View Full Version : Caithness General A & E

06-Nov-09, 18:23
I have just spent my afternoon in A&E after my 12 month old fell on some glass & sliced the end off his finger! it was bleeding profusely when we arrived & the lady at reception had to go for dressings to stem the blood:(.
Now I know A&E can get busy & today was definately that.There was a waiting room full of people & an ambulance had come in.
But can someone please explain how there waiting system works?? obviously ambulances with emergencies take priority over everything but then what? is it first come first served?
We sat in that waiting room for 3 hours!! two people in the waiting room called before us actually asked the nurse if they were going to call my baby first, the reply was 'NO!'.
I wouldnt of minded waiting so long if anyone waiting before me was a priority but doesnt common sense tell them that a bleeding baby might be a little more important than a swollen hand or sore back!!
I eventually left after 3 hours without even seeing a doctor!! I decided it was quicker to take him to the local surgery.
This isnt the first time ive had a bad experience with the A&E and I will definately be thinking twice before I dash back there again.[evil]

06-Nov-09, 18:26
I'm sorry to hear that and I hope that your child is okay now.

06-Nov-09, 18:27
Poor wee thing, how on earth are you supposed to keep a baby calm that long. I hope it has all turned out ok now and no permanent damage. You would have been quicker going to Inverness and at least you would have been seen.

06-Nov-09, 18:34
think that is a disgrace..you must have the patience of a saint, cause I think I would have been jumping up and down and making a right pest of myself...babies have to be a priority surly....how is the little one now ? xx

06-Nov-09, 18:38
Unfortunately if it isn't life threatening then you have to wait your turn. The "bad back" may be someone who has broken it. Or maybe they had been waiting for 3 hours already? You can't grade on how important it is deemed by a member of the general public - life threatening and you jump the queue, non-life threatening and you wait your turn.

Imagine if you had been waiting for 3 hours and then someone was seen in front of you because their child was a little bit younger than yours, or bleeding a little bit more... I think you would be a bit miffed - I would.

I feel the system is fair - if you're dropping dead then you get seen straight away, if you aren't you wait.

Just out of interest, did your child get offered analgesia? Normally they grade the pain at triage and you get pain relief. If they left the child in pain that's out of order...

I am sympathetic that you had a child to keep occupied though - it must have been hard :(

FWIW the NHS has a 4 hour maximum wait from registration to admission/discharge. Just think yourself lucky you're not in a big city where they aren't meeting the national targets. I waited 6 hours in Manchester Royal with a broken leg...

06-Nov-09, 18:42
luckily wee one is fine now just sore & not liking his bandage very much. worst thing was it was just before lunch so poor thing was really getting hungry after 3 hours & was extremely bored as theres no toys in the waiting room either.
I know in England infants take priority over non emergencies this cant be the case in Scotland.:(

06-Nov-09, 18:45
Most A&E departments operate a triage system where priorities are dictated by how life threatening the injury is judged to be. You say your son, "sliced the end off his finger", but don't say how much of your son's finger was lost. It appears that the Triage Nurse decided your son was not sufficiently injured to warrant immediate attention.
Hopefully he didn't require too many stitches when you got him to the local surgery and is recovering well.

06-Nov-09, 19:00
in reply to LEANNE & GRONNUCK...
We only saw the receptionist!! we never got as far as getting to see a nurse we were left in the waiting room not a treatment room.
If there had been another other children in the waiting room I would of been prepared to wait it was the fact that 2 people asked if they could wait & my child be seen first & the nurse saying no that really annoyed me!
Little one didnt have stitches as there was nothing to stitch just a chunk out of the end of the finger thats very deep.

06-Nov-09, 20:26
Glad your wee one is okay and all ended well. As you said they were very busy in A&E so probably when the blood was stemmed with the dressings then other accidents / emergencies might well be deemed as a priority. No one likes to see a young child in pain thats why I expect other people offered to miss their turn but at the end of the day there is a triage system and if there were major concerns you would have been brought through quicker.

I have to say my own personal experiences at CGH have been positive - ive been 3 times for different things and at all times been seen very quickly and the staff have been marvellous.

Guess you had bad luck today with others being more unwell than the bairnatthe same time you attended. However looks like the injury was able to be attended to at the local surgery without any specialised medical interventions required. Shame going to the surgery in the 1st instance wasnt an option - it would have saved you a big wait

06-Nov-09, 21:44
in reply to LEANNE & GRONNUCK...
We only saw the receptionist!! we never got as far as getting to see a nurse we were left in the waiting room not a treatment room.
If there had been another other children in the waiting room I would of been prepared to wait it was the fact that 2 people asked if they could wait & my child be seen first & the nurse saying no that really annoyed me!
Little one didnt have stitches as there was nothing to stitch just a chunk out of the end of the finger thats very deep.

Well I've learnt something today and I have to say I'm more than a little concerned.
:eek: I wonder what medical qualifications this receptionist has that enables her to make decisions regarding medical treatment! I'd like to know before I ever have to go to A&E.

06-Nov-09, 23:23
Seems we have mysteriously vanishing posts again :roll:

07-Nov-09, 10:08
Glad your wee one is okay and all ended well. As you said they were very busy in A&E so probably when the blood was stemmed with the dressings then other accidents / emergencies might well be deemed as a priority. No one likes to see a young child in pain thats why I expect other people offered to miss their turn but at the end of the day there is a triage system and if there were major concerns you would have been brought through quicker.

I have to say my own personal experiences at CGH have been positive - ive been 3 times for different things and at all times been seen very quickly and the staff have been marvellous.

Guess you had bad luck today with others being more unwell than the bairnatthe same time you attended. However looks like the injury was able to be attended to at the local surgery without any specialised medical interventions required. Shame going to the surgery in the 1st instance wasnt an option - it would have saved you a big wait

Like I said we never saw any medical staff so how they can decide whats an emergency & what isnt just from what the receptionist has written is a disgrace. No-one came to check if the little one had stopped bleeding so for all they knew it could of still been bleeding.

Alice in Blunderland
07-Nov-09, 11:55
[email protected] :)

07-Nov-09, 12:37
Brie that is awful! Hope the bairn is ok and not too traumatised! It is disgraceful the way they work things and surely they should get it checked out before sending you 3 hours to wait!

I remember when i was pregnant with athrun i had severe stomach pains and got taken through to wich A & E. It was thought that i had a miscarrige and was waiting over 2 hours in the waiting room in pain! I was so upset and my OH was not pleased that we were left so long either! Luckily it was nothing too serious but it was serious enough after they said what was wrong!

Its not right the way they work!

Again Brie i hope the wee one is ok! x

07-Nov-09, 12:44
My first port of call with the wee man would alus be the doctors. It is generally closer and should they think you need to go to hospital they phone ahead or send you in an ambulance so there is not so much waiting anyhow.

Not much use to you just now but worth a thought for the future.

07-Nov-09, 13:57
Im totally disgusted by the hospital the three times ive been there were total hell.
Once when having my son that was a total joke where I was told after being induced twice to go home and try back in the morning as they were short staffed.
2nd time my son took a sever allergic reaction to a spider and we waited in the waiting room for 3 and a half hours and being completely honest I think we would have been waiting longer had I not told them I was annoyed and something had to be done I also pointed out to them that I could have been at raigmore within the time we had been left waiting. I was that upset by it all tears were pouring only then did they manage to do something!!
3rd time I went (a week ago) in severe pain caused by 2 problem and waited over 3 hours + in all even although I got looked at the doctor was to busy to listen to me and there was a severe language barrier and she went away and said she would come back and examine me I waited in pain for 30mins and then I just left still in agony and went and bought a load of temorary fixes from the chemist!!
Would tell everyone to be well warned this is not called care go to raigmore if you dont want to risk your life!!

The nurses are lovely and kind and caring as are the receptionists shame they dont run the hospital.

07-Nov-09, 18:09
well for once have to disagree with posts on caithness general hospital,
as one sunday morning i took heart attack,and family phoned ahead to say we
on out way,porter was waiting with wheel chair was taking to a&e where they saved my life, you here all the bad reports about hospital.but never the great job they do.
a&e staff to a great job and little thanks,

07-Nov-09, 19:12
Would just like to point out to folk on here sayin that they have waited for 3 hours and were annoyed and have pointed out to staff that they could of driven to Raigmore in that time. Well i hate 2 disappoint but A & E in Raigmore work on the same basis as Wick and with Inverness being a city they see a higher volume of patients than Wick so hence you would wait even longer! And if it was infact a medical emergency why would anyone consider a 2 hour drive if you are medically unstable with the potential of complications to your health?

07-Nov-09, 19:40
thing is with a child that young, surely he should have been seen before an adult? I would certainly wait and let a bairn go first - unless I was dying. If the others wanted to let the bairn go in, why would a nurse say, 'no'? A bit of a power trip me thinks! Even if they let you go through to the out patients where there are toys would have been something!
However i must say, the few times myself or my family have had to use this service we have been seen right away - but maybe we were just lucky they were not busy.

07-Nov-09, 19:40
Would just like to point out to folk on here sayin that they have waited for 3 hours and were annoyed and have pointed out to staff that they could of driven to Raigmore in that time. Well i hate 2 disappoint but A & E in Raigmore work on the same basis as Wick and with Inverness being a city they see a higher volume of patients than Wick so hence you would wait even longer! And if it was infact a medical emergency why would anyone consider a 2 hour drive if you are medically unstable with the potential of complications to your health?

Exactly...... have had good experiences of A&E in Wick - once I was unconsious so don't exactly remember but believe from what I was told was looked after very well. Also when took husband there 2 months ago had a very good and thorough examination , timeously , despite them being short staff.....

Took a friend to Raigmore A&E and had a traumatic long wait in busy A&E and also when sliced own hand in Aberdeen had a very very very very very very very long wait to get stitched up there......

There's always someone at the end of the queue unfortunately and we all want our nearest and dearest to be seen first - it's natural.....

07-Nov-09, 20:29
A&E will treat patients on a needs first basis,no matter if they are a child or an adult they have to make sure that those who need treated first do so.It is hard when you have a child in pain but the nurses do have a job to do,and they do it well.If the child had been in any danger it would have been taken before others.I myself have had to wait well over 3 hours to get my child seen and it is frustrating but when urgent medical attention is needed it will be given. I also have waited in A&E in Raigmore for more than 4 hours to be seen-not nice at all but necessary x

07-Nov-09, 20:52
at the end of the day -there is lots of people quick to slate caithness general but the staff do an excellent job despite all the well publicised difficulties of recruiting doctors etc. it was a shame your wee one was waiting so long but if you look at the facts really they couldnt have been that badly injured to be able to sit at the waiting area for 3 hours without requiring attention then they were able to go to the surgery to be treated in the end (someone has assessed that somewhere- im sure if your child was in danger you would have been rushed in immediately) Now in my mind if a person can wait that long no matter what age they are then I have to question whether it was an emergency in the first place.. Also if you are suggesting the hospital should offer a age priority system then perhaps you should offer suggestions on how that should work and get some public opinion to back you up rather than slate the systems that are in place presently. I am sure the hospital is always keen to hear ideas to improve its way of working though im sure that there are policies that prevent people being discriminated against because of age.

07-Nov-09, 21:07
also if the top of the childs finger was off then they would have seen immediately. By the sounds of it - - didnt they just take the skin off the top of a finger??

07-Nov-09, 22:00
Surely they would not have been made to wait for three hours to get it fixed if the top of the finger was off,the blood loss must have been quite traumatic for a child of that age? What a good child this must have been to sit for so long in A & E at 12months old bleeding profusely. Most children are scared of blood and demand plasters on the tiniest scratch. Cannot understand the nurse's attitude when others offered to let the child jump the queue.

All I can say about Caithness General A & E is brilliant, even when they have been busy busy with life threatening emergencies they did not ignore a casualty with a non life threatening heart complaint who had to be hospitalised.

08-Nov-09, 00:02
i have to disagree as well many a time ive had to go to caithness general a&e,what a service could not be better.

08-Nov-09, 00:06
Perhaps the message here is - do as you should do in the first place - contact your local surgery

Hospital Accident and Emergency should not to be be treated as a first aid post.

08-Nov-09, 00:25
I don't wish to minimise any individual's experience of illness or injury in any one hospital or an other but please take a moment to read this
....... from the story of Harry Patch who died ealier this year.........

'They were waiting in a huddle while No 1 was “attending to the call of nature”, when a shell exploded above them in a flash of light. Patch was thrown to the ground, and lay there conscious but “incapable of anything” for a couple of minutes before realising that he had been hit in the groin by shrapnel. He applied the field dressing that all soldiers carried with them and waited for the stretcher-bearers. Taken to a casualty clearing station, he had his wound cleaned and dressed by a doctor, but the shell fragment that had caused it remained in place. The anaesthetising effects of shock were wearing off, and he began to feel acute pain. Since his injury was less serious than many of those at the clearing station, he was obliged to wait until the following evening before being seen by another doctor.
He was told that the shrapnel could be removed but warned that no anaesthetic was available. Patch decided it was worth enduring two minutes of further pain, so four men held him down while the shell splinter was cut out of him and the wound stitched. Patch declined to accept the two-inch-long metal fragment as a souvenir, and was relieved to learn that his wound had been classed as “a Blighty one”, meaning he would be invalided back to Britain.

I think this puts our own difficulties into prospective. You can read the rest of the article at.....


08-Nov-09, 19:26
Perhaps the message here is - do as you should do in the first place - contact your local surgery

Hospital Accident and Emergency should not to be be treated as a first aid post.

Exactly, well said

08-Nov-09, 20:38
One of the things about targets is they can distort clinical judgement. Imagine, if after waiting 3hrs and 59 mins, the nurse or doctor has to decide whether to treat your child or someone with a significant injury.

I can understand your frustration at feeling as though your child's injury was not being taken seriously. But in an A & E ward, staff constantly have to reprioritise according to need. The notion that patients and casualties should decide who is seen first - as your post implies when others offered to wait - may be understandable but I'm sure most objective observers would rather these decisions were made by someone with clinical skills.

It doesn't sound like the injury was terribly serious, if it could be treated at a doctor's surgery without need for stitches.

I think there is a clue at the front door to the hospital where the sign says "accident and emergency". I'm not sure cutting a finger comes into that category.

08-Nov-09, 21:25
also if the top of the childs finger was off then they would have seen immediately. By the sounds of it - - didnt they just take the skin off the top of a finger??

NO! he hadnt just taken the skin of the end of his finger! do you honestly think I would of wasted my time travelling 12 miles to the hospital then sat there for 3 hrs for a small cut!! [evil]
Let me say it yet again for those that cant be bothered reading the original post properly!
My child fell on broken glass taking a chunk out of the end of his finger which was bleeding profusely, I had already done the basic first aid at home of trying to stem the blood flow, putting a dressing on etc but the bleeding wouldnt stop, I did what I thought best & took him to the A&E at no point did any medical staff look at my childs hand & how the heck they could assess the damage he had done by simply reading what the receptionist had put was beyond me! can i also point out that the receptionist couldnt even of had an opinion on what damage he had done because he still had it all bandaged up!!
Like i said previously I would quite happily of sat & waited if others were obviously more in need but when people are offering to wait while my child was seen why the heck did they make us wait?? especially when it was obvious my child was in distress.& in answer to whoever it was that said they obviously assessed who was more in need of being seen first one of the patients was there with a suspected fractured hand is that more important than a bleeding baby?? in my opinion its not!![evil]

08-Nov-09, 21:30
I think there is a clue at the front door to the hospital where the sign says "accident and emergency". I'm not sure cutting a finger comes into that category.

this actually made me laugh! so if someone cuts there finger causing ligament damage & needing surgery where do they go?? isnt cutting your finger an accident!

08-Nov-09, 22:24
sorry to hear about your laddie brie. Sounds like a terrible experience. It is possible that they overlooked your situation and in my opinion a bairn should be jumped through the queue if there are lots of other adult non-emergencies waiting.. Imho. A few years back i had to be dragged in there because i managed to rearrange my ankle. I must say i wasn't pleased i had to sit and wait for a laddie to explain and show a minor dog bite to reception whilst my foot was in the air but, hanging 180 degrees resting bent over on my leg! Lol. In the end tho i was seen quickly and they knocked me out and reset my ankle despite it being broke in three places. I then got ambulanced to raigmore for surgery and the surgeon commented on how well the doctor at caithness managed to reset it. So, i must say in my experience they did me well. Perhaps, you arrived at a busy time and it was hectic. I know it must have been awfully frustrating seeing yer wee man in pain.

08-Nov-09, 22:28
Brie i think you are quite right in what you are saying! I know of many people who have had to wait for serious matters aswell. As i said in my first post it was thought i had lost my baby yet they still made me sit there in tears so upset at the thought of it and in pain.

Again the same situation as yourself people offered i go before them but no! I asked if i could just go to the maternity unit to check for a heartbeat but no i got told to sit back down.

Its absolutely rediculous! and i did complain to the NHS Highland board about my experience and what did i get back "Dear Miss Bain, Thank you for your feedback"

[evil] Yes the nurses are doing an excellent job but seriously....3 hours for a 12 month old child to sit with his finger bleeding heavily is not on!

09-Nov-09, 00:25
NO! he hadnt just taken the skin of the end of his finger! do you honestly think I would of wasted my time travelling 12 miles to the hospital then sat there for 3 hrs for a small cut!! [evil]

The point is that the child should have been rapidly assessed by a doctor; it would only have taken a minute or two, and then a nurse could have applied a dressing or whatever. It was the attitude of the nurse who rejected the offers made by other casualties to allow your child to go in ahead of them that surprises me. What point was there in this refusal?

09-Nov-09, 00:52
i cannot believe what im reading!! if i ever have to go to a&e im going to be anxious/nervous i will not get seen to:eek: this is ridiculous!

09-Nov-09, 11:34
Last time in A&E I was very impressed with the staff who do a very hard and demanding job. As we were in one of the treatment rooms we overheard "people" in the next room cursing and swearing at the nursing staff who unbelievably were still remaining calm and proffesional. After the "people" in the next room deciced to go out for a "fag" and then just didn't bother coming back, the nurse came back to us. We commented that she should not have to put up with this and she shrugged her shoulders, smiled and said "you get used to it".

My point is you don't know what is going on in the treatment rooms, also as for waiting, is there still not a sign on the door asking "If you think you are a priority please ring the bell". As for a child with a cut finger being more important than an adult smiling but with say a sore chest, HMMMM!!! I don't know.

09-Nov-09, 11:45
personally i have never had a bad moment with the staff at caithness general. they have always been super helpful and willing to do what ever was necessary to help you.
saying that ive never been in when there was loads of people waiting to be seen.
have been up a few times with ben as he can do some humdingers to himeself!
once as about a year old, i caught him drinking baby oil!! called the drs. surgery who called poision control and raigmore, and then sent us to the hospital to have exrays to make sure he didnt get any in his lungs.
was down there for about an hours or so that time, but more just because the dr was fussing over him as he had never had a baby that drank baby oil!
however it did come out the other end.. ewwwww...
but all in all.. a huge thumbs up for the staff from my end!!!

09-Nov-09, 11:47
I've always found the staff in Caithness A&E very professional and friendly. If they've took their time to see you then it shows that they are being very thorough and careful with people before you.

09-Nov-09, 19:15
re hospital staff they are over worked,under staffed but yet we moan,sorry there was no toys for your little one to play with

09-Nov-09, 20:37
re hospital staff they are over worked,under staffed but yet we moan,sorry there was no toys for your little one to play with

There are toys there - last time I was in A&E the receptionist took a couple with a child to where the toys are.

Maybe they though that with your child bleeding profusely from the finger they wouldn't be able to play with the toys? Best not contaminate them with blood...

Edit - I don't know how to word that to make it sound supportive, sorry if it comes across as sarcastic, that wasn't how it was meant...

09-Nov-09, 20:58
After all the complaining and feeling the service is bad at Wick hospital. dont worry because it will be closed down before we know it!
it seems to me that it is going to reduce its services down to nothing then it will just be a big Wick white elephant..
and we can all look forward to the long trip by road to Raigmore......

09-Nov-09, 21:58
dont worry because it will be closed down before we know it

Think someones been reading the caithness courier :roll:

10-Nov-09, 01:55
After all the complaining and feeling the service is bad at Wick hospital. dont worry because it will be closed down before we know it!
it seems to me that it is going to reduce its services down to nothing then it will just be a big Wick white elephant..
and we can all look forward to the long trip by road to Raigmore......
.................................................. ............................

Dont be silly. theres no way our hospital is going to close, it is improving and progressing all the time. we have just got a ct scanner.Rumours, rumours, rumours.
Also we are very very lucky with our A&E department and the caring hard working staff in it. If you were in edinburgh etc you would have to wait hours. I cant beleive they would have made a child with his finger tip cut off, bleeding heavily, sit and wait all that time. Not unless they were dealing with say car crash victims.

10-Nov-09, 05:21
I have just spent my afternoon in A&E after my 12 month old fell on some glass & sliced the end off his finger! it was bleeding profusely when we arrived & the lady at reception had to go for dressings to stem the blood:(.
Now I know A&E can get busy & today was definately that.There was a waiting room full of people & an ambulance had come in.
But can someone please explain how there waiting system works?? obviously ambulances with emergencies take priority over everything but then what? is it first come first served?
We sat in that waiting room for 3 hours!! two people in the waiting room called before us actually asked the nurse if they were going to call my baby first, the reply was 'NO!'.
I wouldnt of minded waiting so long if anyone waiting before me was a priority but doesnt common sense tell them that a bleeding baby might be a little more important than a swollen hand or sore back!!
I eventually left after 3 hours without even seeing a doctor!! I decided it was quicker to take him to the local surgery.
This isnt the first time ive had a bad experience with the A&E and I will definately be thinking twice before I dash back there again.[evil]

It's the same in any hospital emergency around here too! Disgusting really, that these governments can make profit, lend money to other countries. . . but can't afford to take care of even basic health needs of it's citizens!

10-Nov-09, 13:28
re hospital staff they are over worked,under staffed but yet we moan,sorry there was no toys for your little one to play with

And heres another one that has decided to only digest certain details of the thread![disgust] honest some people!

10-Nov-09, 14:16
And heres another one that has decided to only digest certain details of the thread![disgust] honest some people!

I am just glad ur wee lad is ok....:D

10-Nov-09, 16:20
Thanks BINBOB.:D At the end of the day that all that really matters.

John Baikie
10-Nov-09, 16:51
I've been in A&E 3 times in the last 2 weeks and have been treated great. One time I had to wait a while but as it was busy and I wasn't in too much danger of dying I expected not to be a priority. I think some of us just are too impatient at times - I hate waiting around for anything to be honest but this is different, and you need to accept that there are serious emergencies coming in all the time.

10-Nov-09, 17:27
have been in the A&E a couple of times had to wait a wee while on one occasion but staff were run of their feet
I have found all the staff to be very friendly and professional
good job they are on call 24 hours every day

10-Nov-09, 18:08
There is a bell in a&e to press if you need someone urgently, like if you are having a heart attack and someone will answer straight away.

10-Nov-09, 19:17
And heres another one that has decided to only digest certain details of the thread![disgust] honest some people!
no i read all the detail,s,a-e do a great job

11-Nov-09, 21:23
Had to take my son there last night,seen and treated within an hour -seen in first instance in less than 5 minutes and then a wee wait for the doctor to come but all in all great service and lovely staff nurse x

11-Nov-09, 23:39
hope your sons ok thumper x

12-Nov-09, 10:01
hope your sons ok thumper x

Thanks Brie,he is fine now,the joys of having kids eh?:roll::lol:x

12-Nov-09, 10:13
Back down in London I waited 10 hrs in casualty to see a Doctor.He then told me exactly what the Triage nurse had told me 9.5hrs earlier.People who came in shouting and swearing were seen before those of us who were sitting patiently. Give the staff at CGH a break,they do a stressful job for crap pay.If you think you can do better crack on.How do any of us know what other priorities the staff have to deal with first.I`m sure they deal with everyone in a fair order.

13-Nov-09, 04:42
It is so nice to see so many of you supporting our hospital on here. we are very lucky to have it. If i take very ill i hope i go to Caithness General, not Raigmore or anywhere else, as i know i will be well looked after and properly treated in wick, as i have been in the past.
If anyone has a complaint it should be sent to the hospital manager or the patients council, not aired on here.
I have nothing but praise for all the departments in our hospital and all the staff from consultant to cleaner, and the catering department. You wont find a cleaner hospital than Caithness General..
Brie, this isnt the first time you have complained on here , .about A&E in wick, the last time being may 15th and on 16th march about raigmore.Yet on 17th march when posting about Caithness General you stated "I couldn't fault the staff at Caithness General when.....".

13-Nov-09, 22:41
Brie, this isnt the first time you have complained on here , .about A&E in wick, the last time being may 15th and on 16th march about raigmore.Yet on 17th march when posting about Caithness General you stated "I couldn't fault the staff at Caithness General when.....".

Yes, I think that BRIE has perhaps been telling a few porkies! :eek:

14-Nov-09, 11:28
It's a dangerous road to go down to tell people that they shouldn't discuss something about a public service if they are not happy with it. They should also raise the issue through the proper channels.

Obviously we all support our local services but if you are not happy then you should raise a complaint - isn't that what continuous improvement is about?

No service is 100% brilliant all the time and saying that doesn't equate to wanting to have it shut down! Nothing is that black and white :confused

14-Nov-09, 14:11
Absolutely correct FRAN well done for going back through the post to get the correct dates etc apart from May 15th 2008 was the first time I complained not the last. But I'm sure I put on a recent post that Ive complained before! it isn't a secret:confused
First complaint I made was May 15th 2008 after my son who was 14 at the time was brought in by ambulance following an accident, I arrived at the hospital extremely worried etc after the dreaded phone call,( I was also 9 months pregnant at the time) to be told to wait in the waiting room until the doctor had seen my son, I was only allowed to see my son once the doctor had been & then had to go & find a nurse to ask them what the doctor had said! I think this was worthy of a complaint & I'm sure any mother in the same position would agree! when a child is scared & hurt all they want is their parent.
Second complaint was on the 16th March 2009 in response to someone Else's post complaining about Raigmore Children's hospital I agreed stating that when I had 2 of my children admitted one nurse kept shouting at my 8 yr old daughter who had just come round from being unconscious, my daughter had been seriously ill & i thought it unacceptable for a nurse to behave like this.
Yes on the 17th March 2009 again on the same thread I did praise the staff on the ward at Caithness General hospital they were absolutely fantastic from the nurses to the cleaners they bend over backwards to do everything they could for you, Fantastic people!
& just for the record I also complained about the maternity ward on the 18th March 2009 & the fact they were so short staffed.
I dont actually know what your post was getting at FRAN ? I havent tryed to hide anything & as you can see it obviously wasnt just a bad day the A&E were having as ive had a couple of bad experiences. I havent complained about Caithness General as a whole as there is no need to, the staff on the general ward are fantastic also out patients, x-ray & physio are fantastic! I am just pointing out factors of the hospital that could be improved, maybe it was just certain staff that were on shift on those particular days I went as there is one male nurse in A&E who is brilliant or maybe its just the system that is wrong.
So there it is I voiced my opinion on more than one occasion feel free to shoot me!!:eek:
STAVRO please also enlighten me as to the porkie pies ive been telling![evil]

14-Nov-09, 15:43
I am just pointing out factors of the hospital that could be improved

If you contact PALS or write to the general manager about your complaints it will have more effect that whining on here. If you were that bother you would have done so. Or are you just a habitual whiner?

The staff in A&E are busy, they cannot be checking everyone in the waiting room is OK every 15 minutes or so. You still haven't answered the question - after sitting there for 3 hours and not seeing anyone other than the receptionist, did you press the urgent bell? Did you try and stop one of the medical staff? Or did you just sit there and fume?

A couple of days ago I myself was in A&E. I rang the bell to grab the attention of the receptionist and was really impressed that she sat down with me to fill in the registration form (really personal touch I feel - most hospitals you have a counter between you and your first point of contact). During my time there there was a gentleman stood at the window. The receptionist was at her computer and didn't see him. This gentleman was stood there huffing and puffing for a good 5 minutes yet he didn't press the bell or say "Excuse me" through the open window. I finally got annoyed with him and went up to the window and caught her attention myself. She apologised for not seeing him - why should she have to? She was doing her job and he hadn't even made himself know. I feel that people should take responsibility a bit for their own actions. You can hardly condemn someone for not doing something if you don't make them aware that there is a problem in the first place...

I'm not shooting you down, I'm just trying to make you aware that if you had rang the bell and said that you child was really traumatised them I'm sure they would have prioritised you. From your lack of response to the previous question (asked by someone else initially) I'm assuming (as this is all I can do without the answer to said question) that you didn't alert anyone. Without this alert as to how serious you felt the injury was, how were the medical staff to know?

14-Nov-09, 16:09
Brie, thank you for the bad rep you gave me.
You must have known you would get negative feedback on your comments about the hospital.
Your last post had some good comments about the hospital, and I'm sure the charge nurse "the nice male nurse" as you stated,, will be delighted with your comment.

14-Nov-09, 16:18
If you contact PALS or write to the general manager about your complaints it will have more effect that whining on here. If you were that bother you would have done so. Or are you just a habitual whiner?

The staff in A&E are busy, they cannot be checking everyone in the waiting room is OK every 15 minutes or so. You still haven't answered the question - after sitting there for 3 hours and not seeing anyone other than the receptionist, did you press the urgent bell? Did you try and stop one of the medical staff? Or did you just sit there and fume?

A couple of days ago I myself was in A&E. I rang the bell to grab the attention of the receptionist and was really impressed that she sat down with me to fill in the registration form (really personal touch I feel - most hospitals you have a counter between you and your first point of contact). During my time there there was a gentleman stood at the window. The receptionist was at her computer and didn't see him. This gentleman was stood there huffing and puffing for a good 5 minutes yet he didn't press the bell or say "Excuse me" through the open window. I finally got annoyed with him and went up to the window and caught her attention myself. She apologised for not seeing him - why should she have to? She was doing her job and he hadn't even made himself know. I feel that people should take responsibility a bit for their own actions. You can hardly condemn someone for not doing something if you don't make them aware that there is a problem in the first place...

I'm not shooting you down, I'm just trying to make you aware that if you had rang the bell and said that you child was really traumatised them I'm sure they would have prioritised you. From your lack of response to the previous question (asked by someone else initially) I'm assuming (as this is all I can do without the answer to said question) that you didn't alert anyone. Without this alert as to how serious you felt the injury was, how were the medical staff to know?

firstly is everyone who rights a thread on here having a moan a habitual whiner??
For your information this is now the second time i have written to the hospital complaining does it make it any better NO!!
In answer to did i ring the bell? no i did not ring the bell, there was no need for me to as all the staff were quite aware I was still there! when nurses were coming out of A&E for tea breaks saying 'are you still here!' it was obvious they knew i was still waiting plus when when a lady did come in & ring the bell the nurse came out & nearly bite the poor womans head off!! also my son made his presence quite clear by screaming the place down! I apologise for not answering this question before i must of missed it.:eek:

14-Nov-09, 16:26
Brie, thank you for the bad rep you gave me.
You must have known you would get negative feedback on your comments about the hospital.
Your last post had some good comments about the hospital, and I'm sure the charge nurse "the nice male nurse" as you stated,, will be delighted with your comment.
your very welcome Fran but you still didnt answer the question? what was your point for stating I had complained on other occasions?
Yes i was well aware I would get people who had different opinions of the hospital but no other person seemed to have a problem with the fact I have posted my opinions of the hospital on here before.

14-Nov-09, 17:16
Slightly off topic, but still about Caithness General, tho not the A and E dept:-

Following my dad`s stay in CG recently he was discharged with a bag of medications which he was unable to manage as he is disabled and normally has his medications in a dosset folder made up by the chemist. I felt it was silly knowing a patient arrived with the folder then they should leave with meds the same way, so I wrote a polite letter pointing this out and addressed it to the general manager, along with all the positive aspects of his stay in CG.

The reply arrived within a few days explaining this was an oversight and had there been time the community pharmacy would have been contacted to dosset medication ready for dad`s discharge. The question of medication at home would be brought up now on admission so this shouldn`t happen again.

Just for the record the hospital pharmacy are not allowed to dosset medication for clients, and the community pharmacy are not allowed to dosset medications they did not dispense (i.e. the carrier bag full of pills given on discharge).

14-Nov-09, 19:35
STAVRO please also enlighten me as to the porkie pies ive been telling![evil]

Well, let's see now. You first of all told us that your child had "sliced the end off his finger."

I have just spent my afternoon in A&E after my 12 month old fell on some glass & sliced the end off his finger!

And that it was "bleeding profusely."

it was bleeding profusely when we arrived & the lady at reception had to go for dressings to stem the blood.

Then you "sat in the waiting room for 3 hours!!"

We sat in that waiting room for 3 hours!!

Was his finger "bleeding profusely" for 3 hours? Did his finger need microsurgery? Did he lose the tip of his finger? Did you ring the bell, as Leanne asked you? Apparently not.

Then some sort of dragon in uniform came out -

two people in the waiting room called before us actually asked the nurse if they were going to call my baby first, the reply was 'NO!'.

Again, you claim that the medical staff were lazy and unprofessional -

I eventually left after 3 hours without even seeing a doctor!! I decided it was quicker to take him to the local surgery.
This isnt the first time ive had a bad experience with the A&E and I will definately be thinking twice before I dash back there again.

And AGAIN, three hours (!!) with the "tip of his finger off" and "bleeding profusely" -

... poor thing was really getting hungry after 3 hours ...
I know in England infants take priority over non emergencies this cant be the case in Scotland.

You "saw no medical staff" -

in reply to LEANNE & GRONNUCK...
We only saw the receptionist!! we never got as far as getting to see a nurse we were left in the waiting room not a treatment room.

Despite the fact that you had briefly encountered the dragon in uniform (aka a nurse) -

it was the fact that 2 people asked if they could wait & my child be seen first & the nurse saying no that really annoyed me!
Little one didnt have stitches as there was nothing to stitch just a chunk out of the end of the finger thats very deep.

Then, all of a sudden, "there was nothing to stitch."

Little one didnt have stitches as there was nothing to stitch just a chunk out of the end of the finger thats very deep.

So "the tip of his finger was off," but "there was nothing to stitch"? Something not quite right here. Despite this, you again accuse the medical staff, apparently without any justification or basis in fact -

Like I said we never saw any medical staff so how they can decide whats an emergency & what isnt just from what the receptionist has written is a disgrace. No-one came to check if the little one had stopped bleeding so for all they knew it could of still been bleeding.

Suddenly "he hadn't [even] just taken the skin off the end of his finger,"

NO! he hadnt just taken the skin of the end of his finger! do you honestly think I would of wasted my time travelling 12 miles to the hospital then sat there for 3 hrs for a small cut!!

Despite "the tip of his finger" changing to "a chunk out of the end of his finger," which "didn't [even] need a stitch," you maintained that he was "bleeding profusely" and that "the bleeding wouldn't stop,"

My child fell on broken glass taking a chunk out of the end of his finger which was bleeding profusely, ... the bleeding wouldnt stop,

Once again, you maintain that the medical staff were negligent in ignoring a "baby" whose finger tip was sliced off and who was "bleeding profusely,"

at no point did any medical staff look at my childs hand ...

The tip sliced off the finger, which changed to a chunk out that did not need a stitch, then transmutes into a "cut,"

isnt cutting your finger an accident!

With your "baby" "bleeding profusely" for who-knows-what reason and nurses stepping over you to rush to their tea-beaks, did you ring the bell (as Leanne asked)? Err, ... no.

In answer to did i ring the bell? no i did not ring the bell, there was no need for me to ...

Finally, the nurses in A&E, ACCORDING TO YOU, BRIE, are not only uncaring monsters, but also are severely deprived of food -

nurses were coming out of A&E for tea breaks ... when a lady did come in & ring the bell the nurse came out & nearly bite the poor womans head off!!


A porkie or two? I think that I put it mildly! :D

14-Nov-09, 21:51
Never had any problem with Raigmore and never had to wait 3 hours in an emergency situation Im talking from fact and not just some exaggeration.
I think your being very unfair on Brie as sadly it looks like she encountered one of there off times.
Everyone in Caithness is entitled to an opinion and its even better when its a first hand opinion.
Fed up of everyone trying to be-little peoples own opinions and facts and making them feel bad.
Someone said to me the other day the org is nothing more than a place for people to argue and make other people feel bad just to make themselves feel better and only now am I seriously starting to think they are right [disgust]:~(

Would just like to point out to folk on here sayin that they have waited for 3 hours and were annoyed and have pointed out to staff that they could of driven to Raigmore in that time. Well i hate 2 disappoint but A & E in Raigmore work on the same basis as Wick and with Inverness being a city they see a higher volume of patients than Wick so hence you would wait even longer! And if it was infact a medical emergency why would anyone consider a 2 hour drive if you are medically unstable with the potential of complications to your health?

15-Nov-09, 00:45
Well, let's see now. You first of all told us that your child had "sliced the end off his finger."

And that it was "bleeding profusely."

Then you "sat in the waiting room for 3 hours!!"

Was his finger "bleeding profusely" for 3 hours? Did his finger need microsurgery? Did he lose the tip of his finger? Did you ring the bell, as Leanne asked you? Apparently not.

Then some sort of dragon in uniform came out -

Again, you claim that the medical staff were lazy and unprofessional -

And AGAIN, three hours (!!) with the "tip of his finger off" and "bleeding profusely" -

You "saw no medical staff" -

Despite the fact that you had briefly encountered the dragon in uniform (aka a nurse) -

Then, all of a sudden, "there was nothing to stitch."

So "the tip of his finger was off," but "there was nothing to stitch"? Something not quite right here. Despite this, you again accuse the medical staff, apparently without any justification or basis in fact -

Suddenly "he hadn't [even] just taken the skin off the end of his finger,"

Despite "the tip of his finger" changing to "a chunk out of the end of his finger," which "didn't [even] need a stitch," you maintained that he was "bleeding profusely" and that "the bleeding wouldn't stop,"

Once again, you maintain that the medical staff were negligent in ignoring a "baby" whose finger tip was sliced off and who was "bleeding profusely,"

The tip sliced off the finger, which changed to a chunk out that did not need a stitch, then transmutes into a "cut,"

With your "baby" "bleeding profusely" for who-knows-what reason and nurses stepping over you to rush to their tea-beaks, did you ring the bell (as Leanne asked)? Err, ... no.

Finally, the nurses in A&E, ACCORDING TO YOU, BRIE, are not only uncaring monsters, but also are severely deprived of food -


A porkie or two? I think that I put it mildly! :D

Absolutly Brilliant!!!!!!!!

15-Nov-09, 00:58
Absolutly Brilliant!!!!!!!!

For the very first time I agree. At no point did this lady ring the emergency bell so therefore the staff cannot be blamed for her wait. If she deems the emergency bell unwarranted then surely the child wasn't that badly injured...

15-Nov-09, 01:05
Absolutly Brilliant!!!!!!!!

For the very first time I agree. At no point did this lady ring the emergency bell so therefore the staff cannot be blamed for her wait. If she deems the emergency bell unwarranted then surely the child wasn't that badly injured...

Thank you for your comments. :)

15-Nov-09, 10:13
Well, let's see now. You first of all told us that your child had "sliced the end off his finger."
thats correct!

And that it was "bleeding profusely."
also correct!

Then you "sat in the waiting room for 3 hours!!"
also correct!

Was his finger "bleeding profusely" for 3 hours? Did his finger need microsurgery? Did he lose the tip of his finger? Did you ring the bell, as Leanne asked you? Apparently not.
No his finger did bleed profusely for 3 hours nor did it need microsurgery but I never claimed it did so no porkies there either!!
Then some sort of dragon in uniform came out -
Did they I never said that either!

Again, you claim that the medical staff were lazy and unprofessional -
nope never claimed that either did I !!

And AGAIN, three hours (!!) with the "tip of his finger off" and "bleeding profusely" -

You "saw no medical staff" -

Despite the fact that you had briefly encountered the dragon in uniform (aka a nurse) -
no i didnt encounter a nurse I said a lady came in & rang the bell not me!!

Then, all of a sudden, "there was nothing to stitch."
i never said it needed stitching!

So "the tip of his finger was off," but "there was nothing to stitch"? Something not quite right here. Despite this, you again accuse the medical staff, apparently without any justification or basis in fact -
it would be hard to stitch skin together that isnt there! never accused medical staff of anything!

Suddenly "he hadn't [even] just taken the skin off the end of his finger,"
what did it magically disappear! cos i never said it had!

Despite "the tip of his finger" changing to "a chunk out of the end of his finger," which "didn't [even] need a stitch," you maintained that he was "bleeding profusely" and that "the bleeding wouldn't stop,"
yes thats correct!

Once again, you maintain that the medical staff were negligent in ignoring a "baby" whose finger tip was sliced off and who was "bleeding profusely,"

The tip sliced off the finger, which changed to a chunk out that did not need a stitch, then transmutes into a "cut,"
does it really! & your a doctor are you! I think not.

With your "baby" "bleeding profusely" for who-knows-what reason and nurses stepping over you to rush to their tea-beaks, did you ring the bell (as Leanne asked)? Err, ... no.
no need to ring the bell they knew i was there.

Finally, the nurses in A&E, ACCORDING TO YOU, BRIE, are not only uncaring monsters, but also are severely deprived of food -
& where exactly did I write that then!!


A porkie or two? I think that I put it mildly! :D
or maybe you just like to make it up as you go along!!

ok STAVRO first of all please get your facts right!! if you would like to go back & read the posts properly at NO point did I say the staff were neglegent, lazy, unproffessional or uncaring monsters!! nor did I say a monster in uniform came out!
Yes my son sliced the end of his finger off did I say he sliced it off to the bone or that it needed microsurgery NO!! I pointed out that it was a chunk off the end of the finger to demonstrate that it hadnt gone deep enough to cause any permenant damage & it was something that couldnt be stitched.
Are you trying to say that my child wasnt bleeding profusely or in your medical opinion does a child not bleed from such an injury! not that you would know as you dont have children do you!

so STAVRO maybe next time that you are going to contibute to a thread I have started you might like to put the fact of WHO I am aside & maybe not make it a personal matter i.e making out im a liar! & for those who thought his post was brilliant maybe go back & read it again & see which bits are fact & how much porkies STAVRO added to make himself look good!!
also thank you to leanne for the negative rep. unsolicited post??? :lol:

15-Nov-09, 10:32
Never had any problem with Raigmore and never had to wait 3 hours in an emergency situation Im talking from fact and not just some exaggeration.
I think your being very unfair on Brie as sadly it looks like she encountered one of there off times.
Everyone in Caithness is entitled to an opinion and its even better when its a first hand opinion.
Fed up of everyone trying to be-little peoples own opinions and facts and making them feel bad.
Someone said to me the other day the org is nothing more than a place for people to argue and make other people feel bad just to make themselves feel better and only now am I seriously starting to think they are right [disgust]:~(

Thank you! & I agree with you, I remember when this forum used to be about free speech everyone could air their opinion & it never became personal! now I know why the majority of the original posters have left!! :(
I am now closing this thread as I think it has become personal enough!