View Full Version : Making a complaint.

09-Nov-09, 18:56
When making a complaint about an educational issue I know who to contact in HC but does anyone know who you contact with regard to a UHI college "outreach" place .....for want of a better word.?

Has the UHI the same stucture as HC educational department ie learning support has a head of department who then answeres to a depute head teacher who answeres to head teacher.?

Why are people who are suppose to "understand" how to communicate with a vunerable adult so thoughtless?:~(

Everyone has gone home in the college and as usual I'm left to "put together " a distraught young girl......:mad:

10-Nov-09, 11:02
Try to get an appointment with the person in charge of the centre, unless of course it is them you are going to complain about. In which case I would get in touch with someone further up at chain at the HQ. It is not nice when things like this happen so I hope you manage to get it sorted out soon.

10-Nov-09, 12:39
Unless the person doing the course is doing a Higher Education Course HNC and above then I would think it would be the responsability of the local college, who would have a structure similar to this: Department head, SMT, Principal, Board of Management.

Alice in Blunderland
10-Nov-09, 15:04
Is this any good.

How to complain

You can complain in person, in writing, by e-mail, on tape or by telephone to

JamesFraser, UHI Deputy Principal and Secretary, UHI Executive Office, Ness Walk,Inverness, IV3 5SQ. [email protected] 01463 279215.

We will either resolve your complaint immediately or investigate the matter. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and let you know who is dealing with your complaint.When we have investigated your complaint fully we will report back to you. We aim to report our findings within 20 working days of receiving the complaint, or tell you if there will be a delay.

Taken from their website somewhere. :)

10-Nov-09, 15:58
It depends on whether it is a UHI matter or a college matter. Is the person undertaking a higher or further education qualification? If it is further education then it is the college. If it is higher education then it is the UHI. As you have said UHI twice in your post I’ll assume it is higher education.
It would also be better for this individual to complain themselves. It looks a quite pathetic if they have to get a parent to complain on their behalf and does not exactly show a level of maturity you would expect from a higher education student. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh but this is not school anymore and the student needs to take a bit of responsibility for their own education.

10-Nov-09, 16:19
Thank you for all your replys.

Lastnight we managed to the information we wanted going for the Thurso college web site and our local college.

We wait with baited breath.:roll:

18-Nov-09, 15:30
I am sorry to hear that you have had difficulty and would suggest you contact the Student Advisor who will direct your complaint to the appropriate department.

18-Nov-09, 16:33
I am sorry to hear that you have had difficulty and would suggest you contact the Student Advisor who will direct your complaint to the appropriate department.

Thank you its hopefully sorted now.:D

18-Nov-09, 19:30
Good, I am glad.

19-Nov-09, 13:02
good luck in hearing back from the UHI. I lodged a complaint nearly 4 weeks ago and have heard nothing yet. Not a peep, well not from the UHI inverness institution. hope it all works out.