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13-Nov-09, 18:30
How many languages can you speak?

I can speak English and maintain a short conversation in French and German.

13-Nov-09, 19:38
English ;)
I can understand some french but can't speak it as i pronouce it wrong 9 times out of 10. I know a bit of japanese to read due to watching my faviourite cartoon series in japanese with english subtititles as that was all the first and second series dvds could offer and english sounded wrong after getting used to the japanese voices. I also via the kids at work know a couple of words in polish and spanish primarily ones that involve toileting. ;) And also a bit of german but thats hasy in the memory now.

Would that make me tribilungal?(sp) :lol:

13-Nov-09, 19:48
Used to bilingual but unfortunately don't get enough practice with french these days!
Can also make myself understood in 4 other languages although Greek was all Double Dutch to me despite my best efforts.

13-Nov-09, 20:56
i voted 'can barely speak english'....tho i do recall a bit o' french.

now, what did 'e teacher used til say 'e whole time....''formeela bush, trix''!! :confused

i do a bit o' gaelic, ''kimar ah hashev'' - how ye doin?

13-Nov-09, 21:34
I speak four languages fluently. English is not my first but I speak it the most at present. :)

13-Nov-09, 21:51
You're doing better than me then. Know about 3 and can only speak the one. :lol: Every day words from other languages i have come in handy as i use them most days with certain children. When i use them they do stick.

13-Nov-09, 21:53
Fluent in two. Able enough in another 4.

13-Nov-09, 22:45
I was pretty fluent in German as a kid. I was taught it at junior school and had the advantage of having German relatives who made a point of only speaking to me in German. At secondary school we did French - which I hated.

I've near as dammit forgotten how to speak both languages now, but when on the Continent it isn't long before I start to slowly pick it up again.

13-Nov-09, 23:19
I can speak English, Spanish, French, German and Welsh (in order of ability)

Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda is my favourite phrase in Welsh. It's brilliant being able to speak Welsh as a non welsh person and understand them when they change language on purpose. The look on their faces when you start a conversation is Welsh ;) Not everyone is like this of course but there are a very few traditionalist that make a non-Welsh in Wales, unwelcome :( Scotland is tons better :)

peter macdonald
13-Nov-09, 23:41
Near fluent in one can understand two more and basic knowledge of 2 more .........and then there is english