View Full Version : Happy Birthday Elizabeth

21-Apr-06, 11:53
Happy 80th birthday your majesty.
Long may your lum reak (on other peoples coal)

21-Apr-06, 12:55
Happy Birthday Mrs Windsor, all the best :)

21-Apr-06, 13:04
The French had the right idea - off with their heads!!

Complete waste of space, time and money.

21-Apr-06, 14:19
The French had the right idea - off with their heads!!

Complete waste of space, time and money.

I thought that you could only say this kind of thing when in Hyde park standing on a soap box...... at least I remember an english lesson in primary school where we were told this. hehehehe

Billy Boy
21-Apr-06, 15:57
The French had the right idea - off with their heads!!

Complete waste of space, time and money.

here;here ; how much of the tax payers money have this mob wasted over the year's ie golfing trip's;holiday's; grant's to repair holiday home's where do you stop?grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad:

21-Apr-06, 16:14
Many happy returns Queen Elizabeth I of Scotland, and many thanks for keeping me clothed and payed whilst in your service

21-Apr-06, 16:56
here;here ; how much of the tax payers money have this mob wasted over the year's ie golfing trip's;holiday's; grant's to repair holiday home's where do you stop?grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad:

Happy Birthday to her - she deserves a good day. Maybe she does live in luxury but how many people would want her job? She works long hours, has no privacy, is never allowed to let her guard drop and knows the slightest wrong move will be pounced on and spread round the world. With all her experience she is worth far more than any elected political leader and I would not swap her with a President for all the tea in China.

21-Apr-06, 18:10
The French had the right idea - off with their heads!!

Complete waste of space, time and money.

That is no way to speak of our Sovereign, have some respect for a lady who has served her country with moral courage and devotion.

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

21-Apr-06, 18:17
The French had the right idea - off with their heads!!

Complete waste of space, time and money.

I agree. Also, why do we need to hear about her everytime we watch, listen or read the news!? The Royal Family should be abolished. And as for the arguments about tourism - all the tourist attractions will still be there, only the actual people wont be - Its not like many people see them anyway. And its the 21st century - why is the head of our country there by birth, not election?

21-Apr-06, 18:19
Many happy returns Queen Elizabeth I of Scotland, and many thanks for keeping me clothed and payed whilst in your service

She kept me in Porterfield for seven months. God bless her.

21-Apr-06, 18:22
She kept me in Porterfield for seven months. God bless her.

Well I'm glad she managed to get a little part time job on the side, as a prison officer, as well as all her other engagements.....;)

21-Apr-06, 18:53
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
but she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
but she changes from day to day

I want to tell her that I love her a lot
But I gotta get a bellyful of wine
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
Someday I'm going to make her mine, oh yeh,
someday I'm going to make her mine

the beatles

Happy 80th birthday from me and Billy Boy

Billy Boy
21-Apr-06, 18:56
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
but she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
but she changes from day to day

I want to tell her that I love her a lot
But I gotta get a bellyful of wine
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
Someday I'm going to make her mine, oh yeh,
someday I'm going to make her mine

the beatles

Happy 80th birthday from me and Billy Boy

now ac dont get me started on this one:p

21-Apr-06, 19:17
That is no way to speak of our Sovereign, have some respect for a lady who has served her country with moral courage and devotion.

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

She's served more than her country, her Commonwealth as well.

As a Canadian I add my birthday wishes on this day of celebration.

Valerie Campbell
21-Apr-06, 19:21
Going back to Golach's remarks, when my Mum got a coronation mug back in the 1950s, all the chihldren scraped off the second '1' so that she was Queen Elizabeth 1 of Scotland, which of course technically she is. Aparently there was some debate at the time as to what she should be called in Scotland.

21-Apr-06, 19:22
And its the 21st century - why is the head of our country there by birth, not election?

Because the people we elect are politicians and the head of a country should be above politics. All politicians are by nature dishonest, corrupt and devious, you have to be to get anywhere at all in politics, if they told us the truth we wouldn't vote for them. At least with a hereditory monarchy you stand a 50/50 chance of getting someone half decent.

21-Apr-06, 19:34
Going back to Golach's remarks, when my Mum got a coronation mug back in the 1950s, all the chihldren scraped off the second '1' so that she was Queen Elizabeth 1 of Scotland, which of course technically she is. Aparently there was some debate at the time as to what she should be called in Scotland.
She is the only Queen Elizabeth we have had in Scotland, therefore she is the First. Our King James VI, had to become King James I of England, to facilitate the English politicians. Though I am one of her loyal Scots people. she is still ER I to me

21-Apr-06, 19:50
Because the people we elect are politicians and the head of a country should be above politics. All politicians are by nature dishonest, corrupt and devious, you have to be to get anywhere at all in politics, if they told us the truth we wouldn't vote for them. At least with a hereditory monarchy you stand a 50/50 chance of getting someone half decent.

Honesty from the Stuart Dynasty? You're deluded.

21-Apr-06, 20:36
Honesty from the Stuart Dynasty? You're deluded.

She does not belong to the Stuart Dynasty. Bonnie Prince Charlie was the last attempt the Stuarts had at getting onto the throne.

21-Apr-06, 20:42
William of Orange was given the throne because of his relationship with James 1. as was George because of his Grandmother's link through, or as, Princess Sophie.I may not be entirely accurate with these names but the present monarchy come in direct line from George1 of Hanover. I would therefore stand by my statement. Dutch and Germans instead of Catholics. Charlie was the last attempt by a catholic Stuart to try for the throne.

21-Apr-06, 20:48
Honesty from the Stuart Dynasty? You're deluded.

It's the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty we have at the moment.

21-Apr-06, 20:59
She kept me in Porterfield for seven months. God bless her.

Did she tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story (http://www.justaplant.com/story/index.html)?

21-Apr-06, 21:05
Nice one fred.

21-Apr-06, 21:17
Way heyyyy i think i just read my first novel. Nice link.

21-Apr-06, 21:58
It's the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty we have at the moment.

The Saxe- Coburg-Gotha dynasty they may be but their claim to the throne comes from a rather tenuous link to James 1and6 who was definitely a Stuart. Mind you it is believed by many that Jame's sexual proclivities excluded the possibility of him having been the father of the Princess Sophia of Hanover, or the Granfather or whatever. His wife hated his rather public gay romances.. Personally, I never really recognised Robert the Bruce's claim to the throne and as for the Tudors?????

21-Apr-06, 22:04
Did she tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story (http://www.justaplant.com/story/index.html)?

A lovely tale and oh so true. No, when I was giving her majesty pleasure, she never read me a story. I am going to sue the prison service.

21-Apr-06, 22:10
I am going to sue the prison service.

What over? The indignity of slopping oot? Damage to playstation consoles? Passive smoking?

21-Apr-06, 22:28
A lovely tale and oh so true. No, when I was giving her majesty pleasure, she never read me a story. I am going to sue the prison service.

She didn't???? Perhaps you were a bad boy and didn't do six to the inch.

Did Philip ever show you his impression of a white eared elephant?

Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Apr-06, 22:36
54 years auld Lizzie has been on the throne.Want to make yourself feel old.Think of the year that you were born and then see how many years she had been Queen.

19 years she had been Queen when I popped out to say hello!!!! :lol: :lol:

21-Apr-06, 22:40
Did Philip ever show you his impression of a white eared elephant?

No, but he made some comments about small trunks and his oldest son's ears. I don't know what he was inferring.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
21-Apr-06, 22:44
The white eared elephant joke.......hilarious every time.As long as ye don't do a standing ovation at the time.:D

22-Apr-06, 10:44
She's served more than her country, her Commonwealth as well.

As a Canadian I add my birthday wishes on this day of celebration.Well sead Canuck I,m Australian now and she is welcome here anytime,better than some of the Galas we have in Canberra http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon14.gif

22-Apr-06, 17:54
QE2 and 1 and her brood are a complete anachronism in modern society. The concept that we are her' subjects' should be anathema to each and every person living in Great Britiain today. What right do they have to rule us that should be acknowledged in 2006.

They make as much sense as the having an unelected second House of Government; it is clear that they should be quietly shelved and left to fornicate amongst themselves and their toady hangers-on.

Interesting document available for download from this page
well worth a read!!

22-Apr-06, 18:39
Did she tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story (http://www.justaplant.com/story/index.html)?
LOL, fred. Good bed time story. :o) :o)

22-Apr-06, 19:55
Interesting document available for download from this page
well worth a read!!

So what is so interesting about it? If you read some history books you would see that that is the norm in royal families, their mariages are arranged for political reasons and it's understood that they are going to have a bit on the side. Seems we are becoming such a prudish society that our leaders can commit heinous crimes like starting a war of aggression, kidnap and torture, spying on their own people and election fraud but for having an affair with your secretary you must be impeached.

How many of us here can put our hands on our hearts and say we never had a bit on the side and most of us get to choose who we want to marry? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

22-Apr-06, 20:01
Wise words Fred.

22-Apr-06, 22:23
QE2 and 1 and her brood are a complete anachronism in modern society. The concept that we are her' subjects' should be anathema to each and every person living in Great Britiain today. What right do they have to rule us that should be acknowledged in 2006.

They make as much sense as the having an unelected second House of Government; it is clear that they should be quietly shelved and left to fornicate amongst themselves and their toady hangers-on.

Interesting document available for download from this page
well worth a read!!

Errmm....who elected you to speak for me?

22-Apr-06, 22:34
QE2 and 1 and her brood are a complete anachronism in modern society. The concept that we are her' subjects' should be anathema to each and every person living in Great Britiain today. What right do they have to rule us that should be acknowledged in 2006.

They make as much sense as the having an unelected second House of Government; it is clear that they should be quietly shelved and left to fornicate amongst themselves and their toady hangers-on.

Interesting document available for download from this page
well worth a read!!
Well said totally agree. One is not a royalist HEHEHE

23-Apr-06, 21:15
Just wondered what could you buy someone who has everything.

23-Apr-06, 23:18
Just wondered what could you buy someone who has everything.


23-Apr-06, 23:39
Why's my last post not appearing

24-Apr-06, 04:02
54 years auld Lizzie has been on the throne.Want to make yourself feel old.Think of the year that you were born and then see how many years she had been Queen.

19 years she had been Queen when I popped out to say hello!!!! :lol: :lol:
That's frightening. I can remember seeing her father, the old King, after I started school.

24-Apr-06, 04:28
So what is so interesting about it? If you read some history books you would see that that is the norm in royal families, their mariages are arranged for political reasons and it's understood that they are going to have a bit on the side. Seems we are becoming such a prudish society that our leaders can commit heinous crimes like starting a war of aggression, kidnap and torture, spying on their own people and election fraud but for having an affair with your secretary you must be impeached.

How many of us here can put our hands on our hearts and say we never had a bit on the side and most of us get to choose who we want to marry? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
You've got me agreeing again Fred.

My favourite story about scandal-mongering is the one about Queen Mary, Edward the Seventh's wife who was slightly deaf.
When Ladies tried to "sympathise" with her "For her own good, you understand" about the latest bit of scandal about her husband, she would dramatically move her ear-trumpet to the ear on the side of the lady whispering in her ear. She would then, in a loud voice to draw everybody's attention say, "You will have to speak up my dear, I cannot hear what you are saying!"
Needless to say, that would rapidly put the troublemaker firmly in their place and left Queen Mary with her dignity intact.

It's a pity that more public figures in this day and age have lost the ability to pour scorn on the gossips with such dignity.

It's not much more than forty years ago that a senior member of the Labour Shadow Cabinet was having an affair with the Tory Prime Minister's wife. Nobody, either in politics or in the media, thought it worth mentioning, except perhaps in private, because it was not affecting their positions and was deemed to be a purely private matter.
Of course, we are much more mature about such matters nowadays, we treat them in a far more adult way.