View Full Version : Orgers not in Caithness

15-Apr-06, 20:07
Can I ask Orgers who don't stay in Caithness, a bit about where they do stay and what attracted to the org?

15-Apr-06, 20:28
California here, rellies were from Caithness before they moved down Glasgow way.

15-Apr-06, 20:48
Home is Burlington, Ontario in Canada. I did a locum for 4 months in 2004 and fell in love with Caithness. What attracted me to the org? - rich's post about "cards" in April of that year, just before I left Canada.

15-Apr-06, 22:54
Brighton but originally Cornwall. First visited Caithness some 20yrs ago and just keep coming back for the peace and quiet and the great people.

15-Apr-06, 23:31
Now in Cumbernauld - grew up in Wick

16-Apr-06, 00:58
I am a floating spirit that moves between south of scotland and wick......50/50 timewise really.

But I only post when at home....why? No idea.


16-Apr-06, 02:42
brought up in thurso i now live in inverness but love to go back for some peace and relaxation away from city life caithness is great.

16-Apr-06, 06:34
I currently live in Virginia. My hometown is Thurso, which I left a number of years ago, and I've lived in a few parts of the world since.

We've lived in Virginia for a year and a half now, and I rather like it. I'm happy to be near the sea again, after having lived inland for years. I think if you've been brought up on or near the coast, there's always some part of you that yearns to be near water and beaches! Winters are fairly mild here, which is another factor I like. It does snow here, but not much.

Virginia celebrates its 400th Anniversary in 2007, a fact that people seem to be proud of here. The Virginia Colony was the first permanent English settlement in the New World, and this was at Jamestown in 1607, named in honour of King James VI of Scotland, later known as King James I of England. The state itself was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England, known as the Virgin Queen because she never married. It was under her rule in 1584 that Sir Walter Raleigh explored the coast of North America. We visited the Jamestown Settlement early last October, and enjoyed the guided tour.


Another interesting place to visit is nearby Colonial Williamsburg, which is lovely.


16-Apr-06, 07:05
Born in Wick, moved away 19 years ago. Family still live in caithness so am a frequent visitor.

16-Apr-06, 08:44
I married a US sailor, we moved about every three years and are now in Stuttgart, Germany. I lived all my life in Caithness till 1988.

I come here because sometimes the homesickness is unbearable. I like to hear how life is in Caithness and this also lets me know about the changes.

You wanted to know a bit about the places we live....

Stuttgart is a beautiful city, lots of parks and gardens, in fact I recently read that over 50% of the area within the city limits are parks. Right now there is a big Spring festival going on (shame about the weather) and at Christmas time there is a huge Christmas market (i recommend a visit if you have the chance). There are a lot of big businesses in the area to which makes this an expensive area to live in. The people are friendly, our neighbours are lovely and have been a big help to us. This is a very multi-cultural area, our boys go to school with children from all over the world. There are lots of museums, a planetarium, a zoo, river cruises, a football stadium (I believe there is some big football event this year....:) ), lots of shopping, we're an hour from Legoland and about an hour an a half from Hockenheim.

Hope that helps?

16-Apr-06, 12:07
I was abducted by Aliens from my cosy home in North Yorkshire on April 27th 1995 I ended up in Wick on April 12th 1995, the aliens apologised for the mix up and just flew off!

Elaine comes from there and has taken me to visit, love the place, love the beaches and the freebies that come with chinese take aways amaze me!
I currently live in Cumbernauld!

16-Apr-06, 12:19
born and bred in thurso. moved to reading oct 2004 but hoping to move to inverness within the next 5 years :)

16-Apr-06, 17:10
Lived in Wick and Thurso until 1981, now here in the USA, like to view the posts to see what the craik is!!!

16-Apr-06, 19:06
Live in fife, but born in Inverness,brought up in forces enviroment.found out family was from caithness when I started family tree.......... discovered family living in wick and thurso through the org......was given great help and advice by some members:lol:

16-Apr-06, 22:38
Well here's a surprise - I live in Leith! What do you mean, you'd never have guessed? LOL! My gg grandparents from both sides of the family moved from Wick to Leith over 100 years ago, and we're still here. I try to get to Caithness about once a year to go to the library and have a wander round various graveyards. I'm sure some of you must be distant cousins - Robertson, Dickson, McLean, Manson - so say hello if you think you're related!

16-Apr-06, 22:45
Born in Thurso,worked at Dounreay, studied in Aberdeen, working in Oxfordshire at the moment.

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Apr-06, 10:20
Born in Twin Peaks - sorry, I mean Thurso. Soon as I was old enough to buy a bus ticket I was out of there. Been living in Edinburgh ever since. That'll be about 12 years then.

17-Apr-06, 10:26
I thought ye were a Wicker Pepsi?

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Apr-06, 12:22
Ah, humour.

17-Apr-06, 21:08
Come from Dunbeath. now living in Royal Deeside (Ballater) Aberdeenshire, mum and dad still there, come home as often as i can.

17-Apr-06, 21:58
Pepsi - if Caithness (Thurso) is so rubbish and you wanted out of there, why do you visit so often? I can't understand it!

The Pepsi Challenge
19-Apr-06, 01:34
Pepsi - if Caithness (Thurso) is so rubbish and you wanted out of there, why do you visit so often? I can't understand it!

You're right; twice a year is a bit much. Am planning on cutting it down to the annual visit as of next year.

However, everyone has to have a home town, Debs, and Thurso is mine. I may no longer live there - I may not even call it home anymore - but the place still means a lot to me. And I never called Caithness rubbish.

19-Apr-06, 01:46
I thought ye were a Wicker Pepsi?

I thought that'd be an insult TPC lol[lol] [lol]

& before anyone gets wired into me my grandad was from Loisburrough st. (I might have spelled that last bit wrong)

19-Apr-06, 02:29
I live in Herbert, North Otago, New Zealand. My ggrandparents (Gillespie / Ronaldson) came from Glengolly / Dunnet. I am well into genealogy hence my interest in Caithness. I am also working on Caithness census records with Freecen.

19-Apr-06, 06:58
Can I ask Orgers who don't stay in Caithness, a bit about where they do stay and what attracted to the org? Born in Thurso,Live in Australia but Caithness Org takes me back to the old country any time I want,thats how I keep up with what happens in the old town Robin http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon12.gif

19-Apr-06, 07:47
Come from kent, moved to lybster 3 yrs ago, moved back to lincolnshire 2 yrs ago in aug because of family. Loved it up there and made loads of friends.

19-Apr-06, 13:29
Grew up in Lancashire

Moved to Caithness in 1997 six weeks after finding it existed and four weeks after visiting it for one day for the first time

moved to inverness in 2004 where i live still

Love love love caithness thoughand im gobby and opinionated so this board lets me be that

19-Apr-06, 13:48
Can I ask Orgers who don't stay in Caithness, a bit about where they do stay and what attracted to the org?
Came to Wick aged 2 or 3 in 1950.
Left in 1968 to go to St Andrews University - and am still there!

Great-grandmother was an Adamson from Mid Clyth.

The (rather neglected) photos I can find from these days are at:



19-Apr-06, 13:51
That's a long time to be in university, JimBews;)

19-Apr-06, 14:38
That's a long time to be in university, JimBews;)

I'm NOT still a student, honest!

George Brims
19-Apr-06, 21:09
Born in Week, went to HS there, went to Uni in Edinburgh then Newcastle, then back to Edinburgh for a few years working then got posted to the USA (Hawaii!! Woohoo) and now living and working in California.

Just come in here to see what people might be saying about me. You know how Caithness people gossip.

PS Ms Pepsi I know why Tom Wolfe can never go home again - have you seen the way that bloke dresses?

19-Apr-06, 21:23
I was born in Canada (not that far from Canuck) and moved to Thurso when I was 11. Spent 4 wonderful and happy years there and have missed it ever since. Been back a few times to visit, but not as often as I would like. Every year I fantisize about travelling up the West coast and then spending the summer in Thurso - look up old haunts and old friends.

Ah, dream on. :cry:

20-Apr-06, 19:46
Brought up in Thurso, but nearly Canada as the old man got stuck in a snowdrift at Carrbridge on his way to get the passport!

Living on the south side of Loch Ness and high above it but 40 years away and still in that time warp of boyhood. I don't see the people I grew up with but can recognise their descendants on the streets.

Stood at the top of Rose Street last year and realised just how much noise the waves makes crashing onto the beach. Its probably unnoticeable when you're resident in Thurso.

Are there still Glasgow, Edinburgh, London and Toronto/Caithness associations or has the Org taken over from them completely?