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30-Nov-09, 15:18
As it says on the tin.

30-Nov-09, 15:26
This is the very bloke that's celebrated.:)

30-Nov-09, 15:29
How come we don't make a big deel of it like the Irish do of Patrick's day?

We should be having wild parties to celebrate and also see out November.

30-Nov-09, 15:31
How come we don't make a big deel of it like the Irish do of Patrick's day?

We should be having wild parties to celebrate and also see out November.

Don't begrudge the Irish a bit of pleasure, they don't have much else do they. ;)

30-Nov-09, 15:32
we do have wild parties we just dont tell folks from castletoon lol

no offence intended

30-Nov-09, 15:35
we do have wild parties we just dont tell folks from castletoon lol

no offence intended

I don't blame ya RB.;)there's a one in Auld Reekie anall

30-Nov-09, 15:37
I'm only taking a fence if its a beeg strong one, to keep all the happy folks away.

30-Nov-09, 15:39

Birthday boy looks miserable if you ask me.

Are those party invites in his hand?

30-Nov-09, 15:41

Birthday boy looks miserable if you ask me.

Are those party invites in his hand?

I wonder if it's out to do we Changi ??.;)

30-Nov-09, 15:42

Birthday boy looks miserable if you ask me.

Are those party invites in his hand?

Thats ok Northener......just as long as they are not Christmas Greetings [lol]

30-Nov-09, 15:43
I wonder if it's out to do we Changi ??.;)

He is miserable cos some folks are more interested in chrimbo than his birthday

.......and yes the invites do have sumat to do with me.

30-Nov-09, 15:46

He is miserable cos some folks are more interested in chrimbo than his birthday

.......and yes the invites do have sumat to do with me.

Aye I think the Christmas lad is a bit more important, but don't begrudge the bloke Andrew his day.:(

30-Nov-09, 17:10

30-Nov-09, 17:20
I likes that Kodiak, thank you.

30-Nov-09, 18:08
Aye, I'm always impressed when someone posts a red 'X' in a small square, if I was wearing a hat, I'd take it off.....but what does it mean? Is it a religious sign?:confused

[Edit] Whargh! Where did that big blue lion come from![para]

30-Nov-09, 19:06
Aye, Happy St Andrews Day to one and all. Maybe we should be having haggis, neeps and tatties and a wee dram on this fine night, and not just do so on Burns Night. I am toasting you all.:D

30-Nov-09, 19:54
Happy Saint Andrew's Day, everyone! I see Edinburgh's been having celebrations over the weekend, and the firework display at the Castle is due to start any minute now, at 7.00 PM! :D

30-Nov-09, 20:03
Aye, Happy St Andrews Day to one and all. Maybe we should be having haggis, neeps and tatties and a wee dram on this fine night, and not just do so on Burns Night. I am toasting you all.:D

Nah, I'm sat here with a bottle of el cheapo Tescos Chile red (£3.20 IIRC) and not bad it be too.

I may have toast later.:Razz

30-Nov-09, 20:26
Happy Saint Andrew's Day, everyone! I see Edinburgh's been having celebrations over the weekend, and the firework display at the Castle is due to start any minute now, at 7.00 PM! :D

Not as much fun as actually being there, of course, but I watched the fireworks on Camvista, from a live webcam overlooking the Edinburgh Castle Esplanade. It looks as though the Castle is illuminated in blue light. Not sure if that is specifically for Saint Andrew's Day, or just the way it appears on my screen.

30-Nov-09, 21:08
Not as much fun as actually being there, of course, but I watched the fireworks on Camvista, from a live webcam overlooking the Edinburgh Castle Esplanade. It looks as though the Castle is illuminated in blue light. Not sure if that is specifically for Saint Andrew's Day, or just the way it appears on my screen.

There has been far too much American influence in my life. Every time I hear Edinburgh fireworks I think that they are having a shoot out somewhere in my neighbourhood.

As for blue lights on the Castle - that is a fairly common thing.

01-Dec-09, 00:05
As for blue lights on the Castle - that is a fairly common thing.

I also remember Edinburgh Castle being illuminated in green and red during our visit in October. The blue tonight seems in keeping with the colour of The Saltire. Very appropriate, methinks! :)

01-Dec-09, 00:08
Just another excuse for Jocks everywhere to get drunk. :roll:

01-Dec-09, 00:09
As opposed to paddy's day which seems to be an excuse for everyone everywhere to get drunk lol.

01-Dec-09, 00:19
[imagine the picture of saint Andrew is in here - I cannae insert it!]

Saint Andrew looks a wee bit glum
He's not too well it's true
Today it is his birthday and
He's landed with Swine Flu

The party invitations are
Clutched tight in sweaty hand
A helmet's right around his head
Tied on with velvet band

To stop the snotters getting out
Infecting all his flock
He really is quite typical
A soor-faced mis'rable Jock

What has he got to celebrate?
All heroes in the past
Today there are no fitba' stars
Oor best teams aye come last

Wir scientists have packed their bags
And legged it for the cash
What's left just can't agree on owt
Of simple things make hash

The politicians are quite poor
That Ecky Salmon loon
And his wee dwarfy girly pal
But they're better than Gordon Broon

Where once oor engineers were known
Throughout the world as best
These days have trouble waking up
And struggle getting dressed

But wait! There's Sir Chris Hoy in sight
With foot upon the pedal
Goes fast as fork around the track
And wins another medal

And there's a little scientist
Who isn't such a dreep
Invented wool that's fast and strong
From Dolly, that cloned sheep

Saint Andrew wasn't favourite
With big JC his boss
That's why, when he got caught and nailed
He had a Scottish cross

The joiner was a weegie chap
He was complete outclassed
He couldn't hammer straight at all
Too much of old Buckfast