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View Full Version : Wick is buzzin'

20-Apr-06, 23:42
Over the past few weeks since Superdrug and Homebase have opened every one in Wick seems to be on a high. People I have spoke to about the new stores seem really excited.

But one question that is on my mind at the moment is
"What is going to be happening in Wick?". These companys wouldn't come up here for nothing. Do they know something we don't know?

I am almost positive something major is going to be happening in Wick for the better.

21-Apr-06, 08:54
It may be a new power station but not automic ,government talking about gas as an alternative.Did they not find more oil feilds of Wick but didnt do anything about it in the past.Maybe thats the way forward.
Iagree with you that somethings planned,plenty building on Skye but no magor retailer opening up so....

21-Apr-06, 13:26
But one question that is on my mind at the moment is
"What is going to be happening in Wick?". These companys wouldn't come up here for nothing. Do they know something we don't know?

Could it not be the case that there is just a big enough customer base between Caithness and Orkney to make it a profitable area for them?

Valerie Campbell
21-Apr-06, 15:09
Must admit, I think something is afoot. These business aren't coming up here just for twenty odd thousand folk. There has to be something more. Hope we're all put out of our misery soon and know what's happening. My bet's on a new power plant or something to do with petrochemicals/oil. Time will tell...

21-Apr-06, 16:21
If there was something big going on or planned would the locals not be entitled to know before all the big companies? seeing as we live here!

21-Apr-06, 16:50
Must admit, I think something is afoot. These business aren't coming up here just for twenty odd thousand folk. There has to be something more.
Orkney has a population of just under 20,000, shetland has a population of just over 21,000.

21-Apr-06, 17:32
I heard the buzzzzzzzzzzz

Just a wee noise at first & then it got louder........................so I followed it...................past the hospital....................across the bridge............................down the steps opposite the RBS along the river. The buzz got steadilly louder.

Intrigued I decided to walk along the river to see where the buzz was coming from, as I got past the swing park I noticed a black evermoving swarm hovering over something. The buzz by this time is deafening

Once I was close enough to see what it was all about I noticed the still corpse of an elephant covered in flys with a wee label attached reading "property of DW"

How did you manage to lose your pachyderm DW???

You'd better get on to the underphanter LOL

21-Apr-06, 17:58
Over the past few weeks since Superdrug and Homebase have opened every one in Wick seems to be on a high.


So, Superdrug comes to Wick and everyone in Wick is on a high. What's going on that I don't know about?:D

21-Apr-06, 18:03
So, Superdrug comes to Wick and everyone in Wick is on a high. What's going on that I don't know about?:D

its not the kind of superdrug you think lol:lol: