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18-Nov-09, 23:53
There appears to be a lot of children off scool at the moment with flu...

Is it the seasonal one?


19-Nov-09, 00:04
My son is off and has not been seen by the dr but it has been put down to swine flu if it then all i can say it is not as bad as seaonal flu at the moment x

19-Nov-09, 00:12
My son is off and has not been seen by the dr but it has been put down to swine flu if it then all i can say it is not as bad as seaonal flu at the moment x

So basically it's no more than a cold?

19-Nov-09, 00:46
Out of curiosity, who put it down to swine flu?

19-Nov-09, 00:49
Out of curiosity, who put it down to swine flu?
I don't know about purplelady's personal situation but here is the story from the Caithness Courier with the official statements (in case you've not seen it):

19-Nov-09, 00:57
Thanks, I'm far too cheap to buy the local rag :D

19-Nov-09, 01:03
Thanks, I'm far too cheap to buy the local rag :D

just read it in a shop its only a couple of pages worth reading these days:roll:

19-Nov-09, 01:15
as i work front line care i wis intitled til both jabs but didna bother...i da trust 'e government!!

for all i ken it could be a conspiracy, probly no such thing as swine flu, just a way o' 'them' getin foreign chemicals in our bodies....some experiment or somethin [para]

an plus, i lek ma week off, twice a year...."flu boss" in ma most muffled, croaked voice ;)

19-Nov-09, 01:44
There are a lot of viruses going about just now but not swine flu. If a few children are off school with flu, and its that time of year, i think other mums keep their kids off school so they dont catch it. It takes about 9 days to get the results for swine flu diagnosis, so no one can say straight away that you have it.

lynne duncan
19-Nov-09, 20:39
all my three have had high temps and very sore throats and very tired took about 5 days for them to get half way back to normal,i've just started today wih chesty cough and very flushed and very achy all over. never felt like this before, would say i have "flu" of some sort or other due to this aching feeling. thankfully oh is on a weeks leave hopefully this will pass by tomorrow!

19-Nov-09, 21:31
[quote=Fran;622128]There are a lot of viruses going about just now but not swine flu.

My friend is off work at the moment and has been positively diagnosed with swine flu so it is going about.

19-Nov-09, 21:34
There are a lot of viruses going about just now but not swine flu. If a few children are off school with flu, and its that time of year, i think other mums keep their kids off school so they dont catch it. It takes about 9 days to get the results for swine flu diagnosis, so no one can say straight away that you have it.

well said. seems to be a major panic up here with swine flu. one sneeze and its suspected swine flu!!!!!

19-Nov-09, 21:36
I had an interesting debate with someone the other day about the seasonal flu. She was convinced that the kids of with the flu had swine flu. Now there could be a few of them but all? I argued that she can't call it a pandemic as its the seasonal flu and as long as you keep up infection control such as washing hands after catching coughs and sneezes it should slow both the seaonsal and swine flu down.

19-Nov-09, 22:29
My family have all been struck down by this bug - chesty cough, aching muscles, very tired, shaky and cold. It's certainly been doing the rounds.

I can't say if it's seasonal flu or swine flu (GP thought friend with same symptoms had swine flu) but it does seem to be spreading unusually quickly round the community. I hope it was swine flu - as it only lasted a couple of days and was nothing like the horror that we expected! At least the threat of it wouldn't be still looming over our heads....

20-Nov-09, 00:51
So basically it's no more than a cold?
would say it was a lot more than a common cold he was pretty poorly all am saying have had normal flu and it was not bad as that nhs direct siad he had all the systoms of swine flu as did the gp so are putting it down as supected if he was showing no sigs of getting better thet would have swabed x

20-Nov-09, 01:27
[quote=Fran;622128]There are a lot of viruses going about just now but not swine flu.

My friend is off work at the moment and has been positively diagnosed with swine flu so it is going about.

I know only too well there is swine flu in caithness, what i meant was that all the school kids are not off with it, there are only a few people with swine flu, and others who had it have recovered though some are still "chesty" . People are starting to panic needlessly.

20-Nov-09, 01:30
Oh, come on.
Influenza is bad enough. IF you get it. Swine flu a bit rough too.

BUT, it's that time of year, the bugs are about and we are seeing colds and virus' (or is that virae or viri, or virusususus sususis).

It's either a bad cold or man flu, if it's man flu then I have sympathy.

20-Nov-09, 12:56

I know only too well there is swine flu in caithness, what i meant was that all the school kids are not off with it, there are only a few people with swine flu, and others who had it have recovered though some are still "chesty" . People are starting to panic needlessly.

How do you know "there are only a few people with swine flu"? As I'm aware the GP's aren't swabbing and some people like myself haven't even been to the GP despite "ticking the swine flu" boxes. We had the flu symptoms and are now left with chesty coughs.

I'm not saying it was swine flu, but I don't see how you can possible be so certain of your facts...

20-Nov-09, 13:14
My little boy came down with whatever it is 2 days ago, ive never seen him so ill! but he is looking alot perkier today.All I can say is whatever it is its spreading like wildfire as last night both me & the other half started with it & feel really lousy today!:(

20-Nov-09, 15:43
My little boy came down with whatever it is 2 days ago, ive never seen him so ill! but he is looking alot perkier today.All I can say is whatever it is its spreading like wildfire as last night both me & the other half started with it & feel really lousy today!:(

Better not go to Caithness General A & E then! ;) :)

20-Nov-09, 16:02
if i need to go I will ring & make an appointment in advance!! They can roll the red carpet out!;)

20-Nov-09, 16:05
iv been feeling really awful! But i always get seasonal colds, in every season! Athrun coming down with the bug now too. But he is a trooper and doesnt let it bother him usually. Just a bit of medicine for his temp.

Got my letter for swine flu today. Seems they are not doing asthmatics first. Im getting it because of my immune system. Everyone else in the house has to get it because of me aswell so my OH is not happy! He is a big woose! [lol]

I know there certainly are alot bugs on the go just now but thats normal with this time of year! Hopefully everyone with a bug just now recovers well and takes some time to put their feet up! ;) Hot chocolate all around!

20-Nov-09, 16:33
all my three have had high temps and very sore throats and very tired took about 5 days for them to get half way back to normal,i've just started today wih chesty cough and very flushed and very achy all over. never felt like this before, would say i have "flu" of some sort or other due to this aching feeling. thankfully oh is on a weeks leave hopefully this will pass by tomorrow!

Get well soon,Lynne.;)

lynne duncan
20-Nov-09, 21:01
blaurgh or words to that effect, feel like i've been battered with a road roller, hubby is out cold on the couch with the same aching all over and completely goosed,
my personel opinion is that it strange that with the arrival of this "swine flu" which is apparently only affecting a few that there is two equally virulent "bugs" doing the rounds with surprise surprise the same symptoms ie high temp sore throat, high temp sickness and diaorhea, think it is all swine flu affecting everyone in different waes and as there hasn't been mass testing then we canna say different,

21-Nov-09, 00:31
So basically it's no more than a cold?I was a bit offended at that comment as i think I know the difference between a heavy cold and the flu my son has been very poorly and still is not full recovered

21-Nov-09, 18:00
the worst flu is called man flu,as a sore head or cold ,lots of men are
at death door,where as women just keep going,

21-Nov-09, 18:11
i could'nt agree with you more Lynne!! We got this 'bug' off our friend who's children was really poorly with it they even went to the hospital because it was so bad. My daughter was only ill for 3 days but with the same symtoms.