worry....men are stubborn so it must be a man thing. ;)

04-Dec-09, 21:48
well then if u say u can cook for 20+ people at home. on christmas day go n see how many tables have say 25+ people at them. i bet there aint more than 1 or 2. bet its full of lazy people.

04-Dec-09, 22:05
well then if u say u can cook for 20+ people at home. on christmas day go n see how many tables have say 25+ people at them. i bet there aint more than 1 or 2. bet its full of lazy people.

Are you just having a laugh? :eek:

Lazy people...how insulting to the OP who i actually know and is NOT a lazy person.

Also how insulting to other people i know who are going out for Christmas dinner.

04-Dec-09, 22:55
Before I retired I had to work Christmas Day and not only that I was away from home and family and Stranded on a Lighthouse with only 2 other men as company.

Now I am retired, Disabled and all my family have left home and it is just me and my Wife.

I have done my Bit in cooking Christmas Dinners and now I want to relax and enjoy myself while I can. So I will be going out for Christmas Lunch and I will enjoy every second of it, for I have earned it by working hard for 50 Years.

04-Dec-09, 23:25
well then if u say u can cook for 20+ people at home. on christmas day go n see how many tables have say 25+ people at them. i bet there aint more than 1 or 2. bet its full of lazy people.

Take it you are one of the lucky ones that sit back in a party hat with a glass of sherry watching everyone else run around like the proverbial flies on Christmas Day! Oh, sorry is that a generalisation, just like you saying that everyone that goes out for lunch is lazy.

04-Dec-09, 23:48
Northern Sands was our venue 3 years ago. Royal Hotel in Thurso the last two. Both were excellent in different ways. Only problem with NS was the draughty dining room as we had an octogenarian with us who feels the cold.

05-Dec-09, 00:05
My view on this is my own view so here goes. I prefer to stay at home with the kids for xmas dinner on xmas day purley because i dare not drag my 3 away from their toys to me that is just a pure shame. However i must admit once all 3 have grown up im sure to be treating myself to eat out on xmas day but at the moment xmas day is all for the kids.

05-Dec-09, 00:47
Took all the family out for Christmas lunch once many years ago. Lunch was excellent but nobody really enjoyed it, kids didn't want to leave their toys, not the same freedom to run about and play, plus the fact that driving was required. Have stayed at home ever since, great fun preparing for the feast and also cooking it. I use a lot of red wine while cooking, sometimes I even put some in the food.

05-Dec-09, 01:04
Frankly.........I'd rather cook at home than pay silly money to have somebody else cook for me.

Just not the same as atmosphere, imo.

05-Dec-09, 01:45
There's only one place to have christmas dinner, Castletown. Now the same "firm" have the NorsemaN so that will be just as good for christmas dinner, excellent. The norseman is looking really good now, and i will be there on sunday now that they have started the carvery like Castletown.

05-Dec-09, 10:28
I much prefer dinners at home, I have experienced the cheffie style of cooking and don't like it, I prefer my meat cooked (no blood) my veg cooked (no hard sprouts), also I like lashings of gravy not a boat between six.
I also enjoy doing the washing up,pot-pans-dishes-knives & forks, nay bother.;) :roll:

05-Dec-09, 11:41
Before I retired I had to work Christmas Day and not only that I was away from home and family and Stranded on a Lighthouse with only 2 other men as company.

Now I am retired, Disabled and all my family have left home and it is just me and my Wife.

I have done my Bit in cooking Christmas Dinners and now I want to relax and enjoy myself while I can. So I will be going out for Christmas Lunch and I will enjoy every second of it, for I have earned it by working hard for 50 Years.

My dad was a lighthouse keeper and i remember one x-mas spent on the butt of lewis, but we used to find it strange when dad was home for x-mas as he was normaly on shift.
For myself i enjoy being home with the family, spent too many working so enjoy all the fun an hassel.

05-Dec-09, 13:25
Portland Arms!! We are open..................................

05-Dec-09, 13:40
Cook you own christmas dinner n dont be lazy, think about the poor chef and kitchen staff and waiters that got to work because of u evil people. Stay at home!!

It is one of the most profitable days of the year for an establishment selling food. They will get extra money, tips and should be grateful of the business in the current financial climate.

In answer to the real question...the Portland Arms was always excellent and with only one sitting per table in the day, you could sit and let your food go down, without being rushed along for the next party. Also would recommend Castletown Hotel or Le Bistro.

Tilly Teckel
05-Dec-09, 20:21
Portland menu looks really good - quite fancying it m'self.

05-Dec-09, 21:12
:RazzEvery year i have xmas dinner at my mothers we all help cook mainly me and my mum but enjoy helping. Last year there was about 15 of us bit of a squeeze but much perfer xmas dinner at home. Got two kids a one year old and a 4 year old far to much hassle to drag them out and i doubt they would sit still in a resturant anyway.

Nothing like xmas dinner at home but it would be nice for a change to go out but cant see it happening untill the kids are in there mid 30,s lol

06-Dec-09, 02:46
I agree, a family christmas with the kids is just perfect. But when you are on your own with your mum , its easier to go out somewhere than cook for two and eat at home!!

06-Dec-09, 20:33
What about those that are on their own on Christmas day, going out for lunch would be a lot easier that cooking xmas dinner for "one"

07-Dec-09, 03:18
I agree. I would love to get some people together to organise a christmas dinner in a hall so that all single people could come along for some company and a christmas dinner. i know there are many people all on their own at christmas. I have none near me, but if you have, one more wouldnt take up too much room at your table?

07-Dec-09, 13:41
What about those that are on their own on Christmas day, going out for lunch would be a lot easier that cooking xmas dinner for "one"

Honestly going out on your own xmas day by yourself how awful a feeling that must be.
xmas is not about whether u go out or stay in for your dinner its about everyone being together and not leaving relatives or friends having xmas by themselves.
As fran says wouldnt it be good if there were venue for single people to have xmas dinner and meat new friends that are not in a position to have xmas with family.

07-Dec-09, 17:39
This week Take a Break magazine have an article on a lady who has done just what Fran suggested. As well as folk on their own at Christmas who are perhaps unable to do a proper dinner for themselves there would be loads of singles who would jump at the chance of helping with the organisation, as well as businesses who could make a donation to the food etc.,

I used to stay in a block of flats in the 1970`s where the other six tenants were elderly or housebound. Every Saturday I collected their dinner plates and on Sunday delivered a roast dinner to them all. As I was also on my own it made me make the effort to eat one proper meal during the week. Christmas day was the same, although the meal was later as I always worked to let the staff with family be with them.

07-Dec-09, 18:11
For years we have always had Christmas dinner out. It is probably the only day in the year my poor mum didn't have to cook for my dad!! She deserved being pampered one day a year :)

I'm still at the novelty stage where I love to cook, but it is a hell of a lot for (usually) one person to deal with while everyone else has a grand old time getting pished :roll:

Nice to see where people recommend. I've eaten at Castle Arms in Mey too and enjoyed it a lot. If they are open Christmas day I don't htink you'd be able to go wrong there :)

07-Dec-09, 18:12
I agree. I would love to get some people together to organise a christmas dinner in a hall so that all single people could come along for some company and a christmas dinner. i know there are many people all on their own at christmas. I have none near me, but if you have, one more wouldnt take up too much room at your table?

What a lovely idea :) If I weren't working Christmas day I'd offer dinner at mine :) Poor beloved will be on his own though :(

07-Dec-09, 23:58
If there is anyone that is facing the thought of spending Christmas alone and would like to join in my family get together they will be more than welcome. There is always loads of food to eat and a few more mouths to feed won't make any difference to the cook (thats me) but I am sure it would make a big difference to the individuals.

Kevin Milkins
08-Dec-09, 00:31
It was our wedding anniversary last week, (37 years) and while we were chatting about our long marriage and time together, I plucked up the courage to tell Mr's M that I don't like turkey.:eek:
The look on her face was as if I had another wife and family hid away and was leading a double life.

Our worst Christmas dinner,ever, started off great. The three lads enjoyed the presents we bought them and played happily and contented all morning without any fall outs. I was playing my new Brothers In Arms tape on my new tape player, and Mrs M was making good progress with Christmas dinner and life seemed it couldn't be more perfect.

We sat down to dinner and pulled crackers and put our party hats on and I opened the traditional bottle of champagne for the bucks fizz, that's when it all went down hill fast, the cork flew out and smashed the six foot fluorescent tube above the kitchen table and showered all of us and the dinner with shards of glass. :~(

I think I enjoy my Christmas dinner at home and this year NO BLIDDY TURKEY.:Razz

08-Dec-09, 00:31
If there is anyone that is facing the thought of spending Christmas alone and would like to join in my family get together they will be more than welcome. There is always loads of food to eat and a few more mouths to feed won't make any difference to the cook (thats me) but I am sure it would make a big difference to the individuals.

Well done Attitude, that is the true feeling of Xmas, and I am the biggest sceptic there is, but if there were more like you, the whole concept of Christmas would be a lot better.

08-Dec-09, 02:18
If there is anyone that is facing the thought of spending Christmas alone and would like to join in my family get together they will be more than welcome. There is always loads of food to eat and a few more mouths to feed won't make any difference to the cook (thats me) but I am sure it would make a big difference to the individuals.

How thoughtful, you are such a lovely person. Bet your christmas will be wonderful .

08-Dec-09, 02:21
Congratulations Kevin and Dawn on your anniversary, what a long time to be together, great, and you are such a lovely couple. Enjoyed your story about your " sharp" christmas. dont go opening any bottlesin the house!!!.

08-Dec-09, 03:45
If there is anyone that is facing the thought of spending Christmas alone and would like to join in my family get together they will be more than welcome. There is always loads of food to eat and a few more mouths to feed won't make any difference to the cook (thats me) but I am sure it would make a big difference to the individuals.

This IS the true meaning of Christmas with goodwill to all men.
Well done for the correct attitude to take during the festive season.

I wonder how many people reading this post will give,just maybe,a small thought to those not so fortunate?

It makes ye think hmm!

David Banks
08-Dec-09, 16:56
Best place is at hom

08-Dec-09, 22:27
Went to royal last year it was rubbish never again

08-Dec-09, 22:48
we always have it at home just me and the oh and kids, woul love to have it with all my family, but again such as life this isnt possiable, circumastances prevents any of us being together. but would love for someone to cook it for me lol, could do with at least 1 day of a year as most parents would agree.

08-Dec-09, 23:14
we always have it at home just me and the oh and kids, woul love to have it with all my family, but again such as life this isnt possiable, circumastances prevents any of us being together. but would love for someone to cook it for me lol, could do with at least 1 day of a year as most parents would agree.

I would invite you to mine but i aint cookin a christmas dinner til 4 days after. But mum is makin our dinner for us. OH is working the afternoon-evening. :confused

Im on pudding duty! :cool: Hmmmm what to make!

09-Dec-09, 18:07
Pedro from The Portland Arms has said that if some of the caithness.org community want to get together and organise a table for Christmas Dinner with us at the hotel then in the name of all that is Xmas he will throw in a free round of drinks!! Can`t be bad...........good food, warm & welcoming surroundings and free booze!

10-Dec-09, 00:28
I am spending xmas day with my son this year it is the 1st year have not had a houseful and am not looking forward to it to be honest and if i could drive would happily go out to portlands or somewhere for our xmas dinner x

10-Dec-09, 01:31
I am spending xmas day with my son this year it is the 1st year have not had a houseful and am not looking forward to it to be honest and if i could drive would happily go out to portlands or somewhere for our xmas dinner x

Where do you live purple lady?

10-Dec-09, 01:38
Pedro from The Portland Arms has said that if some of the caithness.org community want to get together and organise a table for Christmas Dinner with us at the hotel then in the name of all that is Xmas he will throw in a free round of drinks!! Can`t be bad...........good food, warm & welcoming surroundings and free booze!

Do you the price for the Christmas Luch in the portland Arms, also what in on the Menu and timings for the Lunch sitting.

I and my wife are looking for a goog Hioel for Christmas so any information would be appreciated.