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View Full Version : midi dirt bikes

20-Apr-06, 20:42
i just had my 2 kids out on their dirt bikes -- think the council should make them somewhere proper to use such bikes - the bit o ground - that used to be a swing park many moons ago between murchie and nicolson st would be ideal!!

20-Apr-06, 21:55
Cant see the folk round about agreeing with the noise though.

20-Apr-06, 21:58
I certainly wouldn't want them anywhere near my house, although I do agree they need somewhere to go.

20-Apr-06, 22:39
what about the bit of ground between the end of wellington av. and the coastguard houses, as its already used by scramblers and quads at the weekends?

21-Apr-06, 09:37
the park there is full of big pot holes that could end up being very dangerous

21-Apr-06, 12:57
Is the old BMX track of no use to you jac? Dont know what sort of a state it is in though

21-Apr-06, 14:13
i havent went up a look but from what i jear it needs a bit o work to fill in holes on track!! - but i suppose it would be worth taking a walk up to see.