View Full Version : Becoming VAT registered....

28-Nov-09, 21:43
I wonder if anyone can help.............

has anyone got any experience recently in retail (ish) of operating not VAT registered then becoming VAT registered???

John Baikie
28-Nov-09, 21:52
drop me a PM or email and I'll let you know my experiences of it.
[email protected]

28-Nov-09, 22:01
Thanks John - have e-mailed you!

28-Nov-09, 22:33
chick my sis is an accountant experienced in books, if there is anything you are confused about you can speak to her (as well as Johns kind offer)

28-Nov-09, 22:37
thanks nic - quite clued up on the principles and rules just wanted some advice from someone self employed whose gone through the transition for their experience and what to look out for....

cheers my dear for suggestion