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05-Nov-09, 22:10
help i have CLEVER rats under the concrete at my stable luckily the dogs got 1 and have set up traps for the other blighters, but would like any other ideas to help get rid as there very destructive s helppppppppppp

05-Nov-09, 22:16
Put a hose on the exhaust of any diesel car or tractor and put the hose into the hole and step up the revs on the vehicle and get ready with your shovels as they dont take long to come out their habitat.

05-Nov-09, 22:20
yes that sound good will have the dogs at the ready

05-Nov-09, 22:33
I am calling the RAT PRESERVATION SOCIETY ...right now!!!!;)

05-Nov-09, 22:38
Better not tell you the other methods for controlling them then : )

05-Nov-09, 22:39
hev you got poison Nickers.... got some at house if you need....we put them in a drain pipe so the dogs don't eat it and lay it somewhere..... failing that the collie usually nabs them before the poison gets a chance

05-Nov-09, 22:49
I thought the title said 'Help rats'?

You lot are trying to kill them!

05-Nov-09, 22:54
never mind poor rats they are wrecking my stables i will put poison down as a last resort ,as the dogs take all of 5 sec if that 2 kill the rat but thanks for the offer might take u up on that yet

05-Nov-09, 23:01
Can lend you some russells! have two ratters and a cat keeps them at bay oh and a good dose of the green rat food!

05-Nov-09, 23:18
Donnick, you've already said they are very clever rats.

Have you tried negotiating with them - or offering them a place at Heriot Watt Uni?

05-Nov-09, 23:53
Donnick, you've already said they are very clever rats.

Have you tried negotiating with them - or offering them a place at Heriot Watt Uni?

Whats Heriot Watt done to deserve this?.....Send the rats to the Open University....its in Milton Keynes [lol]

06-Nov-09, 00:39
Donnick, you've already said they are very clever rats.

Have you tried negotiating with them - or offering them a place at Heriot Watt Uni?

But anyway sorry to hear about your rat problem. Hope you get them 'taken care of' soon!

06-Nov-09, 01:23
the clever rats turned down ur invite as they wont be living long enough 2 get a bursary hopefully but if they do happen 2 outsmart me i will invite them out 2 dinner that should finish them off Ta muchly

06-Nov-09, 02:48
I thought the title said 'Help rats'?

You lot are trying to kill them!'

Me too, I thought someone wanted to give rats some help. :eek:

I must have been away from the org too long! LOL [lol]

06-Nov-09, 10:00
yes maybe i have titled it wrongly :lol:thank you for all ur help they are getting a last reprieve as i am away the weekend so they can party like its hot for 1 last weekend but then i am calling the A team ,but please keep coming with ideas ....by the way KEEP ON TRUCKING why do u put poison nickers down :lol:got yah on that 1 :lol:

06-Nov-09, 10:21
If you have rats, then you have a food source.

You need to tidy that up or they'll just be back.

06-Nov-09, 10:24
You have to keep changing to different kinds of rat poison as they are clever little sods, they get to know what is dangerous to eat, we were getting a lot of eggs stolen then happened to watch a programme how they take the eggs back to thier young, one rat would lie on its back with the egg resting on its belly as another rat would pull it by its tail to take the egg to the nest. Get lots of cats that really sorts them out.

06-Nov-09, 10:54
I am all for helping rats
lets start a rat sanctuary as a lot of people on the org want to save all wild life and you can put a lot of rats in an airplane and they don't have to be kept wet or need special care also they are easy to feed (did someone mention POISON shame on you)
Please give freely and save the rats

Kevin Milkins
06-Nov-09, 11:22
Rats are a pain if you let them take get a good foot hold on your farm or stables, and as thebigman has already pointed out, good housekeeping is very important place to start in the eradication of them from your stable.

We had a massive issue with the blighters on one farm that I worked on and apart from the health implications they present, they can do a lot of damage and make life a little jumpy.:eek:

I would recommend an ongoing baiting policy, and if they are coming up through a concrete floor, mix broken glass with concrete to fill the holes in.

Good luck

06-Nov-09, 11:31
They are a complete nuisance! we have 2 lurchers and they have picked them off slowly. Not seen any in ages now - they used to sit and stare you out!

06-Nov-09, 13:29
hello again i will only use poison a last resort i have removed all feed source .I did have them here about 6 year ago and after killing daddy rat who was the size of a small dog ( ok a slight egsaduration )they left .haggis(the neighbours cat) across the road has successfully got rid of 1 my dogs got another so maybe with us picking them off slowly they will get the message and clear off ...and yes who ever want to help the rats in any way ie a sanctuary i will gladly donate them to ur properly :lol:

06-Nov-09, 19:26
And please make sure you are washing hands properly after working in the area because of the risk of Leptospirosis (Weil's disease).

06-Nov-09, 23:03
we were getting a lot of eggs stolen then happened to watch a programme how they take the eggs back to thier young, one rat would lie on its back with the egg resting on its belly as another rat would pull it by its tail to take the egg to the nest.

Wow that IS clever!! :eek:

06-Nov-09, 23:04
yes maybe i have titled it wrongly :lol:thank you for all ur help they are getting a last reprieve as i am away the weekend so they can party like its hot for 1 last weekend but then i am calling the A team ,but please keep coming with ideas ....by the way KEEP ON TRUCKING why do u put poison nickers down :lol:got yah on that 1 :lol:

poison nickers because if your rats are anything like wurs they're dirty beggars hahahahahah

got ya back sweet cheeks