View Full Version : circle of development??

06-Nov-09, 23:06
wonderin if anyone kens aboot 'iss 'circle o' development' thats bein held in 'e francis street club on monday nite?

its run by some women who lives in thurso. ros is her name.

she's doin them on tuesday nites in castletoon too i think...

i hev a place but no really sure what its aboot :confused

Kevin Milkins
07-Nov-09, 00:42
wonderin if anyone kens aboot 'iss 'circle o' development' thats bein held in 'e francis street club on monday nite?

its run by some women who lives in thurso. ros is her name.

she's doin them on tuesday nites in castletoon too i think...

i hev a place but no really sure what its aboot :confused

Is it a trick question trix?:confused

I am intrigued but cautious at the same time.

07-Nov-09, 01:00
na, its dead gen lek kev, i spoke til 'e wifie on 'e fone.

maybe we'l learn how til meditate an stuff...but i ken how til do 'at already :confused

i da ken fit its all aboot, but i do ken that she only takes 6 people, it runs for several weeks an costs a fiver :lol:

07-Nov-09, 01:07
am also intrigued trix

let us know how it goes, a fiver for several weeks seems awfy cheap,

beware of false profits !!

07-Nov-09, 02:02
It'll be a standard psychic development circle. It's supposed to develop your psychic skills by focusing psychic energy within the circle.

Or something like that.............. :confused

07-Nov-09, 10:35
Genuine question here but why would anyone sign up for something without having a clue what it's about? I can understand curiosity may play a part, but how do you even know its going to be of interest to you without some prior knowledge of the subject?

07-Nov-09, 13:15
Genuine question here but why would anyone sign up for something without having a clue what it's about? I can understand curiosity may play a part, but how do you even know its going to be of interest to you without some prior knowledge of the subject?

guid question bob...

'e truth is i hev hed ma troubles over 'e last couple o' months an ma very guid friend (who kens me prity weel) hes telt me that it will cheer me up an take ma mind off things.

she kens more aboot'ed than me so am takin her word that i will indeed enjoy'ed.

also, its a field that i hev expert knowledge aboot, am used til pulllin up circles masel so it dis sound lek ma kind o' thing :D

who knows, maybe il find it all a bit dull and amateur. for a fiver, am willin til find oot.

from now on ma cup is half full, seik o'ed bein almost empty!! ;)

08-Nov-09, 00:30
It is being run by the spiritualists. they also have an evening at the Portland Hotel, Lybster on wednesday 25th nov 8pm to 10pm with mediums. Their web site is www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk (http://www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk) their email is [email protected] Tel;01847811238
You will find full details and list of events on their web site.

The development circle that trix is on about is £5 persession not £5 for all the sessions.

08-Nov-09, 01:41
The development circle that trix is on about is £5 persession not £5 for all the sessions.

I thought money would be involved somewhere.

08-Nov-09, 01:42
It is being run by the spiritualists. they also have an evening at the Portland Hotel, Lybster on wednesday 25th nov 8pm to 10pm with mediums. Their web site is www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk (http://www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk) their email is [email protected] Tel;01847811238
You will find full details and list of events on their web site.

The development circle that trix is on about is £5 persession not £5 for all the sessions.
Thanks for the link Fran. The new website is an eye opener. Here's a bit from What is Spiritual Healing (http://www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk/index.asp?pageid=120339)....

Spiritual Healing takes a holistic approach, for the MIND, BODY & SPIRIT. In all cases whether it be human or animal the client is put at ease and made to feel comfortable and relaxed. This allows the Healer to connect with the client by tuning into their energy field. The Healing is given with compassion and love from the Healer and is absorbed by the client.I've heard of but I'm not familiar with spiritual healing for animals. I'd imagine they have dogs or cats in mind but could I bring along my rabbit who seems quite stressed?

08-Nov-09, 04:05
I'm sure you could take your rabbit, phone and ask. in fact i could take my dog, he needs healing.I beleive they do distant healing too. I went along for healing and felt very warm after so something happened.

08-Nov-09, 19:49
How on earth does healing work? How on earth does it even make a difference? I'm for spiritualist events but can't understand why this type of healing is something to indulge in. :confused

08-Nov-09, 19:57
Must admit if I had the power to heal then I'd be going around as many ill persons as I could and dishing my powers out for free, nothing would give me more satisfaction.

08-Nov-09, 20:00
I thought money would be involved somewhere.

Seems to me like its something that a person convinces you off not something that actually happens to you. As we all know the mind is a strong influence on the body. it can make the body think alot of things generally that you are sick when you're not.

Kevin Milkins
08-Nov-09, 20:39
I usually get a bit of a warm flush when someone asks me for £5-00. ;)

08-Nov-09, 22:06
I see that the details of these Circles are now published on the website http://www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk in the development section. I for one will be attending.

09-Nov-09, 03:36
Seems to me like its something that a person convinces you off not something that actually happens to you. As we all know the mind is a strong influence on the body. it can make the body think alot of things generally that you are sick when you're not.


No one forces anyone to do anything. People have gone and asked for healing for arthritis etc and it seems to work from what i have seen.

09-Nov-09, 18:28
I see that the details of these Circles are now published on the website http://www.caithnessspiritualcentre.co.uk in the development section. I for one will be attending.

Could that be due to the fact that you are married to the lady who is "instructing"? :lol::lol:

09-Nov-09, 19:00
I'm sure you could take your rabbit, phone and ask. in fact i could take my dog, he needs healing.I beleive they do distant healing too. I went along for healing and felt very warm after so something happened.
Regarding animal healing,follow this link;


09-Nov-09, 19:08
How on earth does healing work? How on earth does it even make a difference? I'm for spiritualist events but can't understand why this type of healing is something to indulge in. :confused

Perhaps you'll get some answers by following this link;


Or for Spiritualism as a whole this link;


If anyone is interested in this subject I'd advise them to deal with reputable organisations.

09-Nov-09, 22:11
Perhaps you'll get some answers by following this link;


Or for Spiritualism as a whole this link;


If anyone is interested in this subject I'd advise them to deal with reputable organisations.

Thanks for the links. Thats cleared that up. I'm too cynical to think it would work ;)

10-Nov-09, 01:34
ok ok, i ken yer all dyin til know!! :D

it wis guid aye, light bit o' meditation, few blethers, swapt a few tales....a wee light readin usin angel cairds...some even met their gate-keeper!

guid guid...nothin too heavy for 1st nite.

wis mighty cowld in 'e tartin room tho, as its all people i ken, (cept one but she's nice) an there is only 6 o' us, am considerin havin it in ma hoose next week.
would save us 2 kwid for 'e hire o' 'e room, be a lot warmer....an free cups o' tea ;)

12-Nov-09, 21:45
spiritual healing works along similar lines to reiki, by channelling energy- what the orient calls 'chi' through various points in the body called chakras. I had reiki earlier this year and it sent my chronic sinusitis away for several months- and I'm going back for another dose and ear candling. Much better than putting up with what feels like acute toothache for days at a time. Development circles teach you how to do some of that energy channelling. They also help develop psychic awareness through meditation- getting in tune with your 'higher self'

There are lots of cynics out there- but to quote Hamlet:
'there are more things in heaven and earth
than in your philosophy Horatio.'
Good luck with it Trix

16-Nov-09, 23:36
ok ok, i ken yer all dyin til know!! :D

it wis guid aye, light bit o' meditation, few blethers, swapt a few tales....a wee light readin usin angel cairds...some even met their gate-keeper!

guid guid...nothin too heavy for 1st nite.

wis mighty cowld in 'e tartin room tho, as its all people i ken, (cept one but she's nice) an there is only 6 o' us, am considerin havin it in ma hoose next week.
would save us 2 kwid for 'e hire o' 'e room, be a lot warmer....an free cups o' tea ;)

Follow this link regarding spiritual development circles,though you'll find much more if you simply research the topic yourself;


Never follow false prophets,and never worship at the altar of false idols.You'll understand this in time.

17-Nov-09, 01:00
cheers for 'e links youwhat? interestin...

we hed anither meetin enite an it wis guid. alot warmer an more private. mite take a runy up til 'e portland airms til see 'e wifie next week or whenever its on...

all in 'e interest o' research :D