View Full Version : New poster

Carlo Gambino
19-Apr-06, 12:00
Ciao everyone, Im new to this forum, Ive been lurking in the background for some considerable time & now Ive plucked up the courage to go "live" on here.
Hopefully I can make a few new friends,Im sure of that as there are several posters on here that I enjoy looking at. Catch you all later

Mr P Cannop
19-Apr-06, 12:09
hi welcome on board

19-Apr-06, 12:14
Welcome on board stranger. Do you have an elephant??

19-Apr-06, 12:20
Hello Carlo............ welcome:grin:

this a nice enough elephant.................. have u seen it lurking?

19-Apr-06, 12:35
welcome carlo!!! i saw this elephant on saturday night http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f318/krieves/pinkele.gif

19-Apr-06, 12:38
hi carlo welcome to the org.

sure i've seen a few of those elephants over the years krieve.

19-Apr-06, 12:38
carlo did you see wally lurking http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f318/krieves/helloguy.gif

19-Apr-06, 12:47
welcome to the fold carlo

19-Apr-06, 12:56
Welcome Carlo, may all your pigs fly and all your elephants be pink.

19-Apr-06, 13:09
Would rather have a cuppa coffee:Razz

19-Apr-06, 13:24
Hi carlo
nice to see you

19-Apr-06, 13:37
Would rather have a cuppa coffee:Razz

It was pointed out to me in another thread that a statement written in capital letters is considered shouting and could lead to a ban.How would that poster consider your garish large display????lol:grin:

19-Apr-06, 13:43
This any better gleber2?>>>>>>>>>>>>>depressed now amd i was feeling sooooooooooooooo happy before:~(

Carlo Gambino
19-Apr-06, 13:54
Welcome on board stranger. Do you have an elephant??

No, sorry:confused: please could you enlighten me about it as it appears everyone here does know something which Im unaware of?

It sounds rather funny though

19-Apr-06, 14:00
Hi carlo and welcome.:o)

19-Apr-06, 14:03
Hi Carlo
Welcome on board.

I am relatively new to this forum (posting) also and hope you get on better than I have. I posted on a few things that interested me but I think I will now give it a miss and go back to the sidelines. I have been getting pm's asking why I dislike someone because I posted something they obviously didn't like - just a simple question in relation to topic, pm's saying I am Jacqueline, Francis - whoever they are then today I got one asking me a stupid question about pies?? They obviously think I am someone I'm not. Have no idea what that is all about - will go back to being invisible.

Liked the posts about the elephants guys - a great bit of fun - what it is supposed to be all about.

19-Apr-06, 14:12
Welcome carlo.

19-Apr-06, 14:28
Carlo, welcome.

As to the elephants, that is usually the clue that someone is bored. :-)

19-Apr-06, 14:31
This any better gleber2?>>>>>>>>>>>>>depressed now amd i was feeling sooooooooooooooo happy before:~(

Wasn't complaining, like your colours.

Seems there is a lot of interest and confusion about elephants and it is very difficult to tell the tale of the Org pachyderms without a FULL EXPLANATION(there I just shouted).
Although mentioning the underlying reason for the elephant phenomenon may get me exiled, it is all the fault of cats and the fact that certain absent friends seem to dislike our furry feline friends(beautiful alliteration is it not?). In order to defuse a potentially explosive situation, a thread started about an elephant opened the door to the twisted humour of reprobates like Teuchter and myself and thus the elephant take over began. Now,when the majority of people read the threads, the elephant makes them smile and brightens up that which can be dull, nit picking and boring. Of course there are those on this Forum who were missing when sense of humour was handed out and the elephant is under threat and could soon be extinct. I, for one, will fight to ensure that they survive!!!!!

19-Apr-06, 14:49
Hi Carlo,
welcome to the org :grin:

19-Apr-06, 16:43
This is an old poster


19-Apr-06, 16:55
Welcome carlo:grin:

19-Apr-06, 17:47
Wasn't complaining, like your colours.

Seems there is a lot of interest and confusion about elephants and it is very difficult to tell the tale of the Org pachyderms without a FULL EXPLANATION(there I just shouted).
Although mentioning the underlying reason for the elephant phenomenon may get me exiled, it is all the fault of cats and the fact that certain absent friends seem to dislike our furry feline friends(beautiful alliteration is it not?). In order to defuse a potentially explosive situation, a thread started about an elephant opened the door to the twisted humour of reprobates like Teuchter and myself and thus the elephant take over began. Now,when the majority of people read the threads, the elephant makes them smile and brightens up that which can be dull, nit picking and boring. Of course there are those on this Forum who were missing when sense of humour was handed out and the elephant is under threat and could soon be extinct. I, for one, will fight to ensure that they survive!!!!!

Welcome carlo. As for the elephant , Gleber2 has done a fairly good job in explaining but failed to mention the fact that we are secret members of the Elephant World Domination Front.This title is fairly self explanitory, but needless to say we wont rest till our mission is complete. First steps are already underway which involves a sly reference to elephants in every single thread on this forum. Please feel free to join in. It makes us present members feel marginally less thick.

19-Apr-06, 18:29

(note to self: stop shouting - tusk, tusk!)

19-Apr-06, 19:05
We will win. WEDF will takeover the known universe . Theuchter is a man to listen to.

19-Apr-06, 19:07
Hi Carlo
Elephants - mice (sweet!) - cats.
Elephants don't like mice
Mice don't like cats
do cats like elephants?

19-Apr-06, 19:33
Hi Carlo
Elephants - mice (sweet!) - cats.
Elephants don't like mice
Mice don't like cats
do cats like elephants?

welcome to orgland Carlo

I had a big ginger tom-cat once & I'm sure he appeared at the window with an elephant in his jaws:p [lol]

19-Apr-06, 19:38
How many elephants does it take to change a lightbulb?

19-Apr-06, 19:54
none they dont have hands:)

19-Apr-06, 20:00
none they dont have hands:)

dang! I hadn't thought it through....

Billy Boy
19-Apr-06, 20:04
How many elephants does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Only one, but it has to stand on a trunk to do it. boom boom:roll:

19-Apr-06, 20:12
Carlo to give you a true idea of how this forum works this list should tell you what to expect in posts.

golach: leaps tall buildings with a single leap.
is more powerful than a locomotive
is faster than a speeding bullet
walks on water
gives council to god

JAWS: leaps short buildings with a single bound
is more powerful than a switch engine
is just as fast as a speeding bullet
walks on water if sea is calm
talks to god

canuck: leaps short buildings with a running start and favourable winds
is almost as powerful as a switch engine
is faster than a speeding B.B.
walks on water in an indoor swimming pool
talks to god if special request is approved in writing

Tugmistress: barely clears quonset huts
loses tug of war with locomotive
can fire a speeding bullet
swims well
is occasionally addressed by god

Mr & Mrs Billy Boy: makes high mark when trying to leap buildings
is run over by locomotives
can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self
dog paddles
talks to animals

DW: runs into buildings
recognizes locomotives 2 out of 3 times
is not issued any ammunition
can stay afloat if properly instructed in the use of a lifejacket
talks to walls

Gleber2: falls over doorsteps when entering buildings
says "look at the choo-choo"
wets himself with a waterpistol
plays in mud puddles
mumbles to himself

teuchter: at 33 is learning to walk reasonably well
would not recognise a train if he saw 1
gets terribly frightened if someone shouts"bang-bang"
passes water when stranded in the desert
listens to himself

admin: lifts tall buildings and walks under them
kicks locomotives off the tracks
catches speeding bullets in there teeth and eats them
freezes water with a single glance
they are god- just ask them

Hope this helps. Apoligies to those who take offence and as for the rest of you-pick your own level.

19-Apr-06, 20:55
I've never seen a Choo Choo in a tall building.

19-Apr-06, 21:00
nah gleber2 wanders round the north tip of scotland naked singing to the gulls lol :)

19-Apr-06, 21:04
How the heck could I take offence at that when i am sat here giggling away like a lunatic ;)

BTW welcome Carlo, and yes we all are quite mad ;) (or i think so anyway)

19-Apr-06, 21:22
nah gleber2 wanders round the north tip of scotland naked singing to the gulls lol :)
Lol and playing with His Dinga Ling :Razz

19-Apr-06, 21:25
but where is his elephant?????? it's rounding up the flying pigs :) freaky place caithness.....

19-Apr-06, 21:31
Hi, Carlo. Nice to have you join the fold. Took me a little while to twig the references to elephants... then I remembered that elephants like to paint their toe nails red. That's so that when they hide in cherry trees the crocs don't see them and the 'phants can jump down and squash the crocs.


19-Apr-06, 22:12
Hi Carlo,
welcome to the org :grin:

ROFLMHO!!!!!! :lol: ...if they did they'd be alcooholic couch potatoes that meaowwwwwwwww? hehehe

Welcome Carlo...I hope you enjoy being here. BUT this is just a message board.... try remeber that and keep things in the perspective they deserve.
Since no one else will ask the obvious: where do you hail from ( Italy, let me guess?)

19-Apr-06, 22:21
Lol and playing with His Dinga Ling :Razz

I'd need a magnifying glass to find it, let alone play with it, with the weather up here this week. BTW the puffins aren't in the least offended by my privates.:o)

19-Apr-06, 22:32
I'd need a magnifying glass to find it, let alone play with it, with the weather up here this week. BTW the puffins aren't in the least offended by my privates.:o)

Maybe thats cos they canna talk lol:lol:

19-Apr-06, 23:05
Obviously you have never spent time with puffins Samantha. Don't talk indeed!!!!!

The Enigma
19-Apr-06, 23:15
Carlo hasn't been back since his 1st couple of posts... think he's been scared away! :Razz

19-Apr-06, 23:33
Nah. He's off loading his elephant gun.

20-Apr-06, 00:03
I had a big ginger tom-cat once & I'm sure he appeared at the window with an elephant in his jaws:p [lol]
I disclaim all responsibility for any attempt to force-feed a ginger tom-cat with an elephant. The cat was definitely a tortoise-shell tabby.

To re-assure the Pachyderm Aficionados , please let me state that the pachyderm in question as heavily sedated and suffered no pain.

The cat was later heard to boast that it’s father was, in fact, a passing sabre-toothed tiger.
In view of this I would advise any drivers seeing the large cat-like creature which, from time to time, is reported crossing the road at night to remain in their vehicles and to keep the windows firmly closed!

You Have Been Warned!

P.S. I would appreciate any information should anybody see my elephant wandering round Caithness.

Welcome to the Org, Carlo! (Tee-hee folks, another lamb to the slaughter. Tee-hee-hee!)
Seriously though, post away Carlo and enjoy yourself, that's what it's all about. Along with some serious questions and information about Caithness thrown in when somebody requires it.

20-Apr-06, 00:12
The sabre tooth father & a mother that looked like dougal of the Magic Roundabout

LMAO (again)

20-Apr-06, 05:30
As to the elephants, that is usually the clue that someone is bored.

Carlo, see what I mean. They sometimes get quite bored, but, oh, they are ever so clever, ever so funny when they get into those modes.

20-Apr-06, 07:32
Ciao everyone, Im new to this forum, Ive been lurking in the background for some considerable time & now Ive plucked up the courage to go "live" on here.
Hopefully I can make a few new friends,Im sure of that as there are several posters on here that I enjoy looking at. Catch you all laterWelcome Carlo,I think you are like me,enjoy reading what everyone has to say They sound crazy but harmless,get back soon Robin http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

Carlo Gambino
20-Apr-06, 19:42
Carlo hasn't been back since his 1st couple of posts... think he's been scared away! :Razz

No no , I was reading the entertaining posts you have all sent to me on this thread, Oh I nearly forgot to mention that I had been outside in the garden feeding the elephants, I thought you lot were joking[lol]

I am

20-Apr-06, 21:13
He's got more than one elephant. Boasting foreigner.

20-Apr-06, 21:20
Mind you he has got style. Only 5 posts and we've got him converted already.

20-Apr-06, 21:36
He's got more than one elephant. Boasting foreigner.
Lol he has them in his garden, not like you, in your imagination :lol:

20-Apr-06, 21:58
In his garden the poor beasts are restricted, in my imagination they have the infinite reaches of the universe to crap on.:)

20-Apr-06, 22:02
We dont know how big mr gambino`s garden is tho, He may live in an African safari park for all I know?

20-Apr-06, 22:03
In his garden the poor beasts are restricted, in my imagination they have the infinite reaches of the universe to crap on.:)

Certainly not meaning to be nasty here ...... but are you saying your imagination is full of it ..... your words not mine lol

20-Apr-06, 22:03
I saw one tethered at the Distillery the other day...:(

20-Apr-06, 22:04
I made a few enquiries and I have it on good authority that he has miniature genetically modified elephants and they live in a window box up a twenty story high rise in Naples.:D

20-Apr-06, 22:07
I saw one tethered at the Distillery the other day...:(

I had developed a thirst while i was taking Fido out for his afternoon stroll to the Trinkie. Dont worry he wasn't abandoned for long.

20-Apr-06, 22:10
I made a few enquiries and I have it on good authority that he has miniature genetically modified elephants and they live in a window box up a twenty story high rise in Naples.:DNot before time someone was breeding the minatures..http://www.prosoundweb.com/fun/Photofun/badJob02a.jpg

20-Apr-06, 22:14
I made a few enquiries and I have it on good authority that he has miniature genetically modified elephants and they live in a window box up a twenty story high rise in Naples.:D
So they if they are from Napoli will be mini elefante then? Watch out the Camora of Napoli dont find you Gleber2

Cedric Farthsbottom III
20-Apr-06, 22:18
Not before time someone was breeding the minatures..http://www.prosoundweb.com/fun/Photofun/badJob02a.jpg

:lol: Now thats hilarious,Connie!Wonder how much she gets for a kgr?

20-Apr-06, 22:19
:lol: Now thats hilarious,Connie!Wonder how much she gets for a kgr?It's the look on her face..lol That's what i call job Satisfaction..:Razz

Cedric Farthsbottom III
20-Apr-06, 22:24
It's the look on her face..lol That's what i call job Satisfaction..:Razz

Wonder how long she had to wait for the oliphulump to do its business?Maybe she has got a couple o' books to keep her busy...the Employment section o' the Financial Times to find the best jobbies in London Zoo.

20-Apr-06, 22:34
It's the look on her face..lol That's what i call job Satisfaction..:Razz

Lol Connie - I'm going to look at my job tomorrow in a whole new way. No longer will I measure my success by what I achieve. I'm gonna look at the level of "brown stuff" I have to take. Heavens - I've reached the pinnacle of my career & I didn't know it - now I have to just start praying that this "stuff" don't start shifting :lol:

21-Apr-06, 00:10
Ciao everyone, Im new to this forum, Ive been lurking in the background for some considerable time & now Ive plucked up the courage to go "live" on here.
Hopefully I can make a few new friends,Im sure of that as there are several posters on here that I enjoy looking a
t. Catch you all later

Welcome to caithness org Carlo. As you will see the "orgers" are all elephant mad just now!!!!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/39/39_3_8.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNfox000) http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_32_2.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNfox000)

21-Apr-06, 00:42
I saw one tethered at the Distillery the other day...:(

Was it pink?I saw it too.